Editorial Policies

Aims and Scope

Acoustical Physics is a peer-reviewed journal. It covers theoretical and experimental aspects of basic and applied acoustics: classical problems of linear acoustics and wave theory; nonlinear acoustics; physical acoustics; ocean acoustics and hydroacoustics; atmospheric and aeroacoustics; acoustics of structurally inhomogeneous solids; geological acoustics; acoustical ecology, noise and vibration; chamber acoustics; musical acoustics; acoustic signals processing and computer simulations; acoustics of living systems; biomedical acoustics; and physical principles of engineering acoustics. The journal publishes critical reviews, original articles, short communications, and letters to the editor. It covers theoretical and experimental aspects of basic and applied acoustics. The journal has a vision of becoming an international publication and encourages manuscript submissions from authors around the world.





Nonlinear Acoustics

Physical Acoustics

Ocean Acoustics. Hydroacoustics

Acoustics of Structurally Homogeneous Solid Media. Geological Acoustics

Acoustic Ecology. Noise and Vibrations

Room Acoustics. Musical Acoustics

Acoustic Signal Processing. Computer Simulation

Physical Foundations of Engineering Acoustics

Classical Problems of Linear Acoustics and Wave Theory

Environmental Acoustics. Noise and Vibration

Acoustics of Living Systems. Biological Acoustics


Acoustics of Structurally Inhomogeneous Media. Geoacoustics

Acoustic Signal Processing and Computer Simulation

Nonlinear Acoustcis

Atmospheric and Aeroacoustics

Acoustics of Structurally Inhomogeneous Solid Bodies: Geoacoustics

Acoustics of Animate Systems. Biomedical Acoustics

Acoustics of Inhomogeneous Solids Bodies. Geoacoustics

Acoust Signal Processing. Computer Simulation

Acoustics of Living Systems. Biomedical Acoustics

Acoustics of Living Systems. Biomedical Acoustcs

Physical Foundations of Technical Acoustics

Acoustic Ecology. Noise and Vibration

Acoustics of Structually Inhomogeneous Solid Media. Geoacoustics

Acoustical Ecology. Noise and Vibration

Acoustic-Signal Processing. Computer Simulation

Acoustics of Structurally Inhomogeneous Solid Media. Geoacoustics

Acoustics of Structurally Inhomogeneous Solid Media. Geological Acoustics

Acoustics of Living Systems

Physical Fundamentals of Engineering Acoustics

Atmospheric Acoustics and Aeroacoustics

Atmospheric and Air Acoustics

Environmental Acoustics, Noise, and Vibration

Room Acoustics. Musical Acousitcs

Ocean Acousticics. Underwater Acoustics

Acoustics of Structurally Solid Media. Geoacoustics

Acoustic Signals Processing. Computer Simulation

Classic Problems of Linear Acoustics and Wave Theory

Acoustics of Structurally Inhomogeneous Media. Geological Acoustics

Acoustics of Rooms. Musical Acoustics



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