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Vol 43, No 2 (2016)

Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology

Sympatric speciation of the plague microbe Yersinia pestis: Monohostal specialization in the host–parasite marmot–flea (Marmota sibirica–Oropsylla silantiewi) system

Suntsov V.V.


An ecological scenario of the origin of the plague microbe that is interpreted in the light of modern Darwinism (synthetic theory of evolution) is presented. It is shown that the plague microbe emerged from a clone of the psychrophilic saprozoonotic pseudotuberculosis microbe Yersinia pseudotuberculosis O:1b in the mountain steppe landscapes of Central Asia in the Sartan time, 22000–15000 years ago, in the monohostal Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica)–flea (Oropsylla silantiewi) host–parasite system. It was noted that the evolutionary process described corresponds to the sympatric form of speciation by transition of the clone of migrant founders to a new, already-existing ecological niche. It was established that monohostal specialization of the plague microbe was made possible due to heterothermia (5–37°C) of marmots in the hibernation period. The factors of the speciation process—isolation, the struggle for existence, and natural selection—were analyzed.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(2):87-96
pages 87-96 views

Developmental Biology

Neurons with different neurotransmitters in embryonic neocortical allografts in the rat sciatic nerve

Petrova E.S.


Different subsets of interneurons in the Wistar rat neocortex and in neocortical transplants developing in a damaged nerve were identified by the following immunohistochemical markers: glutamate decarboxylase (GAD 67) for GABAergic nerve cells, NO-synthase (NOS) for NO-ergic neurons, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) for cholinergic cells, and tyrosine hydroxylase for catecholaminergic structures. Twentyeight days after surgery, individual GAD 67-ir, NO-ir, ChAT-ir, and very rarely TH-ir cells were detected in the graft. It was shown that the number of GAD 67-ir neurons per unit area in the grafts was less than in the rat neocortex P20.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(2):97-103
pages 97-103 views


The role of ombrophilic dissipotrophic bacteria in wood decomposition

Zaichikova M.V., Berestovskaya Y.Y., Vasil’eva L.V.


The summarized experimental data on ombrophilic bacteria isolated from dystrophic waters formed by a mycobacterial community during the process of spruce wood decomposition are presented. It was demonstrated that the ombrophilic microbial community was characterized by wide phylogenetic diversity at the initial stage of spruce wood decomposition by xylotrophic fungi under low mineralization conditions. It was noted that bacteria were able to grow under acidic and ultrafresh conditions and most of them were referred to oligotrophs. It was determined that all isolated ombrophilic bacteria divided into three groups depending on the substrate specifity: saccharolytic, acidotrophic bacteria, and bacteria, which used C1-compounds as the substrate. The position of the ombrophilic bacteria in the trophic chain was determined.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(2):104-112
pages 104-112 views

Impact of radioactive elements on microbial complexes in cryogenic soils of Yakutia

Ivanova T.I., Kuz’mina N.P., Sobakin P.I.


It has been found that microorganisms in cryogenic soils of Yakutia are resistant to the long-term impact of cesium and thorium. The number of microorganisms in the studied ecological–trophic groups does not depend on the concentrations of radioactive elements. Differences in the number of microorganisms are determined by the physicochemical conditions that are created in different horizons of the soils studied. The long-term impact of radiation (for 36 and 66 years) on microorganisms inhabiting the permafrost soils of Yakutia has developed their adaptive capacity to high concentrations of these radioactive elements.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(2):113-120
pages 113-120 views

Plant Physiology

A Complex morpho-histological approach to the in vitro study of morphogenic structures in a wheat anther culture

Seldimirova O.A., Titova G.E., Kruglova N.N.


The external morphological and internal histological features of morphogenic structures (embryoids, calli with embryoids, and calli with buds and roots) have been studied in vitro in a wheat anther culture by light microscopy. The results of this study have been compared with data obtained earlier by scanning electron microscopy.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(2):121-126
pages 121-126 views


The microsculpture of glochidia of some anodontine bivalves (Unionidae)

Sayenko E.M.


Glochidia of three freshwater anodontine bivalves: Kunashiria Starobogatov in Zatrawkin, 1983, Sinanodonta Modell, 1944, from the Far East, and Anodonta Lamarck, 1799, were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Data on the microsculpture of the outer surface of glochidial valves are given. Among the three genera discussed, the glochidia of Anodonta are the largest, with a loose-looped outer microsculpture and numerous granules. The glochidia of Kunashiria and Sinanodonta differ by the valve height–length proportions and some details of the outer microsculpture: glochidia of Kunashiria have a tight-looped outer sculpture while the glochidia of Sinanodonta have a loose-net outer sculpture.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(2):127-135
pages 127-135 views

Revision of the taxonomic position of the Olkhon mountain vole (Rodentia, Cricetidae)

Bodrov S.Y., Kostygov A.Y., Rudneva L.V., Abramson N.I.


The phylogenetic position of the Olkhon mountain vole (Alticola olchonensis Litvinov, 1960) was studied using the sequences of four nuclear (BRCA, GHR, LCAT, and IRBP) and one mitochondrial (cyt. b) gene. Until now multiple studies of the systematic position of this vole had been based exclusively on morphological data, while the major taxonomic references contain contradictory information regarding both the subgeneric and species status of this animal. It was established that the molecular data and morphology data allow us to concern the Lake Baikal vole unambiguously as a part of the nominative subgenus Alticola instead of Aschizomys.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(2):136-145
pages 136-145 views

Animal and Human Physiology

Characteristics of the effect of cestodes parasitizing the fish intestine on the activity of the host proteinases

Izvekova G.I., Solovyev M.M.


The activity and spectrum of proteinases in the intestines of host fishes change upon infestation with cestodes. Serine proteinases are found to make a greater contribution to the total proteolytic activity. The reduction of proteolytic activity is associated with adsorption of the enzymes of the host on the surface of cestodes, and the increase in the activity is caused by the injury of the intestinal mucosa by the attachment apparatuses of cestodes. The inhibition of proteainase activity indicates the possible participation of microbiota enzymes in protein hydrolyses.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(2):146-151
pages 146-151 views


Extreme climatic events in the Altai Republic according to dendrochronological data

Barinov V.V., Myglan V.S., Nazarov A.N., Vaganov E.A., Agatova A.R., Nepop R.K.


The results of dating of extreme climatic events by damage to the anatomical structure and missing tree rings of the Siberian larch in the upper forest boundary of the Altai Republic are given. An analysis of the spatial distribution of the revealed dates over seven plots (Kokcy, Chind, Ak-ha, Jelo, Tute, Tara, and Sukor) allowed us to distinguish the extreme events on interregional (1700, 1783, 1788, 1812, 1814, 1884), regional (1724, 1775, 1784, 1835, 1840, 1847, 1850, 1852, 1854, 1869, 1871, 1910, 1917, 1927, 1938, 1958, 1961), and local (1702, 1736, 1751, 1785, 1842, 1843, 1874, 1885, 1886, 1919, 2007, and 2009) scales. It was shown that the events of an interregional scale correspond with the dates of major volcanic eruptions (Grimsvotn, Lakagigar, Etna, Awu, Tambora, Soufriere St. Vinsent, Mayon, and Krakatau volcanos) and extreme climatic events, crop failures, lean years, etc., registered in historical sources.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(2):152-161
pages 152-161 views

The spatial variability of methane emission from subtaiga and forest–steppe grass–moss fens of Western Siberia

Sabrekov A.F., Filippov I.V., Terentieva I.E., Glagolev M.V., Il’yasov D.V., Smolentsev B.A., Maksyutov S.S.


Methane emission from the grass–moss fens of the Western Siberia subtaiga was studied using a static chamber method. It was established that CH4 flux median ± half of the interquartile range in the studied wetland ecosystems constituted 4.9 ± 2.9 mg of CH4/(m2 h). It was shown that such a high spatial variability of emission is caused mainly by the difference in the water table level. It was found that, in these observations, a higher water table level correlates with lower emission values. The causes of this phenomenon are discussed, and recommendations for conducting field studies for estimating the regional flux are given.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(2):162-168
pages 162-168 views

Flora differentiation among local ecotopes in the transzonal study of forest–steppe and steppe mounds

Lisetskii F.N., Sudnik-Wojcikowska B., Moysiyenko I.I.


Flora similarity was assessed using complete floristic lists of five ecotopes in each of four mounds along the transect from meadow steppes to desert steppes. It was found that the circumapical similitude of floras is more significant than the expositional similitude. Soil analysis in separate ecotopes showed that regular changes in the biogeochemical features are manifested along the topographic gradient and under the effect of the insolation exposure of slopes in local (mound) ecosystems. It was noted that the slopes are characterized by the most abundant steppe vegetation classes in the phytosociological spectrum of mound ecotopes.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(2):169-176
pages 169-176 views

Carbon isotope composition in landscape components and its changes under different ecological conditions

Kovda I.V., Morgun E.G., Gongalskii K.B., Balandin S.A., Erokhina A.I.


The composition of stable carbon isotopes in plants, plant litter, leaf litter, and soil organic matter was studied experimentally in the western part of the northern foothills of the Caucasus and mountainsides. It was found that the changes in carbon isotope composition depending on the vertical zonation do not exceed 8‰ and depend on the type of C3 plant communities, its presence in biogeocenosis components (living matter, plant litter, soil organic matter), and the degree of moistening of the plot studied.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(2):177-184
pages 177-184 views

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