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Vol 44, No 10 (2018)

Nonideal Plasma

3D Burgers Equation in Relativistic Plasma in the Presence of Electron and Negative Ion Trapping: Evolution of Shock Wave

Deka M.K., Dev A.N.


The characteristics of shock waves in a relativistic plasma in the presence of nonisothermal electrons and nonisothermal negative ions is investigated by deriving the evolution equation in terms of a modified 3D Burgers equation, or trapped 3D Burgers equation. The solution of this equation is examined analytically to study the salient characteristics of shock waves in such plasma. The nonlinear coefficient is found to have the lowest (highest) value when the negative ions move toward thermal equilibrium with a dip-shaped electron distribution (when both electrons and negative ions follow a dip-shaped distribution) for a particular value of relativistic factor, and it remains in an intermediate state when both electrons and negative ions follow a flat-topped distribution. On the other hand, the dissipative coefficient is found to decrease (increase) with increasing relativistic parameter (viscous parameter). A profound effect of the trapped state of both electrons and negative ions and the temperature ratio between positive ions and electrons (negative ions and electrons) on the structure of the shock wave is also seen. However, it has been noticed that the trapped parameter of electrons has a dominating control over the shock potential profile than the trapped parameter of negative ions.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(10):965-975
pages 965-975 views

Relativistic Ion-Acoustic Solitary Waves in a Magnetized Pair Ion Dense Plasma with Nuclei of Heavy Elements

Hosen B., Shah M.G., Hossen M.R., Mamun A.A.


The propagation of ion-acoustic solitary waves (IASWs) in a magnetized collisionless degenerate plasma system for describing collective plasma oscillations in dense quantum plasmas with relativistically degenerate electrons, oppositely charged inertial ions, and positively charged immobile heavy elements is investigated theoretically. The perturbations of the magnetized quantum plasma are studied employing the reductive perturbation technique to derive the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) and the modified KdV (mKdV) equations that admit solitary wave solutions. Chandrasekhar limits are used to investigate the degeneracy effects of interstellar compact objects through the equation of state for degenerate electrons in nonrelativistic and ultrarelativistic cases. The basic properties of small but finite-amplitude IASWs are modified significantly by the combined effects of the degenerate electron number density, pair ion number density, static heavy element number density, and magnetic field. It is found that the obliqueness affects both the amplitude and width of the solitary waves, whereas the other parameters mainly influence the width of the solitons. The results presented in this paper can be useful for future investigations of astrophysical multi-ion plasmas.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(10):976-985
pages 976-985 views

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Beryllium Vapor in the Supercritical Fluid State

Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S.


The thermal and caloric equations of state, composition, and conductivity of a supercritical beryllium vapor are calculated using the earlier proposed “3+” chemical model, which incorporates atoms, electrons, ions, and electron jellium with allowance for interatomic and intercharge interactions. The introduction of an electron jellium makes it possible to describe the pressure-induced ionization and explain the increase in the conductivity of beryllium vapor under compression. The cohesive bond of atoms caused by the electron jellium compensates for interactions when calculating the composition and reduces the effect of intercharge interactions on the equation of state. The parameters of the beryllium critical point and the applicability domain of the model are discussed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(10):958-964
pages 958-964 views


Anomalous Fast-Ion Transport During Neutral Beam Injection on EAST

Zhao Y.A., Zhang X.M., Yu L.M., Xue E.B., Chen W.D., .


The fast-ion transport during neutral beam injection on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) is studied. Based on the NUBEAM and TRANSP codes, it is found that fast-ion transport is anomalous when the minimum safety factor (qmin) is about 2, while it is neoclassical when qmin is around 1. Neutral beam injection heating efficiency, plasma stored energy, and the total heating power are reduced when the fast ion transport is anomalous. The Alfvén continuum spectrum and the mode structures of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) are also calculated for comparison between neoclassical fast-ion transport and anomalous fast-ion transport. High-qmin discharge with anomalous fast-ion transport has more AE activity than that of lower qmin discharge with neoclassical fast-ion transport.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(10):891-898
pages 891-898 views

Space Plasma

Model of a Thin Current Sheet in the Earth’s Magnetotail with a Kinetic Description of Magnetized Electrons

Mingalev O.V., Malova H.V., Mingalev I.V., Mel’nik M.N., Setsko P.V., Zelenyi L.M.


Steady-state two-dimensional thin current sheets (TCSs) in collisionless space plasma, similar to the current sheet of the near-Earth magnetotail, are considered. The magnetic field of the sheet is orthogonal to the current and has a nonzero normal component, the electrons are magnetized, and the ions are unmagnetized. To solve the problem of kinetic description of electrons in such current sheets in a general form, they are described by the Vlasov equation in the drift approximation, the general solution to which is found in the form of a function of three independent integrals of the system of drift motion equations. An important case is considered in which the electron guiding centers obey a Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution in a stationary electromagnetic field. The obtained results make it possible to create one- and two-dimensional numerical− analytical models of current sheets in which unmagnetized ions are described by the Vlasov equation, which should be solved numerically, whereas the contribution of magnetized electrons is taken into account analytically. To numerically solve the time-independent Vlasov equation, a new method is proposed that allows one to perform the bulk of computations by using graphic processors. On the basis of the new theory, a one-dimensional numerical−analytical model of a steady-state TCS in the near-Earth magnetotail is presented, TCS configurations are calculated, and the role of electrostatic effects and electron pressure anisotropy is analyzed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(10):899-919
pages 899-919 views

Variations in the X-ray Intensity of the Solar Corona and Heating of the Coronal Plasma in the Context of the Quantum Theory of Photon Pairs

Mirzoeva I.K., Chefranov S.G.


Data obtained in the framework of the INTERBALL–Tail Probe (1995–2000) and RHESSI (from 2002 to the present) projects have revealed variations in the X-ray intensity of the solar corona in the photon energy range of 2−15 keV during the period of the quiet Sun. Previously, a hypothesis was proposed that this phenomenon could be associated with the effect of coronal heating. In the present study, a new mechanism of coronal plasma heating is proposed on the basis of the experimental data and the quantum theory of photon pairs that are produced from vacuum in the course of the Universe’s expansion. A similar mechanism based on the splitting of photon pairs in the interplanetary and intergalactic space is also proposed to explain the observed microwave background radiation.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(10):920-925
pages 920-925 views

Oscillations and Waves in Plasma

Edge Wave Propagating along a Thin Plasma Layer

Ignatov A.M.


A wave propagating along the edge of a thin semi-infinite plasma layer is investigated. The edge wave is described by a set of integral equations that are solved explicitly, yielding the wave dispersion and field distribution.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(10):926-932
pages 926-932 views

Development of an Exactly Solvable Model of Resonance Tunneling of Electromagnetic Waves through Gradient Barriers in a Nonuniform Magnetoactive Plasma

Erokhin N.N., Zol’nikova N.N., Mikhailovskaya L.A.


An exactly solvable one-dimensional model describing resonance tunneling (reflectionless transmission) of a transverse electromagnetic wave through wide layers of magnetoactive plasma is developed on the basis of the Helmholtz equation. The plasma layers include a set of spatially localized density structures the amplitudes and thicknesses of which are such that approximate methods are inapplicable for their analysis. The profiles of the plasma density structures strongly depend on the choice of the free parameters of the problem that determine the amplitudes of plasma density modulation, characteristic scale lengths of the density structures, their number, and the total thickness of the nonuniform plasma layer. The plasma layers can also include a set of random inhomogeneities. The propagation of electromagnetic waves through such complicated plasma inhomogeneities is analyzed numerically within the proposed exactly solvable model. According to calculations, there are a wide set of inhomogeneous structures for which an electromagnetic wave incident from vacuum can propagate through the plasma layer without reflection, i.e., the complete tunneling of thick plasma barriers takes place. The model also allows one to exactly solve a one-dimensional problem on the nonlinear transillumination of a nonuniform plasma layer in the presence of cubic nonlinearity. It is important that, due to nonlinearity, the thicknesses of the evanescent plasma regions can decrease substantially and, at a sufficiently strong nonlinearity, such regions will disappear completely. The problem of resonance tunneling of electromagnetic radiation through gradient wave barriers is of interest for various applications, such as efficient heating of dense plasma by electromagnetic radiation and transmission of electromagnetic signals from a source located in the near-Earth plasma or deep in the plasma of an astrophysical object through the surrounding evanescent regions.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(10):933-938
pages 933-938 views

Plasma Diagnostics

Simulations of the Ion Current to a Probe in Plasma with Allowance for Ionization and Ion–Neutral Collisions: II. Cylindrical Probe

Ignakhin V.S., Sysun V.I.


The ion current to a cylindrical probe is considered with allowance for volume ionization, ion–neutral collisions, and the ion orbital moment. A model based on the molecular dynamics method and applicable in a wide range of plasma parameters (rp/λD= 0.01–100, ri/λD= 0.002–200, νi/ω0i= 0.01–0.05, and Ti/Te = 0−0.01) is proposed A convenient representation of the dependence of the relative ion current density on the Langmuir coefficient β2 and a technique for determining the plasma density from simulation results are offered.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(10):939-946
pages 939-946 views

Plasma Kinetics

Dissipation of Energy of an AC Electric Field in a Semi-Infinite Electron Plasma with Mirror Boundary Conditions

Suleimanova S.S., Yushkanov A.A.


Absorption of the electromagnetic energy in a semi-infinite electron plasma is calculated for an arbitrary degree of the electron gas degeneracy. Absorption is determined by solving the boundary-value problem on the oscillations of electron plasma in a half-space with mirror boundary conditions for electrons. The Vlasov−Boltzmann kinetic equation with the Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook collision integral for the electron distribution function and Maxwell’s equation for the electric field are employed. The electron distribution function and the electric field inside plasma are searched for in the form of expansions in the eigenfunctions of the initial set of equations. The expansion coefficients are found for the case of mirror boundary conditions. The contribution of the plasma surface to absorption is analyzed. Cases with different degrees of electron gas degeneracy are considered. It is shown that absorption of the electromagnetic energy near the surface depends substantially on the ratio between the electric field frequency and the volumetric electron collision frequency.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(10):947-957
pages 947-957 views

Low-Temperature Plasma

Kinetics of Energetic O Ions in the Discharge Plasmas of Water Vapor and H2O-Containing Mixtures

Ponomarev A.A., Aleksandrov N.L.


The process of relaxation of energetic O ions formed via dissociative attachment of electrons to molecules in the discharge plasmas of water vapor and H2O: O2 mixtures in a strong electric field is studied by the Monte Carlo method. The probability of energetic ions being involved in threshold ion–molecular processes is calculated. It is shown that several percent of energetic O ions formed via electron attachment to H2O molecules in the course of plasma thermalization transform into OH ions via charge exchange or are destroyed with the formation of free electrons. The probabilities of charge exchange of O ions and electron detachment from them increase significantly (up to 90%) when O ions are formed via electron attachment to O2 molecules in water vapor with an oxygen additive. This effect decreases with increasing oxygen fraction in the mixture but remains appreciable even when the fraction of H2O molecules in the H2O: O2 mixture does not exceed several percent.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(10):986-995
pages 986-995 views

Methodological Notes

On the Helical MHD Mode in a Finite-Conductivity Tokamak Plasma

Arsenin V.V.


A helical MHD perturbation in a finite-conductivity tokamak plasma has been considered in the straight-cylinder model in a situation where there is no resonance surface q = m/n in plasma. The radial eigenfunction of the helical mode, in addition to the large-scale component described at σ||→ ∞ by the ideal MHD equation, contains a small-scale component localized near the wall and near discontinuities in the radial profiles of the unperturbed quantities. At smooth profiles, the small-scale component is attached to the wall and is smaller in magnitude than the large-scale component. Therefore, beyond a thin near-wall plasma layer, the mode is close to the large-scale ideal MHD mode. The presence of the small-scale component is necessary to satisfy the boundary conditions for the perturbed field on the wall.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(10):996-999
pages 996-999 views

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