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卷 44, 编号 7 (2018)


Current Data on the Taxonomic Composition and Distribution of the Trawl Macrozoobenthos in Russian Waters of the Sea of Japan

Kolpakov N., Korneichuk I., Nadtochy V.


A complex bottom trawl survey (430 stations) was conducted over all of the shelf and continental slope (within a depth range of 10–750 m) in the Russian waters of the Sea of Japan from April 1 to July 8, 2015. A total of 211 taxa of invertebrates were recorded from trawl catches. The most widely represented of them were starfish (36), shrimps (32), gastropods (27), bivalves (23), brachyuran and anomuran crabs (11), polychaetes (11), coral polyps (10), and sponges (10). The total recorded biomass of macrozoobenthos in benthic biotopes of the northern Sea of Japan reached 1 572 500 t (136 600 t in Peter the Great Bay, 341 500 t in the Southern Primorye area, 686 000 t in the northern Primorye area, and 408 400 t in the Western Sakhalin subzone), which is higher than the mean long-term level. The total stock of commercial invertebrates was estimated at 630 000 t. Its largest portion (265 200 t, or 42.1%) was concentrated in the northern Primorye area (western Tatar Strait). The mean specific biomass of the trawl macrozoobenthos constituted 13.5 ± 1.1 g/m2 (including 6.3 ± 0.5 g/m2 of commercial benthic species). The most abundant groups were brittle stars (372 200 t), brachyuran crabs (231 600 t), anomuran crabs (48 700 t), shrimps (226 900 t), sponges (182 900 t), sea lilies (167 500 t), starfish (77 200 t), sea urchins (59 000 t), and bivalves (49 500 t). The vertical distribution of the total benthos and its commercial portion was characterized by maxima in the upper shelf (10–50 m) and within a depth range of 300–400 m. In the northwestern Sea of Japan, 18 biocenotic complexes of trawl macrozoobenthos were identified. The largest areas were occupied by the group of the sedentary seston-feeding sea lily Heliometra glacialis (biomass 5.5 g/m2, depth range of 104–692 m, 131 stations), the group of the polyphagous snow crab Chionoecetes opilio (4.4 g/m2, 27–552 m, 71 stations), the group of the mobile seston-feeding basket star Gorgonocephalus eucnemis (6.6 g/m2, 58–372 m, 40 stations), and the group of the polyphagous pale yellow sea urchin Strongylocentrotus pallidus (4.7 g/m2, 17–351 m, 40 stations).

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(7):507-521
pages 507-521 views

Fish Resources in Near-Bottom Biotopes of the Shelf and the Upper Edge of the Continental Slope in the Northwestern Bering Sea

Savin A.


The stocks of demersal, pelagic, and anadromous fish, as well as fish-like species, in near-bottom biotopes within a depth range of 20–386 m are considered based on the data of bottom trawl surveys conducted in the northwestern Bering Sea in the summer of 2017. The total recorded biomass of demersal fish was 1 756 870 t, including 1 578 430 t in the Western Bering Sea zone and 178 440 t in the Chukchi zone. The density of their concentrations was similar in both zones: 11 331.8 and 10 748.0 kg/km2, respectively. In the surveyed water area, Pacific cod constituted a major portion of the demersal fish biomass, 1 227 300 t. The total biomass of pelagic and anadromous fish species in near-bottom biotopes was 3 884 150 t, including 3 555 930 t in the Western Bering Sea zone and only 328 220 t in the Chukchi zone. They had a higher concentration density in the near-bottom layer of the Western Bering Sea zone than in the Chukchi zone, 25 527.9 kg/km2 and 19  769.9 kg/km2, respectively. Walleye pollock dominated the pelagic and anadromous species with its total biomass of 3 884 150 t (taking the catchability coefficient k = 0.4 into account), of which yearlings accounted for 36 080 t (k = 0.1). In 2017, the stocks of Alaska skate, Pacific herring, rock sole, and Alaska plaice decreased compared to the data of the analogous survey in 2015; however, the stocks of Arctic cod, saffron cod, Pacific cod, walleye pollock (both adults and yearlings), flathead soles, and yellowfin sole increased. The trend of variations in stocks of certain commercial species for future years can be predicted based on the pattern of distribution of positive and negative anomalies on Sunde’s curves for the size structure.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(7):522-539
pages 522-539 views

A Decrease in the Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) Abundance in the Sakhalin–Kuril Region under the Effects of Extreme Environmental Factors

Kaev A.


An analysis of variations in the abundance of pink salmon on Iturup Island and in four areas of the eastern Sakhalin Island coast in 2007–2016 has shown that year-classes of this species become weaker if they are exposed to the effect of typhoons during their embryonic development in rivers (spawning nests) or juvenile feeding in coastal waters (soon after their downstream migration from rivers). The size of the pink salmon runs to these waters in 2017 completely fits the relationships identified for the previous year. These results indicate the decisive role of extreme environmental factors in the formation of the abundance of pink salmon.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(7):540-548
pages 540-548 views

The Characteristics of the Amur Sturgeon, Acipenser schrenckii, Spawners from a Warm-Water Cage Farm during Long-Term Exploitation

Rachek E., Amvrosov D.


The cultivation, biological, and production parameters of domesticated Amur sturgeon spawners of age 8 to 24 years from a warm-water cage farm are described. Female Amur sturgeons of three generations, bred from native spawners in cages, reach first maturity at ages of 8–10 years; males reach first maturity at ages of 6–7 years. Females have a larger body weight, length, girth, and fatness than those of males in all the age groups from 8 to 24 years. Males produce 40–350 mL of high-quality milt per one stripping session; first-maturing females produce 0.7–2.3 kg of roe. Most females (75%) spawn annually or biennially. Some females at ages of 17–23 years can produce a maximum of 7.0–10.5 kg of roe. The mean amount of roe collected from one female at ages of 8–24 is 3.82 kg, with a fecundity of 200 000 eggs (a maximum of 520 000 eggs), a relative working fecundity of 7500 eggs/kg (maximum 13 500 eggs/kg), and an oosomatic index of 14.5% (maximum 24.5%). During six to eight spawning seasons, an average of 22–31 kg of roe was obtained from the females of age 21 and 24 years, which accounts for 90–98% of their body weight. In 27% of the females, the amount of roe was 29–43 kg, or 103.0–137.5% of their body weight. The females adapt well to technological operations. Their survival rate for the period of exploitation is 65%.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(7):549-557
pages 549-557 views

The Results of Introduction of the Pike-Perch, Sander lucioperca, into Lake Khanka

Shapovalov M.


As reported in the 1930s, the level of the forage base in Lake Khanka could provide from 2600 to 17 000 t of fish. The low fish capacity of the lake was explained mainly by a high abundance of small non-commercial species. For the purpose of increasing the fish capacity, a proposal was made in 1961 to introduce the Pike-Perch into Lake Khanka. This fish was expected to provide 200–300 tons extra fish product a year and also increase the proportion of valuable fish species in the lake by “destroying harmful rough fish” within 10–12 years. The introduction of pike-perch into Lake Khanka was carried out in 1970–1978. An analysis of data on the current status of the pike-perch population in the lake shows that this species has formed a stable self-reproducing population, whose biomass is now comparable to the level of the native common predatory fishes (80–100 t). In preying mainly on the sharpbelly (genus Hemiculter) and other abundant rough fish, it does not compete with other predators. Nevertheless, the pike-perch provides 20 t of marketable product a year, being rated as the second or third most commercially valuable fish species in catches from the lake.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(7):558-571
pages 558-571 views

Bioindication of Heavy-Metal Pollution in the Coastal Marine Waters of Russky Island (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan)

Khristoforova N., Emelyanov A., Efimov A.


The first assessment of the condition of coastal waters around Russky Island, Peter the Great Bay, in the vicinity of Vladivostok, has been made based on the data on concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, and Ni in the brown algae Sargassum miyabei and S. pallidum collected along the coast of the island in July and August 2016. It has been found that the concentrations of heavy metals in algae from waters off Russky Island mostly exceed their background levels in Sargassum algae from the northwestern Sea of Japan. On the southeastern side of the island, facing Ussuri Bay, which is distinguished by a rocky/bouldery coast and beds of S. pallidum, algae are characterized by lower concentrations of trace elements than those on the other sides.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(7):572-579
pages 572-579 views

A Study of the Properties of the Multi-Step Recurrent Models for the Interannual Dynamics of Epiphytic Diatom Communities

Parensky V., Levchenko E.


Communities of epiphytic diatoms develop seasonally. On macroalgae, they reach the highest density in the middle of summer and decline to a minimum value in winter. This discrete pattern makes it possible to use the tool of difference (recurrent) equations for testing the concept of density regulation on the interannual dynamics of the number of epiphytic diatoms. The properties of the obtained multi-step recurrent models for the interannual dynamics of the number of diatoms in the epiphyton of the macroalga Ulva lactuca Linnaeus collected from three areas of coastal waters in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan (Amur Bay, Ussuri Bay, and Stark Strait), are considered. The proposed multi-step recurrent models do not contradict the primary data of observations. Each of the obtained descriptions for different water areas is characterized by its specific pattern of dynamics. The reproductive capacity of epiphytic diatom community is the lowest in the Stark Strait; the highest reproductive capacity is observed in Amur Bay. According to the models, the epiphytic diatom communities in different parts of Peter the Great Bay exhibit generally complex, pseudochaotic, dynamics of their number.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(7):580-591
pages 580-591 views

Seabird Aggregation around Vessels during the Winter Trawl Fishery for Walleye Pollock in the Sea of Okhotsk

Artukhin Y.


The observations conducted during the Walleye Pollock expedition to the Sea of Okhotsk in January–April 2015 showed that various seabird species (at least 12) aggregate permanently around trawlers in the Sea of Okhotsk. The birds are attracted by fish-processing waste. The quantitative and species composition of aggregations is dynamic. The richest of these in terms of number of species and the most abundant (up to 23 000 individuals around one vessel at a time) are formed in the Kamchatka–Kuril subzone, where numerous overwintering birds arrive from adjacent ocean waters. The Northern Fulmar accounts for a major part of the aggregation (68.9% of all birds); this bird dominates most of the fishery areas. The second most-abundant group of species is large white-headed gulls of the genus Larus (31.0%), mainly the Slaty-backed Gull. In general, the pollock trawl fishery is regarded as an influential factor that causes large overwintering grounds of seabirds to form in the Sea of Okhotsk. Fish-processing waste disposed overboard supports a huge bird community by providing a stable food supply during the harsh season.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(7):592-597
pages 592-597 views