
Detection of DNA in Human Blastocyst Cavity Aspirate by Multiplex PCR
Sesina N., Voskoboeva E., Krasnopolskaya K.
The First Stages of Liparis parviflora (Orchidaceae) Embryogenesis
Kolomeitseva G., Ryabchenko A., Babosha A.
Morphogenetic networks which determine the spatial expression of zygotic genes in early Drosophila embryo
Surkova S., Golubkova E., Mamon L., Samsonova M.
Composition of Somatic and Germ Cells of Human Gonads in Prenatal and Postnatal Periods
Shtaut M., Kurilo L.
Adaptation of the seed reproduction system to conditions of Maritime Antarctic in Deschampsia antarctica E. Desv.
Yudakova O., Tyrnov V., Kunakh V., Kozeretskaya I., Parnikoza I.
Use of Antimicrobial Peptides Secreted by Trichoderma Micromycetes to Stimulate Embryogenic Cultures of Larix sibirica
Tretyakova I., Park M., Baranova A., Lisetskaya I., Shuklina A., Rogozhin E., Sadykova V.
Hypoxia during mammalian preimplantation development: Extreme circumstance vs. typical environment
Pogorelov A., Smirnov A., Pogorelova V.
Optimal Number of Embryos for Transplantation in Obtaining Genetic-Modified Mice and Goats
Silaeva Y., Kirikovich Y., Skuratovskaya L., Deikin A.
Callusogenesis as an in vitro Morphogenesis Pathway in Cereals
Kruglova N., Titova G., Seldimirova O.
Early Normal Development of the Paradise Fish Macropodus opercularis
Yu T., Guo Y.
Structural and Functional Features of the Wheat Embryo Sac’s Antipodal Cells during Differentiation
Doronina T., Chaban I., Lazareva E.
Blastocyst hatching in humans
Shafei R., Syrkasheva A., Romanov A., Makarova N., Dolgushina N., Semenova M.
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