Higher Order Dirichlet-Type Problems in 2D Complex Quaternionic Analysis


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It is well known that developing methods for solving Dirichlet problems is important and relevant for various areas of mathematical physics related to the Laplace equation, the Helmholtz equation, the Stokes equation, the Maxwell equation, the Dirac equation, and others. The author in previous papers studied the solvability of Dirichlet boundary value problems of the first and second orders in quaternionic analysis. In the present paper, we study a higher-order Dirichlet boundary value problem associated with the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation with complex potential. The existence and uniqueness of a solution to the Dirichlet boundary value problem in the two-dimensional case is proved and an appropriate representation formula for the solution of this problem is found. Most Dirichlet problems are solved for the case in three variables. Note that the case of two variables is not a simple consequence of the three-dimensional case. To solve the problem, we use the method of orthogonal decomposition of the quaternion-valued Sobolev space. This orthogonal decomposition of the space is also a tool for the study of many elliptic boundary value problems that arise in various areas of mathematics and mathematical physics. An orthogonal decomposition of the quaternion-valued Sobolev space with respect to the high-order Dirac operator is also obtained in this paper.

Об авторах

B. Schneider

University of Ostrava

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Email: baruch.schneider@osu.cz
Чехия, Ostrava, 70103

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2019

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