
Influence of Lead Nitrate and Acetate Applied to Sod-Podzolic Soil on its Bioindicative Parameters
Panova M., Pukalchik M., Uchanov P., Terekhova V.
Biodiagnostics of Soil under a Low Level of Anthropogenic Impact (by the Example of the Urban Settlement of Stepnoe, Saratov Oblast)
Pleshakova Y., Ngun C., Reshetnikov M.
Carbon isotope composition in landscape components and its changes under different ecological conditions
Kovda I., Morgun E., Gongalskii K., Balandin S., Erokhina A.
Biological Activity of Mountain and Plain Chernozems in the Central Caucasus (within Kabardino-Balkaria)
Gorobtsova O., Minkina T., Uligova T., Tembotov R., Khakunova E.
The Cold Hardiness of Mass Soil Invertebrates of Northeastern Asia: 2. The Cold Hardiness of Soil Invertebrates as Adaptation to Climate
Berman D., Leirikh A.
Cold Hardiness of Mass Soil Invertebrate Animals of Northeastern Asia: 1. Cold Hardiness and the Mechanisms of Its Maintenance
Berman D., Leirikh A.
Earthworms (Lumbricidae, Annelida) as a Component of Artificial Forest Ecosystems in the Northern Caspian Semidesert
Sizemskaya M., Vsevolodova-Perel T.
Comparison of Methods for Assessment of Radionuclide Speciation in Soils
Manakhov D., Emelyanov A., Karpukhin M., Lipatov D., Agapkina G., Mamikhin S.
Structural dynamics of the breeding population of larks (Alaudidae, Aves) in the semidesert of the Saratov Trans-Volga region
Oparin M., Kondratenkov I., Konyushkova M., Oparina O., Mamaev A., Trofimov I., Trofimova L.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Betula nana (Betulaceae, Magnoliópsida) under Exposure to a Thermal Power Plant
Yakovleva E., Gabov D.
The population of earthworms (Lumbricidae) in the main types of dark coniferous forests in Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve
Geraskina A.
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