
Issue Title File
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Some Aspects of the Theory of Winter Route Counting of Game Animals PDF
Kondratenkov I.A.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Reduction of Copper Ion Phytotoxicity Using Rhodococcus-Biosurfactants PDF
Litvinenko L.V., Tishchenko A.V., Ivshina I.B.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Scientific Bases for Enuring Productive Longevity of Agrolandscapes in Russia PDF
Trofimov I.A., Trofimova L.S., Yakovleva E.P., Oparina O.S., Oparin M.L.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Influence of Pb and Cd on the Biochemical Indices of Avena sativa (Poaceae, Liliopsida) PDF
Petukhov A.S., Khritokhin N.A., Petukhova G.A., Kremleva T.A.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Long-Term Dynamics of the Community Structure of Larks (Alaudidae, Aves) in the Northwestern Caspian Lowland PDF
Oparin M.L., Mamaev A.B., Oparina O.S., Trofimova L.S.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Leukocytic Indices and Micronucleus in Erythrocytes as Population Markers of the Immune Status of Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771) (Amphibia: Ranidae) Living in Various Biotopic Conditions PDF
Romanova E.B., Shapovalova K.V., Ryabinina E.S., Gelashvili D.B.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Morphological Variability and Biochemical Parameters of Leaves in Cenopopulations of Aegopodium podagraria L. (Apiаceae, Apiales) under Various Levels of Soil Contamination by Heavy Metals PDF
Savinov A.B., Erofeeva E.A., Nikitin Y.D.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Syntaxonomy of Some Phytocenoses in Mountain and Piedmont Ecosystems of the Central Caucasus (Kabardino-Balkaria) PDF
Tsepkova N.L.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Snowdrift Redistribution as the Main Factor of Regulation of Water Availability for Forest Cultures in Steppe Conditions PDF
Sapanov M.K.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Stopovers of Swans (Cygnus cygnus and C. bewickii) (Anatidae, Aves) in the Agricultural Landscape of Southern Karelia during the Spring Migration PDF
Artemyev A.V., Lapshin N.V., Simonov S.A.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Estimation of the Toxicity of a Metal/Carbon Nanocomposite of Copper by Biotesting PDF
Khudyakova A.V., Lekontseva T.G., Fedorov A.V.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Evolutionary and Ecological Aspects of Genetic Variability in Populations of Sicista betulina (Rodentia, Dipodoidea) from Valdai Hills PDF
Baskevich M.I., Khlyap L.A., Potapov S.G., Shvarts E.A., Dmitriev S.G., Malygin V.M.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Influence of the Environment on the Structure of the European Badger (Meles meles) (Mustelidae, Mammalia) Family Groups on the Oka–Don Plain PDF
Bohina O.D., Boldyrev V.A.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Tengmalm’s Owl (Aegolius funereus) (Strigidae, Aves) in the North Caucasus PDF
Belik V.P., Akkiev M.I.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Trends of Wild Ungulate Population Dynamics in Russia PDF
Danilkin A.A.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Structural Organization and Specificity of Territorial Links among Birds of Inner Mountain and High-Mountain Dagestan PDF
Vilkov E.V.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Waders of Agricultural Areas of Ivanovo Oblast in the Crisis of Agricultural Production PDF
Chasov D.V., Melnikov V.N., Chudnenko D.E.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Biological Activity of Mountain and Plain Chernozems in the Central Caucasus (within Kabardino-Balkaria) PDF
Gorobtsova O.N., Minkina T.M., Uligova T.S., Tembotov R.K., Khakunova E.M.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Bacterioneuston Abundance and Physicochemical Properties of the Surface Microlayer of Lake Baikal PDF
Galachyants A.D., Domysheva V.M., Sakirko M.V., Blinov V.V., Zimens E.A., Suslova M.Y., Sukhanova E.V., Shtykova Y.R., Tomberg I.V., Belykh O.I.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Territorial Structure and Social Organization of Two Subspecies of the Midday Gerbil (Meriones meridianus nogaiorum, M. m. psammophilus) (Muridae, Mammalia) under Seminatural Conditions PDF
Gromov V.S.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Phytoplankton of the Usa River and Its Tributaries (Kuibyshev Reservoir Basin) PDF
Gorokhova O.G., Zinchenko T.D.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Some Ecological Peculiarities of Bulbocodium versicolor (Ker-Gawl.) Spreng. (Colchicaceae, Magnoliophyta) in the Lower Volga Region PDF
Kulikova L.V., Kashin A.S., Petrova N.A., Shilova I.V.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) The Effect of Gamma Radiation on Parthenogenetic Artemia (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) Cysts: Nauplius Hatching and Postnauplial Survival under Varying Salinity PDF
Mirzoyeva N.Y., Anufriieva E.V., Shadrin N.V.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Vertical Distribution of Bacteria in Forest Lakes of Karelia PDF
Lapteva N.A., Sokolova E.A.
Vol 46, No 10 (2019) Biodiagnostics of Soil under a Low Level of Anthropogenic Impact (by the Example of the Urban Settlement of Stepnoe, Saratov Oblast) PDF
Pleshakova Y.V., Ngun C.T., Reshetnikov M.V.
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