Crystal Structure and Ferromagnetic Component in Layered Perovskite Sr0.8Y0.2CoO2.65



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The crystal structure and magnetic state of Sr0.8Y0.2CoO2.65 layered perovskite have been studied using neutron diffraction and synchrotron radiation diffraction and measuring the magnetization. It is shown that the crystal structure in the temperature range of 90–375 K can be described within the framework of the monoclinic sp. gr. A2/m with a cell 4√2ap × 2√2ap × 4ap. The unit-cell parameter a is doubled (sp. gr. A2/m) below TN ≈ 375 K. The basic magnetic structure can be described as G-type antiferromagnetic ordering with cobalt ion magnetic moments of 2.7 µB and 1.7 µB in the anion-deficient CoO4+γ and stoichiometric CoO6 layers, respectively. Based on the magnetization measurements, the ferromagnetic component of cobalt ion magnetic moment amounts to 0.27 µB at 8 K. In both layers, the Co3+ ions are predominantly in the mixed low/high-spin state. The ferromagnetic component is assumed to be due to the orbital ordering in the CoO5 pyramids at TN and the ferromagnetic exchange coupling between CoO5 pyramids in anion-deficient layers.


I. Troyanchuk

Scientific–Practical Materials Research Centre, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

白俄罗斯, Minsk, 220072

M. Bushinsky

Scientific–Practical Materials Research Centre, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

白俄罗斯, Minsk, 220072

N. Tereshko

Scientific–Practical Materials Research Centre, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

白俄罗斯, Minsk, 220072

V. Sikolenko

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

俄罗斯联邦, Dubna, Moscow oblast, 141980

C. Ritter

Institut Laue–Langevin

法国, Grenoble, 38042 Cedex 9

版权所有 © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2019