
标题 文件
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Tengmalm’s Owl (Aegolius funereus) (Strigidae, Aves) in the North Caucasus PDF
Belik V., Akkiev M.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Trends of Wild Ungulate Population Dynamics in Russia PDF
Danilkin A.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Structural Organization and Specificity of Territorial Links among Birds of Inner Mountain and High-Mountain Dagestan PDF
Vilkov E.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Waders of Agricultural Areas of Ivanovo Oblast in the Crisis of Agricultural Production PDF
Chasov D., Melnikov V., Chudnenko D.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Biological Activity of Mountain and Plain Chernozems in the Central Caucasus (within Kabardino-Balkaria) PDF
Gorobtsova O., Minkina T., Uligova T., Tembotov R., Khakunova E.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Bacterioneuston Abundance and Physicochemical Properties of the Surface Microlayer of Lake Baikal PDF
Galachyants A., Domysheva V., Sakirko M., Blinov V., Zimens E., Suslova M., Sukhanova E., Shtykova Y., Tomberg I., Belykh O.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Territorial Structure and Social Organization of Two Subspecies of the Midday Gerbil (Meriones meridianus nogaiorum, M. m. psammophilus) (Muridae, Mammalia) under Seminatural Conditions PDF
Gromov V.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Phytoplankton of the Usa River and Its Tributaries (Kuibyshev Reservoir Basin) PDF
Gorokhova O., Zinchenko T.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Some Ecological Peculiarities of Bulbocodium versicolor (Ker-Gawl.) Spreng. (Colchicaceae, Magnoliophyta) in the Lower Volga Region PDF
Kulikova L., Kashin A., Petrova N., Shilova I.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) The Effect of Gamma Radiation on Parthenogenetic Artemia (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) Cysts: Nauplius Hatching and Postnauplial Survival under Varying Salinity PDF
Mirzoyeva N., Anufriieva E., Shadrin N.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Vertical Distribution of Bacteria in Forest Lakes of Karelia PDF
Lapteva N., Sokolova E.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Biodiagnostics of Soil under a Low Level of Anthropogenic Impact (by the Example of the Urban Settlement of Stepnoe, Saratov Oblast) PDF
Pleshakova Y., Ngun C., Reshetnikov M.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Foraging Behavior Features of the Blackbird Turdus merula L. and Fieldfare Turdus pilaris L. (Turdidae, Passeriformes) in Kaliningrad PDF
Shukshina M.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Numbers of Small Mammals in Fields, Stacks, and Ricks in the South Central Chernozem Region PDF
Trankvilevsky D., Kvasov D.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Foraging and Daily Activity Features of Ants of the Genus Formica (Insecta, Hymenoptera) in Forest–Steppe Biotopes of Saratov Oblast PDF
Pavlova N., Anikin V.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Betula nana (Betulaceae, Magnoliópsida) under Exposure to a Thermal Power Plant PDF
Yakovleva E., Gabov D.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Features of the Organization of Populations of a Rare Species Cephalaria uralensis (Murr.) Schrad. ex Roem. et Schult. (Dipsacaceae, Magnoliópsida) in the Trans-Volga and Cis-Urals Regions PDF
Abramova L., Ilyina V., Mustafina A., Karimova O.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Effect of Lighting Conditions on the Reproductive Success of Cypripedium calceolus L. (Orchidaceae, Liliopsida) PDF
Kirillova I., Kirillov D.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Ontogenetic Structure of Cenopolulations of Orchis militaris L. and Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soo (Orchidaceae, Liliopsida) in Romanovskii District of Saratov Region PDF
Nevzorov A., Smirnova E., Sergeeva I., Ponomareva A., Shevchenko E.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Thermal Regimen of the Habitats of the Russian Desman (Desmana moschata, Talpidae, Soricomorpha) PDF
Es’kova K., Belovezhets K., Kosinsky A., Moreva Y., Popov I., Rutovskaya M.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Tendencies in the Dynamics of Bird Communities in Agricultural Landscapes of the Steppe Trans-Urals at the Turn of the Century PDF
Korovin V.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Meadow Birds under Waning Traditional Pasture Animal Husbandry PDF
Mischenko A., Sukhanova O., Melnikov V., Amosov P.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Some Aspects of the Theory of Winter Route Counting of Game Animals PDF
Kondratenkov I.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Reduction of Copper Ion Phytotoxicity Using Rhodococcus-Biosurfactants PDF
Litvinenko L., Tishchenko A., Ivshina I.
卷 46, 编号 10 (2019) Scientific Bases for Enuring Productive Longevity of Agrolandscapes in Russia PDF
Trofimov I., Trofimova L., Yakovleva E., Oparina O., Oparin M.
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