Conference Materials

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Том 46, № 1 (2019) Conference “Morphogenesis in Individual and Historical Development: Ontogenesis and Formation of Biological Diversity,” Moscow, November 22–24, 2017 PDF
Marshak T.
Том 46, № 1 (2019) Common and Distinctive Features in the Organization of Catecholamine-Containing Systems in Gastropods and Nemerteans: Evolutionary Aspects PDF
Zaitseva O., Shumeev A., Petrov S.
Том 46, № 1 (2019) Establishment of the Axial Polarity and Cell Fate in Metazoa via Canonical Wnt Signaling: New Insights from Sponges and Annelids PDF
Kozin V., Borisenko I., Kostyuchenko R.
Том 46, № 1 (2019) Common and Specific Features of Organization of the Yolk Syncytial Layer of Teleostei as Exemplified in Gasterosteus aculeatus L. PDF
Kondakova E., Efremov V., Kozin V.
Том 46, № 1 (2019) Effects of Birth Season and Thymus Transplantation on Experimental Animal Longevity PDF
Kulikov A., Arkhipova L., Kulikova P., Glazkov A., Mndlyan E., Gavrilyuk V., Kulikov D.
Том 46, № 1 (2019) Ecological Causes of High Morphological Plasticity of Members of a Taxon Inhabiting the Center of Its Origin (Exemplified by the Noble Salmons, Genus Salmo) PDF
Makhrov A., Bolotov I.
Том 46, № 1 (2019) The Concept of Ontogenesis Polyvariance and Modern Evolutionary Morphology PDF
Notov A., Zhukova L.
Том 46, № 1 (2019) The Experimental Heterochronies in a Green Terror Cichlid Andinoacara rivulatus (Teleostei: Cichlidae: Cichlasomatinae) Indicate a Role of Developmental Changes in the Cichlids Coloration Evolution PDF
Prazdnikov D., Shkil F.
Том 46, № 1 (2019) Evolution of the Life Forms of Flowering Plants in a Biodiversity Formation PDF
Savinykh N.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) The populations of the freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758), and the thick shelled river mussel, Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788, in Latvia PDF
Rudzīte M., Rudzītis M., Birzaks J.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) Comparative analysis of the growth of Margaritifera margaritifera (Bivalvia) from different populations of Karelia and Kola Peninsula PDF
Zotin A., Ieshko E.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) The freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera L.: Metamorphosis, growth, and development dynamics of encysted glochidia PDF
Murzina S., Ieshko E., Zotin A.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) Preliminary results of the study of populations of the freshwater pearl mussel from streams of the Lopshenga River basin on Onega Peninsula in Arkhangelsk oblast PDF
Volkov A., Volkova E.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) Comparative characteristics of the lipid status of gills of juvenile Atlantic salmon infected with glochidia of the freshwater pearl mussel living in rivers of the European North PDF
Murzina S., Nefedova Z., Ieshko E., Nemova N.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) Some biochemical parameters of the transformation of xenobiotics in the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera PDF
Smirnov L., Sukhovskaya I., Borvinskaya E., Kochneva A.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) The ecology of the freshwater form of the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., the brown trout Salmo trutta L., and the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera L. in Syuskyuyanyoki River (Basin of Lake Ladoga) PDF
Veselov A., Ieshko E., Zotin A., Efremov D., Ruch’ev M., Nemova N.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) Overfishing in the Baltic Sea basin in Russia, its impact on the pearl mussel, and possibilities for the conservation of riverine ecosystems in conditions of high anthropogenic pressure PDF
Popov I.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) Metabolic background for establishment of the subpopulation structure in early ontogenesis in the Atlantic salmon (the case of energy of carbohydrate metabolism) PDF
Meshcheryakova O., Churova M., Veselov A., Nemova N.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) The biochemical variability of the lipid status of juveniles of the brown trout Salmo trutta L. inhabiting rivers belonging to the watershed area of the White Sea PDF
Nefedova Z., Murzina S., Veselov A., Pekkoeva S., Ruokolainen T., Ruch’ev M., Nemova N.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) Protein degradation in the skeletal muscles of parrs and smolts of the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. PDF
Kantserova N., Lysenko L., Nemova N.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) The freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera in Bavaria, Germany—Population status, conservation efforts and challenges PDF
Denic M., Geist J.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) The relationship between the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) and its hosts PDF
Taeubert J., Geist J.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) Regional monitoring of freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera in the County of Norrbotten, Sweden PDF
Olofsson P.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) Freshwater pearl mussel in Finland—current status and future prospects PDF
Oulasvirta P., Leinikki J., Syväranta J.
Том 44, № 1 (2017) Variation in the COI gene of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera from River Vuokkijoki PDF
Välilä S., Knott K., Ieshko E., Veselov A., Taskinen J.
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