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Vol 43, No 9 (2017)

Low-Temperature Plasma

Evolutionary sheath structure in magnetized collisionless plasma with electron inertia

Gohain M., Karmakar P.K.


A classical hydrodynamic model is methodologically formulated to see the equilibrium properties of a planar plasma sheath in two-component magnetized bounded plasma. It incorporates the weak but finite electron inertia instead of asymptotically inertialess electrons. The effects of the externally applied oblique (relative to the bulk plasma flow) magnetic field are judiciously accented. It is, for the sake of simplicity, assumed that the relevant physical parameters (plasma density, electrostatic potential, and flow velocity) vary only in a direction normal to the confining wall boundary. It is noticed for the first time that the derived Bohm condition for sheath formation is modified conjointly by the electron inertia, magnetic field, and field orientation. It is manifested that the electron inertia in the presence of plasma gyrokinetic effects slightly enhances the ion Mach threshold value (typically, Mi0 ≥ 1.139) toward the sheath entrance. This flow supercriticality is in contrast with the heuristic formalism (Mi0 ≥ 1) for the zero-inertia electrons. A numerical illustrative scheme on the parametric sheath features on diverse nontrivial apposite arguments is constructed alongside ameliorative scope.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(9):957-968
pages 957-968 views

Ecton processes in the generation of pulsed runaway electron beams in a gas discharge

Mesyats G.A.


As was shown earlier for pulsed discharges that occur in electric fields rising with extremely high rates (1018 V/(cm s)) during the pulse rise time, the electron current in a vacuum discharge is lower than the current of runaway electrons in an atmospheric air discharge in a 1-cm-long gap. In this paper, this is explained by that the field emission current from cathode microprotrusions in a gas discharge is enhanced due to gas ionization. This hastens the initiation of explosive electron emission, which occurs within 10–11 s at a current density of up to 1010 A/cm2. Thereafter, a first-type cathode spot starts forming. The temperature of the cathode spot decreases due to heat conduction, and the explosive emission current ceases. Thus, the runaway electron current pulse is similar in nature to the ecton phenomenon in a vacuum discharge.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(9):952-956
pages 952-956 views

Laser Plasma

Plasma chemistry of the sealed-off slab CO laser active medium pumped by radio-frequency discharge with liquid-nitrogen-cooled electrodes

Ionin A.A., Kozlov A.Y., Seleznev L.V., Sinitsyn D.V.


The long-term time behavior of the output power of a sealed-off cryogenic slab CO laser pumped by a repetitively pulsed RF discharge and operating on the overtone (λ = 2.6–3.5 μm) vibrational−rotational transitions of the CO molecule was studied experimentally. It is shown that adding of an anomalously large amount of oxygen (up to 50% with respect to the CO concentration) to the initial gas mixture CO : He = 1 : 10 leads to a manyfold (by several tens of times) increase in the duration of the laser operating cycle (until lasing failure due to the degradation of the active medium). In this case, the laser life-time without replacement of the active medium reaches 105–106 pulses. Using various diagnostics (including luminescence spectroscopy and IR and UV absorption spectroscopy), regularities in the time-behavior of the concentrations of the main component of the active medium (CO molecules) and the products of plasmachemical reactions (O3, CO2) generated in the discharge gap during the laser operating cycle are revealed. Time correlation between the characteristics of the active medium and the laser output power are analyzed. A phenomenological approach to describing the entirety of plasmachemical, purely chemical, gas-dynamic, and diffusion processes determining the behavior of the laser output characteristics throughout the laser operating cycle is offered.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(9):899-909
pages 899-909 views

Magnetospheric Plasma

Generation of auroral kilometric radiation by a finite-size source in a dipole magnetic field. Part II

Burinskaya T.M., Shevelev M.M.


Propagation and amplification of extraordinary electromagnetic waves in a dipole magnetic field in a narrow 3D plasma cavity in which a weakly relativistic electron beam propagates along the magnetic field in the direction of the gradient of the magnetic field strength is investigated. The domain of wave vectors at the starting point for which the wave amplification factors at the output of the density cavity reach their maximum values is found, and the amplification factor as a function of the wave frequency is determined. It is shown that the longitudinal velocity of fast electrons, which enables generation of waves in a broader frequency range, plays an important role in the formation of the spectrum of the auroral kilometric radiation (AKR). In this case, waves with the largest amplification factors at the output of the cavity have frequencies exceeding the cutoff frequency of the background plasma at the wave generation altitude. The global inhomogeneity of the magnetic field and plasma density, which governs the residence time of the waves in the amplification region, plays a key role in the formation of the AKR spectrum. It is shown that this time is the main factor determining the energy of the waves emerging from the source.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(9):910-915
pages 910-915 views

Plasma Dynamics

Stability of compression of the inner array plasma in nested arrays

Mitrofanov K.N., Aleksandrov V.V., Grabovski E.V., Branitsky A.V., Gritsuk A.N., Frolov I.N., Laukhin Y.N.


The implosion of nested fiber/wire arrays was studied experimentally at the Angara-5-1 facility. The outer array consisted of kapron fibers, while the inner array was made of tungsten wires. The experiments were carried out at a discharge current of 3 MA. Stable compression of the inner array plasma was achieved by increasing the number of fibers in the outer array. In this case, a compact Z-pinch formed at the array axis. Near the pinch, no trailing plasma produced from the high-Z material of the inner array and capable of scattering and reradiating X-ray photons was observed. The trailing edge of the X-ray pulse was found to shorten in the absence of the trailing plasma around the pinch.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(9):916-927
pages 916-927 views

Space Plasma

On the cause of variability of the cosmic ray spectrum in the knee region

Loznikov V.M., Erokhin N.S., Zol’nikova N.N., Mikhailovskaya L.A.


Cosmic ray (CR) energy spectra for H, He, Si, and Fe nuclei with energy-to-charge number ratios ℰ/Z in the range from 10 to 5 × 107 GeV are studied using observational data obtained at different times in different energy ranges: AMS-02, CREAM, Tibet ASγ, Tibet (hybrid), GRAPES-3, KASCADE, and KASCADE-Grande. Comparison of the H and He CR fluxes according to the KASCADE and KASCADE-Grande data (for different models of deconvolving CR spectra) with the Tibet ASγ and Tibet (hybrid) data obtained at another time in the range of ℰ/Z ∼ 3 × 106 GeV demonstrates space weather-caused variability of the CR flux. This feature of CR energy spectra in the Tibet ASγ data is most clearly observed in the spectra of heavier nuclei (Si and Fe) according to the KASCADE-Grande and GRAPES-3 data. The variability in the energy spectra of all CRs in the vicinity of the “knee” is shown in the data of Yakutsk EAS, CASA-BLANCA, and Tibet-III experiments. The variability of the CR flux on a time scale on the order of several years exists only if the source corresponding to the peak in the energy spectrum is situated at a distance of no more than 1 pc from the Sun. Rapid surfatron acceleration of CRs may result from colliding interstellar clouds nearest to the Sun (LIC and G). This acceleration mechanism allows one to explain the variability of the CR spectrum in the range 103 GeV < ℰ/Z < 108 GeV. Conditions for the trapping of strongly relativistic Fe nuclei by an electromagnetic wave, the dynamics of the components of the particle velocity and momentum, and the dependence of the particle acceleration rate on the initial parameters of the problem are analyzed using numerical calculations. The structure of the phase plane of the accelerated Fe nuclei is examined. Optimal conditions for the implementation of ultrarelativistic surfatron acceleration of Fe nuclei by an electromagnetic wave are formulated.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(9):928-936
pages 928-936 views

Oscillations and Waves in Plasma

Surface waves on the boundary of a conducting medium and their excitation by a relativistic electron beam

Kukushkin A.V., Rukhadze A.A.


Excitation of surface waves by a relativistic electron beam propagating over a conducting cylindrical medium (metal or highly ionized plasma) is investigated theoretically. Dispersion relations describing the linear interaction of surface electromagnetic waves with a monoenergetic electron beam are derived, and the growth rates and spatial amplification factors of excited waves are determined. Condition for the nonlinear trapping of the beam electrons by a surface wave is used to determine the maximum amplitude of the excited wave and the optimal radiator length. The electric field of a surface wave excited by an electron beam is estimated for a particular case.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(9):937-942
pages 937-942 views

Beams in Plasma

Slipping and tangential discontinuity instabilities in quasi-one-dimensional planar and cylindrical flows

Kuzelev M.V.


An analytical linear theory of instability of an electron beam with a nonuniform directional velocity (slipping instability) against perturbations with wavelengths exceeding the transverse beam size is offered. An analogy with hydrodynamic instabilities of tangential discontinuity of an incompressible liquid flow is drawn. The instability growth rates are calculated for particular cases and in a general form in planar and cylindrical geometries. The stabilizing effect of the external magnetic field is analyzed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(9):943-951
pages 943-951 views

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