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Том 42, № 6 (2016)


Prospects for the use of sulfated polysaccharides from brown seaweeds as vaccine adjuvants

Kuznetsova T., Zaporozhets T., Persianova E., Khotimchenko Y., Besednova N.


The data from the Russian and foreign literature on the effects of brown seaweed-derived sulfated polysaccharides (fucoidans) used as potential vaccine adjuvants to enhance the anti-infection and anti-tumor immune response are discussed in the present review. Due to their low toxicity, high biocompatibility, safety, and good tolerability by macroorganisms, as well as their mechanisms of immunomodulatory activity, fucoidans can be considered as promising adjuvants to administer in the composition of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines. Fucoidans are agonists to receptors of innate immunity and are potent inducers of the cellular and humoral immune response, which is an important factor to be taken into account in the development of vaccines against various pathogens, including viruses, as well as anti-tumor vaccines. The results of numerous studies in which sulfated polysaccharides were tested as components of experimental vaccines, as presented in this review, show that these substances can be used as safe and effective adjuvants.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(6):443-450
pages 443-450 views

Original Papers

Distribution of representatives of the genus Neoabbottiella (Rhodophyta: Halymeniales) in the Russian Far Eastern Seas and taxonomic status of N. valentinae N. Klochkova et Pisareva, 2013

Lopatina N., Klochkova N., Klochkova T.


The new information on distribution of the red algae Neoabbottiella in the Russian Far East changes the concept of the areal of these algae and their preferred temperatures. A comparison of N. valentinae N. Klochkova et Pisareva with Schizymenia dubyi f. palmata Yamada collected by Y. Yamada from Urup Island and stored with its type and paratypes in the collection of Hokkaido University Museum (Sapporo, Japan) showed their conspecificity. Based on the data, N. valentinae was recognized as a synonym of Schizymenia dubyi f. palmata. Since this form does not possess the main generic feature of the genus Schizymenia and at the same time has well-expressed generic features of Neoabbottiella, the form S. dubyi f. palmata is transferred to this genus with the name N. palmata (Yamada) N. Klochkova et Pisareva.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(6):451-457
pages 451-457 views

Seasonal and long-term dynamics of sand-dwelling dinoflagellates (Dinoflagellata) in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan

Selina M.


The seasonal and long-term dynamics of the species composition and abundance of dinoflagellates that live in subtidal sands in Russian waters of the Sea of Japan was studied for the first time. The overall species composition of sand-dwelling dinoflagellates in Peter the Great Bay was represented by 67 taxa that belong to 25 genera. Among them, 17 species were recorded for the first time from the seas of Russia, and 8 species were found from the Pacific coast of Russia for the first time. The greatest number of species belonged to the genera Amphidinium, Amphidiniopsis, and Thecadinium. A list of the species composition, including the distribution of taxa throughout the localities and seasons, is presented. Most species of the microalgae are illustrated by light and scanning electron micrographs. The species richness varied from 18 to 44 during the year. In the winter, at a water temperature less than 0°C, the species richness of sand-dwelling dinoflagellates (24–26 taxa) roughly coincided with that found in summer (20–44 taxa). The average density of dinoflagellates ranged from 16 to 1121 cells/cm3 across localities and throughout the year. During the annual cycle, the highest cell density (595 and 2576 cells/cm3) were recorded in the winter–spring period and a slight increase in abundance was observed in fall. This was due to the high cell densities of the dominant species Amphidiniopsis uroensis Toriumi, Yoshimatsu et Dodge, and Thecadinium kofoidii (E.C. Herdman) Larsen. Sand-dwelling dinoflagellates contributed 58 to 80% to the total annual density of the subtidal microphytobenthos in different localities of Peter the Great Bay.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(6):458-470
pages 458-470 views

The relationships of Stichaeus nozawae (Jordan et Snyder, 1902) and Stichaeus grigorievi (Herzenstein, 1890) (Pisces: Stichaeidae) inferred from the data of genetic and karyological analyses and ultrastructural study of spermatozoa

Moreva I., Radchenko O., Neznanova S., Petrovskaya A., Borisenko S.


A complex study, including genetic and karyological approaches, as well as an analysis of the ultrastructural organization of spermatozoa of the Nozawa’s prickleback Stichaeus nozawae (Jordan et Snyder, 1902) and Grigorev’s prickleback S. grigorievi (Herzenstein, 1890) from Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan, is considered in the present work. The species exhibit differences in the spermatozoon head width and flagellum length. These characters are species-specific and, along with morphological traits, can be used as a proof of the validity of the species under study. The similarity between S. nozawae and S. grigorievi, as established based on genetic and karyological analyses (2n = 48, NF = 70, localization of nucleolar organizers), does not correspond to inter-species differences in morphological and biological characters. The lack of variations in DNA and the chromosome set that are suitable for species differentiation, between Nozawa’s and Grigorev’s pricklebacks is an evidence for the evolutionary adolescence of these species.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(6):471-480
pages 471-480 views

The species composition and pattern of distribution of hermit crabs (Decapoda: Paguroidea) in Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan

Selin N., Kornienko E., Korn O.


The species composition, abundance, and vertical distribution of hermit crabs (Decapoda: Paguroidea) were investigated in Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan, from September 2014 to September 2015. A total of seven species from two families were found in the monitoring area of approximately 5000 m2 located on the bottom within a depth range of 0–11 m: Pagurus minutus, P. proximus, P. brachiomastus, P. pectinatus, P. ochotensis, P. middendorffii (Paguridae), and Areopaguristes hirsutimanus (Diogenidae). Their population density varied from 22 ± 13 to 26 ± 2 ind./m2; the biomass varied from 55.76 ± 26.10 to 93.38 ± 27.00 g/m2. The species composition remained invariable throughout the study period. The proportions of species abundance changed between seasons, as this parameter is largely determined by seasonal migrations of hermit crabs. Pagurus minutus predominated in number in winter and spring (up to 71%); P. proximus, in summer and autumn (up to 47%). In autumn and spring, P. ochotensis and P. pectinatus constituted a major part of biomass (18–25% and 19–20%, respectively). The proportion of a previously abundant species, P. middendorffii, was very small (no larger than 1.3%) during the study period. Another four species of hermit crabs occurred in other parts of Vostok Bay; thus, the fauna of the bay currently includes 11 species of this group.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(6):481-488
pages 481-488 views

The antioxidant system of the Gray’s mussel Crenomytilus grayanus (Dunker, 1853) and the Japanese scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis (Jay, 1857) (Mollusca: Bivalvia)

Belcheva N., Dovzhenko N., Istomina A., Zhukovskaya A., Kukla S.


This study examines the parameters of the antioxidant system (the activities of antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, as well as the levels of reduced glutathione and integral antioxidant activity) in the digestive gland, gills, gonads, and adductor muscles of two bivalve species: the mussel Crenomytilus grayanus (Dunker, 1853), which lives attached to the substrate, and the Japanese scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis (Jay, 1857), which is capable of free movement. Species- and tissue-specific differences of the antioxidant system of the investigated mollusks are discussed in connection with their physiological and biochemical peculiarities.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(6):489-494
pages 489-494 views

The elemental composition of swimbladders in some deepwater fishes of the North Atlantic

Orlov A., Artemov R., Orlova S.


The first data on the elemental contents of the swimbladder wall of three deepwater fish species from the North Atlantic (the snubnosed spiny eel Notacanthus chemnitzii, the Kaup’s arrowtooth eel Synaphobranchus kaupii, and the roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglax) are presented. It is supposed that survival of specimens of the first two species upon their ascent from great depths that subject them to sharp changes of pressure is connected with the properties of the durable and flexible swimbladder walls with increased contents of some metals (aluminum, copper, iron, mercury, potassium, manganese, chromium, and cadmium). Adaptation to sharp changes of pressure in N. chemnitzii and S. kaupii probably develops during ontogeny, during the transition from habitation in the epipelagic zone during the larval stage to the deepwater habitat of the adult fish.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(6):495-500
pages 495-500 views

Effect of dietary chitosan on challenged Dicentrarchus labrax post larvae with Aeromonas hydrophila

El-Sayed H., Barakat K.


Effect of different dietary squilla chitosan (Csq) concentrations: 0 (control), 0.5, 1 and 2 g 100 g–1 diets were studied for weaned sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) post larvae. Post larvae were challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila after 5 feeding days, in order to monitor the prophylactic effect on the Csq fed larvae. The experiment started with an average initial weight of 50 ± 2 mg and total length of 12 ± 2 mm for post larval stage (40 days post hatch; dph), then continued feeding diets for a period of 20 days. Larvae survival percentage (%), mean total length (TL), width (W), total weight (TW), total weight gain (TWG), average daily weight (ADW) and specific growth rate (SGR) were recorded as morphometric measurements representing growth compared to the control groups. The results revealed that 1g Csq 100 g–1 diet at P < 0.05 was the most effective concentration that achieved higher survival percentages; 94.5 ± 0.5 and 74 ± 2.0%, increasing the specific growth rate by 7.22% and 5.77% for non challenged and challenged weaned larval groups, respectively. Otherwise, the control challenged group displayed the lowest performance in all assayed parameters with the coincidental decrease in the survival % and specific growth rates. Similarly, lower growth performance was also observed at 2 g 100 g–1 diet. Thus, the incorporation of chitosan at a level of 1g in fish diet enhanced the performance and reduced the fish mortality under stress conditions.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(6):501-508
pages 501-508 views

The antioxidant and stress-protective properties of an extract from the green alga Ulva lactuca Linnaeus, 1753

Fomenko S., Kushnerova N., Sprygin V., Momot T.


The effects of an extract from the green alga Ulva lactuca and the Essentiale® commercial preparation, which was used as a reference, on the weight indexes of the viscera and the biochemical markers of the liver have been studied in a model of acute stress in rats. Acute stress was simulated by suspending animals in the upright position by their neck dorsal skin fold for 24 hours. Administration of the U. lactuca extract to rats exposed to the extreme stress resulted in a pronounced preventive action, which was manifested in the support of the weight index of their viscera, lipids metabolism, the antioxidant defense system of liver, and a reduction of lipid peroxidation. The extract from U. lactuca was no less effective in protecting the metabolic reactions of the liver under acute stress than the Essentiale® commercial preparation. The pronounced protective properties of the U. lactuca extract are explained by the combined effects of phospholipids of marine origin, n-3 PUFAs, and antioxidant polyphenols that comprise it.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(6):509-514
pages 509-514 views


Erratum to: “Freezing tolerance of sea urchin embryo pigment cells”

Ageenko N., Kiselev K., Odintsova N.
Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(6):515-515
pages 515-515 views

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