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Том 48, № 2 (2017)


Reproductive biology and a genome resource bank of Felidae

Amstislavsky S., Kozhevnikova V., Muzika V., Kizilova E.


The main achievements in applying modern reproductive technologies to the banking of the genetic resources of the Felidae family are reviewed. The classification of felids at the level of species and subspecies is revised in the light of recent molecular data. Special emphasis is made on such mainstream technologies as semen collection and cryopreservation followed by artificial insemination, as well as on in vitro maturation and fertilization of oocytes combined with the culture of in vitro-derived felid embryos.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(2):81-92
pages 81-92 views

Developmental aspects of senescence

Brusentsev E., Tikhonova M., Herbeck Y., Ragaeva D., Rozhkova I., Amstislavsky S.


Different types of senescence and major theories of aging are reviewed, and mechanisms of this complex biological phenomenon are discussed. Emphasis is placed on changes in the nervous systems of mammals and humans with age. Experimental animal models for studying aging and modern approaches to the correction of age-related deterioration are considered. Chemicals and other factors that may alleviate agerelated disorders and slow down senescence are critically reviewed.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(2):93-105
pages 93-105 views

Environmental factors inducing the transformation of polyp into medusae in Aurelia aurita (Scyphozoa)

Sukhoputova A., Kraus Y.


The transformation of polyp into medusa is one of the most interesting processes in the life cycle of cnidarians. In the polyps of the class Scyphozoa this transformation occurs in the form of strobilation, which is the transverse fission of polyps with the formation of discoidal ephyrae. At present, the endogenous regulation of strobilation in one of scyphozoans, Aurelia aurita, is being investigated by the methods of molecular biology (Fuchs et al., 2014). However, it is still unclear which key environmental factors induce this process. The main purposes of this review are to summarize the literature data on the conditions in which strobilation in A. aurita occurs in nature and in the laboratory and to try to identify the environmental factors that are most likely to play a signaling role in strobilation.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(2):106-116
pages 106-116 views

Developmental Biology of Plants

Analysis of the gamete-fusion genes in the haploid-inducing ZMS-P maize line

Moiseeva Y., Volokhina I., Gusev Y., Gutorova O., Chumakov M.


This article is devoted to the study of the double fertilization mechanism in plants, in particular of the maize gamete membrane fusion genes. We detected and analyzed for the first time gamete-fusion genes in the maize genome. Using the BLAST program, we searched for the hap2 gene (generative cell specific 1 (gcs1)) homologs from Arabidopsis in the maize genome. The ZM_BFb0162K03 maize transcript was found, which had 67% identity to the Athap2 gene and contained a conserved region similar to the Athap2 gene fragment. In mRNA samples from the haploid-inducing and control maize lines, an PCR was conducted by using primers specific to the ZM_BFb0162K03 sequence fragment. Sequences of the PCR products from a fragment (1467 bp) of the Zm_hap2 gene of the haploid-inducing and the control maize lines were identical and also were identical to the maize sequences from the GenBank (ZM_BFb0162K03). PCR products (656 bp region of Zm_hap2) for the ZM_BFb0162K03 (1925 bp) maize sequence were observed for the cDNA of pollen grains, ovary, leaves, and roots of the haploid-inducing and control maize lines. Using the Blastx program, we found significant homology of the maize translated proteins to the GEX2, TET11, and TET12 proteins, involved in Arabidopsis gamete-fusion contacts.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(2):117-121
pages 117-121 views

Auxin abolishes inhibitory effects of methylcyclopropen and amino oxyacetic acid on pollen grain germination, pollen tube growth, and the synthesis of ACC in petunia

Kovaleva L., Zakharova E., Voronkov A., Timofeeva G.


As established by us earlier, ethylene behaves as a regulator of germination, development, and growth of male gametophyte during the progamic phase of fertilization. However, the mechanisms of the regulation of these processes remain so far unstudied. It is believed that the main factor providing variety of the ethylene responses is its interaction with other phytohormones. According to our working hypothesis, ethylene controls germination of pollen grains (PGs) and growth of pollen tubes (PTs) by interacting with auxin, which, as the available data indicate, is likely a key regulator of plant cell polarization and morphogenesis and one of the factors modulating the biosynthesis of ethylene at the level of ACC-synthase gene expression. In the present work, on germinating in vitro male gametophyte and the pollen-stigma system for petunia (Petunia hybrida L.) effects of phytohormones (ethylene and IAA) and known blockers repressing ethylene reception (1-methylcyclopropene, 1-MCP), the synthesis of ACC (amino oxyacetic acid, AOA) and transport IAA (triyodbenzoynaya acid, TYBA) on PGs germination, PTs growth and the synthesis of ACC were investigated. According to the data obtained, exogenous ethylene and IAA stimulated both PGs germination and PTs growth. 1-MCP and TYBA completely inhibited the first process, whereas IAA abolished the inhibitory action of 1-MCP and AOA on both the above processes. Etrel only partially weakened the inhibitory effect of TYBA. Examination of ACC synthesis modulation with AOA showed that IAA does not affect the level of ACC in germinating in vitro male gametophyte and nonpollinated stigmas, while this phytohormone insignificantly raised the level of ACC and abolished the inhibitory effect of AOA on its synthesis in the pollenstigma system. Pollination of stigmas with the pollen preliminarily treated with 1-MCP led to 2.5-fold decline in both the rate of PT growth and the level of ACC. At the same time, IAA abolished the inhibitory action of 1-MCP recovering the synthesis of ACC and growth of PTs to the control values. All these results, taken together, provide evidence for the interaction of the signal transduction pathways of ethylene and auxin at the level of ACC biosynthesis in the course of germination and growth of petunia male gametophyte during the progamic phase of fertilization.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(2):122-129
pages 122-129 views


Early peripheral sensory neurons in the development of trochozoan animals

Nezlin L., Voronezhskaya E.


Neuronal development of the majority of trochozoan animals with biphasic pelago-bentic life cycle starts from transient peripheral neurons, which do not belong to the central nervous system and are mainly located in the apical sensory organ and in the hyposphere. Some of these neurons are pioneer and send neurites that form a scaffold upon which the adult central nervous system later develops. In representative species of molluscs and polychaetes, immunolabelling with the antibodies against neurotransmitters serotonin and FMRFamide, and acetylated α-tubulin revealed that the structure of almost all early peripheral neurons is typical for sensory, most probably chemosensory cells: flask shape, and cilia at the end of the apical dendrite or inside the distal ampoule. Morphology, transmitter specificity, location and projections of the early sensory cells differ in trochophores of different species thus suggesting different origin of these cells. In polychaete larvae, pharmacological inhibition of serotonin synthesis in early peripheral neurons did not affect the development, whereas its increase resulted in developmental arrest and neural malformations, suggesting that early peripheral sensory neurons are involved in developmental regulation.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(2):130-143
pages 130-143 views

Ontogenesis and Ecology

Dynamics of reaching imago stage by F1 animals after terahertz irradiation of parental Drosophila

Weisman N., Fedorov V.


Terahertz radiation (0.1–10 THz) is increasingly becoming a factor of human habitat. The study of the consequences of radiation allows one to estimate its possible biological danger. Our data indicate that the terahertz irradiation of parental Drosophila shortens the period of embryonic development of their first generation descendants. Significant deviations of data from the control were found, when both females and males were experimental parents. The highest portion of animals with accelerated hatching as compared with the control was found in progenies from irradiated females. The shift of maximal hatching peak to an earlier period was found in descendants of both sexes. Thus, it was for the first time found on the model object (Drosophila) that the terahertz irradiation of parents can have positive or negative consequences in the first generation descendants.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(2):144-149
pages 144-149 views

Onthogenetic polyvariaty in the representatives of Trifolium L. genus Lupinaster (Fabr.) Ser. section

Kalinkina V.


The progress of ontogenesis is analyzed in four members of the genus Trfolium, Lupinaster section and it is shown that the ecological conditions have a guiding influence on the course of individual development of the species. The most important among them are: soil mechanical composition, distance from the seashore, regime and intensity of moistening. Six variants of the ontogenesis, having two subvariants for three of them, were allocated for the members of the section. The initial stages of the ontogenesis are similar, but the main differences begin to manifest from the virginal age. Evolutionary transformation within the section are expressed in reduced leaflets of compound leaves, weakened functioning of the main root, rhizome development, and the transition of perennial forms to vegetative biennials.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(2):150-157
pages 150-157 views

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