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Vol 43, No 12 (2017)

Plasma Diagnostics

CXSFIT Code Application to Process Charge-Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy Data at the T-10 Tokamak

Serov S.V., Tugarinov S.N., Klyuchnikov L.A., Krupin V.A., von Hellermann M.


The applicability of the CXSFIT code to process experimental data from Charge-eXchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) diagnostics at the T-10 tokamak is studied with a view to its further use for processing experimental data at the ITER facility. The design and operating principle of the CXRS diagnostics are described. The main methods for processing the CXRS spectra of the 5291-Å line of C5+ ions at the T-10 tokamak (with and without subtraction of parasitic emission from the edge plasma) are analyzed. The method of averaging the CXRS spectra over several shots, which is used at the T-10 tokamak to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, is described. The approximation of the spectrum by a set of Gaussian components is used to identify the active CXRS line in the measured spectrum. Using the CXSFIT code, the ion temperature in ohmic discharges and discharges with auxiliary electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) at the T-10 tokamak is calculated from the CXRS spectra of the 5291-Å line. The time behavior of the ion temperature profile in different ohmic heating modes is studied. The temperature profile dependence on the ECRH power is measured, and the dynamics of ECR removal of carbon nuclei from the T-10 plasma is described. Experimental data from the CXRS diagnostics at T-10 substantially contribute to the implementation of physical programs of studies on heat and particle transport in tokamak plasmas and investigation of geodesic acoustic mode properties.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(12):1123-1131
pages 1123-1131 views

Plasma Dynamics

Study of Plasma Flows Generated in Plasma Focus Discharge in Different Regimes of Working Gas Filling

Voitenko D.A., Ananyev S.S., Astapenko G.I., Basilaia A.D., Markolia A.I., Mitrofanov K.N., Myalton V.V., Timoshenko A.P., Kharrasov A.M., Krauz V.I.


Results are presented from experimental studies of the plasma flows generated in the KPF-4 Phoenix Mather-type plasma focus device (Sukhum Physical Technical Institute). In order to study how the formation and dynamics of the plasma flow depend on the initial distribution of the working gas, a system of pulsed gas puffing into the discharge volume was developed. The system allows one to create profiled gas distributions, including those with a reduced gas density in the region of plasma flow propagation. Results of measurements of the magnetic field, flow profile, and flow deceleration dynamics at different initial distributions of the gas pressure are presented.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(12):1132-1146
pages 1132-1146 views

Study of Implosion of Combined Nested Arrays

Mitrofanov K.N., Aleksandrov V.V., Grabovski E.V., Sasorov P.V., Branitsky A.V., Gritsuk A.N., Frolov I.N., Laukhin Y.N.


New experimental data on the implosion of plasma of nested kapron−tungsten arrays are obtained at the Angara-5-1 facility. The mode of plasma implosion is implemented in which a shock wave region forms in the space between the inner and outer arrays where a transition from the super-Alfvénic (Vr > VA) to sub-Alfvénic (Vr < VA) plasma flow takes place. Specific features of the formation and decay of the shock region are studied using laser shadow imaging and X-ray frame photography. The plasma density in the transition region is estimated. By comparing the experimental data with the results of simulations of quasi-steady implosion of a nested array with allowance for extended plasma production, the physical conditions are determined at which the implosion mode with the formation the shock region takes place. Stable compression of the plasma of the inner array was observed during the implosion of combined nested arrays with a fiber outer array and tungsten inner array. Suppression of magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability during the compression of the inner array plasma results in the formation of a compact radiating Z-pinch and generation of a soft X-ray pulse with a peak power of 4 TW and duration of about 5 ns.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(12):1147-1171
pages 1147-1171 views

Dusty Plasma

Plasma Effects in Dust Devils near the Martian Surface

Izvekova Y.N., Popel S.I.


Plasma−dust effects in the martian atmosphere are discussed. A specific feature of the martian atmosphere is the presence of dust grains in a wide range of altitudes. Taking into account the presence of the martian ionosphere and the high conductivity of the medium at lower altitudes, the appearance of plasma systems in the martian atmosphere can be considered quite a common phenomenon. Special attention is paid to dust devils that frequently form in the martian atmosphere and can efficiently lift dust grains. The processes of dust grain charging as a result of triboelectric effect and generation of electric fields in a dust devil are discussed. The dynamics of dust grains in such a vortex is simulated with allowance for their charging and the generated electric field.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(12):1172-1178
pages 1172-1178 views

Space Plasma

Numerical Simulation of Whistler Waves in Magnetized Plasma with Small-Scale Irregularities

Zudin I.Y., Aidakina N.A., Gushchin M.E., Zaboronkova T.M., Korobkov S.V., Kostrov A.V.


Propagation of whistler-mode waves in magnetized plasma in the presence of small-scale field-aligned irregularities with enhanced or depressed plasma density is simulated numerically. The numerical experiments have demonstrated the effect of guided propagation of whistler-mode waves in plasma regions occupied by irregularities with transverse dimensions smaller than the whistler wavelength in uniform plasma. It is shown that not only individual irregularities but also the entire modified region, which serves as a specific guiding structure, exhibit waveguide properties.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(12):1179-1188
pages 1179-1188 views

Ion-Scale Excitations in a Strongly Coupled Astrophysical Plasma with Nuclei of Heavy Elements

Hossen M.R., Ema S.A., Mamun A.A.


The linear and nonlinear propagation of ultrarelativistic and nonrelativistic analysis on modified ion-acoustic (MIA) waves in a strongly coupled unmagnetized collisionless relativistic space plasma system is carried out. Plasma system is assumed to contain strongly coupled nonrelativistic ion fluids, both nonrelativistic and ultrarelativistic degenerate electron and positron fluids, and positively charged static heavy elements. The restoring force is provided by the degenerate pressure of the electron and positron fluids, whereas the inertia is provided by the mass of ions. The positively charged static heavy elements participate only in maintaining the quasineutrality condition at equilibrium. The well-known reductive perturbation method is used to derive the Burgers and Korteweg–de Vries equations. Their shock and solitary wave solutions are numerically analyzed to understand the localized electrostatic disturbances. The basic characteristics of MIA shock and solitary waves are found to be significantly modified by the effects of degenerate pressures of electron, positron, and ion fluids, their number densities, and various charge state of heavy elements. The implications of our results to dense plasmas in compact astrophysical objects (e.g., nonrotating white dwarfs, neutron stars, etc.) are briefly discussed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(12):1189-1197
pages 1189-1197 views

Low-Temperature Plasma

Plasma Decay in the Afterglow of High-Voltage Nanosecond Discharges in Unsaturated and Oxygenated Hydrocarbons

Anokhin E.M., Popov M.A., Kochetov I.V., Starikovskii A.Y., Aleksandrov N.L.


Results of experimental and theoretical study of plasma decay in the afterglow of high-voltage nanosecond discharges in gaseous ethylene and dimethyl ether at room temperature and pressures from 2 to 20 Torr are presented. Using a microwave interferometer, the time behavior of the electron density in the range from 2 × 1010 to 3 × 1012 cm–3 during plasma decay is investigated. By processing the experimental data, the effective coefficients of electron–ion recombination as functions of the gas pressure are obtained. It is found that these coefficients substantially exceed the recombination coefficients of simple hydrocarbon ions. This distinction, as well as the increase in the effective recombination coefficient with pressure, is explained by the formation of cluster ions in three-body collisions, which recombine with electrons more efficiently than simple molecular ions. The coefficients of three-body conversion of simple molecular ions into cluster ions in the plasmas of ethylene and dimethyl ether, as well as the coefficients of recombination of electrons with cluster ions in these gases, are determined by analyzing the experimental data.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(12):1198-1207
pages 1198-1207 views


Erratum to: Investigation of the Helicon Discharge Plasma Parametersin a Hybrid RF Plasma System

Aleksandrov A.F., Petrov A.K., Vavilin K.V., Kralkina E.A., Neklyudova P.A., Nikonov A.M., Pavlov V.B., Ayrapetov A.A., Odinokov V.V., Sologub V.A., Pavlov G.Y.


The following must be added at the end of Acknowledgments:

The study by JSC Research Institute of Precision Machine Manufacturing was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Agreement no. 14.576.21.0021 dated June 30, 2014. The unique identifier of this applied research project is RFMEF157614X0021.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(12):1208-1208
pages 1208-1208 views

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