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卷 45, 编号 2 (2018)

Developmental Biology

Cytogenetic Activity of Gold Nanoparticles in Germ and Somatic Cells of 129 Mice with a Nonsense Mutation in the DNA Polymerase Iota Gene

Mudzhiri N., Zakhidov S., Rudoy V., Dement’eva O., Makarov A., Makarova I., Zelenina I., Andreeva L., Marshak T.


In this study, we investigated the cytogenetic effects of single and quadruple exposure of spermatogenic cells and hepatocytes of 129 mice, which have a mutation in the gene that encodes DNA polymerase iota, to ultrasmall gold nanoparticles (GNPs). The combined effects of GNPs and chemical mutagen dipin were evaluated. In all cases, except for the experiment with the quadruple GNP injection, we observed a slight, statistically nonsignificant increase in the frequency of round spermatids with micronuclei compared to the negative control (saline). It is established that, in the intact liver of 129 mice, in all variants of the experiment, GNPs behaved as a potentially cytotoxic agent, as evidenced by the decrease in the frequency of the micronucleated hepatocytes.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(2):119-125
pages 119-125 views


Comparative Analysis of the Fatty Acid Profiles of Smolts of the Brown Trout Salmo trutta L. and Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar L. during Smoltification (Indera River, White Sea Basin)

Nefedova Z., Murzina S., Pekkoeva S., Nemova N.


The fatty acid status of the total lipids was studied in smolts of the brown trout and the Atlantic salmon collected in summer in the Indera River (White Sea basin). Higher 18:3ω-3/18:2ω-6, ω-3/ω-6, and 20:4ω-6/18:2ω-6 ratios were found in smolts of the Atlantic salmon in comparison to smolts of the brown trout. A higher amount of essential fatty acid 18:2ω-6 and an increased ratio of the sum of polyunsaturated fatty acids to the sum of saturated fatty acids in smolts of brown trout were observed. We have registered the differences in the ratios of the fatty acids, including physiologically active ones, which indicated species-specific physiological and biochemical processes during smoltification.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(2):126-131
pages 126-131 views

Secondary Metabolites of Micromycetes in Plants of the Family Fabaceae, Genus Trifolium

Kononenko G., Burkin A.


The component composition and content of mycotoxins in perennial grasses of five species of the genus Trifolium, selected from natural biocenoses in different periods of vegetation, were studied. In the terrestrial parts of plants, the permanent presence of alternariol, cyclopiazonic acid, and emodin was shown. It was noted that differences in contamination are most clearly expressed in meadow clover Trifolium pratense L. and white clover Trifolium repens L., while alsike clover Trifolium hybridum L. occupies an intermediate position. It was found that zigzag clover Trifolium medium L. and mountain clover Trifolium montanum L., morphologically close to meadow clover, practically did not differ in the composition of toxic metabolites. The ways of formation of metabolic equilibrium in plants with participation of microscopic fungi are discussed.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(2):132-138
pages 132-138 views


Searching for and Revealing Pleistocene Refugia of Pinus sylvestris L. in Central Yakutia

Sannikov S., Petrova I., Sannikova N., Egorov E.


As a result of allozyme analysis, Nei’s genetic distances were determined between the phylogeographic group of seven populations of Pinus sylvestris L. in the “glacial” zone of the range in Central Yakutia and 25 populations of its hypothetical Pleistocene refugia of the southern nonglacial zone within the entire range of the species in Northern Eurasia. The location of the most likely “avant-garde” refugium of the modern yakutian populations of the Scots pine is Northern Priamur’e (Tynda), as well as less likely Siberian (Romanovka, Irkutsk), South Ural (Kryktytau), and Central European (the Czech Republic) refugia.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(2):139-146
pages 139-146 views

Mitochondrial Lineages of the Beluga Whale Delphinapterus leucas in the Russian Arctic

Meschersky I., Chernetsky A., Krasnova V., Solovyev B., Udovik D., Shpak O., Glazov D., Rozhnov V.


The data on mtDNA sequences of the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) from the central Eastern Arctic as well as coastal waters of the Chukchi Peninsula and different parts of the White Sea are presented and analyzed for the first time. Certain sequences found in the region form a separate phylogenetic clade. The distinctness of composition of maternal lineages found for the White Sea is noted. However, the set of sequences found in the Russian Arctic in whole cannot be characterized as region-specific.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(2):147-154
pages 147-154 views


Antitumor Activity of Probiotic Bacteria and the Bacterial Association in the Tumor Growth Model and in Cell Culture

Ratnikova I., Gavrilova N., Bayakyshova K., Turlybaeva Z., Kosheleva L., Utegenova N.


Strains of lactic acid and propionic acid bacteria and the A-5 bacterial association composed of the Lactobacillus brevis B-3/A-26, L. plantarum 2v/А-6, L. plantarum 14d/I, and Propionibacterium shermanii 2/10 cultures in equal proportion exhibiting high antitumor activity have been selected using the fungus Fusarium bulbigenum var. blasticola tumorlike growth model. L. acidophilus 27w, L. plantarum 2v/I, 2v/A-6, and 22A-310, L. fermentum 127A-4, L. cellobiosus 7n, L. salivarius 39n, P. shermanii 2/10, and the А-5 association were shown to inhibit completely the tumorlike growth of the fungus when present as 2% native cultures in the nutrient medium. The high antitumor activity of the A-5 association comparable with that of the therapeutic agents doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide was confirmed using human tumor cell lines originating from different organs (HepG2, RD, and H9). It has been demonstrated that the bacterial strains comprising the A-5 association were resistant to doxorubicin and methotrexate, the antitumor drugs tested.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(2):155-159
pages 155-159 views

Microbiological Parameters and Peat Stratigraphy of Two Types of Bogs in the Northern Part of the Sym–Dubches Interfluve (Krasnoyarsk Krai)

Grodnitskaya I., Karpenko L., Syrtsov S., Prokushkin A.


The phytocenotic and microbiological features of two types of bogs (oligotrophic and eutrophic) in the northern part of the Sym–Dubches interfluve (the middle taiga subzone in the Yenisei region of Siberia) have been studied. The descriptions of the plant cover of bogs and peat stratigraphy and age are given. It has been revealed that peat of the bogs studied is characterized by a low or medium ash content; a small amount of N, P, and K; and an acid and slightly acid reaction, which results in their moderate microbial and fermentation activity and favors accumulation and conservation of plant remains and microbial biomass. It has been proved that the microbocenoses of the eutrophic and oligotrophic bogs are characterized by a stable ecophysiological status of the natural norm.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(2):160-170
pages 160-170 views

Plant Physiology

Accumulation of Phenolic Compounds at the Initial Steps of Ontogenesis of Fagopyrum esculentum Plants That Differ in Their Ploidy Levels

Zagoskina N., Kazantseva V., Fesenko A., Shirokova A.


Plants of buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum possessing diploid and tetraploid genotypes were studied at the initial ontogenetic stages. They were compared in their morphophysiological characteristics, accumulation of phenolic compounds (including their main classes—phenylpropanoids and flavonoids), and activity of L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase. An apparent resemblance in morphophysiological characteristics of seedlings was found between the two specimens, but diploid plants tended to faster linear growth than tetraploid ones. Differences in the accumulation of phenolic compounds in the hypocotyl and cotyledonous leaves were revealed. In most cases, in the course of seedling growth, the changes in phenylalanine ammonialyase activity did not correlate with the changes in the levels of these secondary metabolites. The effects of gene dosage were established towards accumulation of phenylpropanoids and anthocyanins in hypocotyls of seedlings and flavonoid accumulation in cotyledonous leaves. It is concluded that buckwheat seedlings with a tetraploid genotype have higher capacity than diploid seedlings for biosynthesis of phenolics.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(2):171-178
pages 171-178 views


The Effect of Reciprocal Cross-Fostering of Pups in Two Species of Mice Mus musculus and Mus spicilegus: An Altered Response to Con- and Heterospecific Odors

Kotenkova E., Ambaryan A., Maltsev A.


The effect of pup cross-fostering by the house mouse Mus musculus and the mound-building mouse M. spicilegus on the odor preferences of sexually mature individuals has been studied for the first time. House and mound-building mice reared by females of a closely related species did not prefer any of the odors, in contrast to intact individuals of these species. Some individuals reared by females of a closely related species preferred the odor of foster species to conspecific odor. Early olfactory experience has been shown to alter the response of house mice and mound-building mice to odors of their own species and foster species.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(2):179-185
pages 179-185 views

Animal and Human Physiology

Chronic Mild Stress Increases the Expression of Genes Encoding Proinflammatory Cytokines in the Rat Brain

Peregud D., Manolova A., Lazareva N., Onufriev M., Gulyaeva N., Stepanichev M.


Alterations in the expression of genes encoding interleukins IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were studied in the rat brain in a model of a depressive disorder. We found that the signs of a depressionlike condition in rats, subjected to eight weeks of chronic mild unpredictable stress, were accompanied by increased IL-1α and IL-1β mRNAs levels in the neocortex, hippocampus, and brainstem and a decreased IL-6 mRNA level in the brainstem as compared to those observed in the control animals. We did not find any changes in the level of TNF-α mRNA. We suggest that region-specific alterations in the expression of cytokine genes, specifically, the most prominent increase in IL-1β expression, reflects greater vulnerability of chronically stressed animals to neuroinflammatory processes.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(2):186-191
pages 186-191 views


Amphibian Anomalies as a Source of Information on the Adaptive and Evolutionary Potential

Vershinin V., Vershinina S., Neustroeva N.


Long-term data on the morphological anomalies of four anuran species (family Ranidae) and two tailed amphibian species (families Hynobiidae and Salamandridae), inhabiting forest and urbanized areas in the eastern slope of the Middle Urals, have been studied. The morphological deviations of amphibians were investigated in terms of the module principle, which predetermines the similarity of evolutionary transformations in different taxa and limit the number of possible directions of diversification in morphogenesis. The definitive spectra and frequencies of morphological anomalies in juvenile and adult individuals are compared in the urbanization gradient. Original methodological and methodical approaches to using the potential and implemented spectra of deviation are proposed for assessing the role of the ecological component in their formation. The possibility of using deviant forms of variability for assessing the evolutionary and adaptive potentials of the species is discussed.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(2):192-200
pages 192-200 views

Classification of Springs in the Lake Baikal Region by Macroinvertebrate Communities

Takhteev V.


The macrozoobenthos communities in 15 cold fresh, 12 mineral (sodium chloride), and 19 thermal springs of the Baikal Rift Zone and adjacent areas have been investigated. The classification of springs on the basis of quantitative indicators of abundance was proposed. According to the dominant group of fauna, three types of communities were identified for the cold springs; six types, for mineral springs; and four types, for thermal springs. It was established that communities with the dominance of Chironomidae, Turbellaria, and Oligochaeta are formed in cold springs and communities with the predominance of Gastropoda (one or two species) prevail in thermal springs. It was noted that mineral springs of medium mineralization are characterized by communities with a prevalence of Amphipoda (Gammarus lacustris); those with high salinity are dominated by Brachyceran flies (Diptera, Brachycera).

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(2):201-211
pages 201-211 views

Refugium of the Boreal Forests of the Circumpolar Urals

Smirnova O., Shevchenko N., Khanina L., Bobrovsky M.


The results of studies of the vegetative cover and ontogenetic composition of the cenopopulations of Picea obovata Ledeb. and Larix sibirica Ledeb. in the Gorno-Khadytinskii Forest Reserve, which is the refugium of the northern taiga forests of Western Siberia, have been summarized. According to the Brown–Blanke system, two associations of forests were identified and described, as well as two tundra associations, for comparison. The unique association of the Aconito septentrionalisPiceetum obovatae taiga forests Zaugolnova et Morozova 2009 were analyzed in detail, and a comparison of these associations was carried out in the Gorno-Khadytinskii and Pechoro-Ilychskii reserves, where these forests are the reference standards of the zonal-type forests. An estimate of the ontogenetic composition of the cenopopulations of P. obovata Ledeb. and L. sibirica Ledeb. is given, as well as the absolute age of the trees of these species.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(2):212-218
pages 212-218 views