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卷 55, 编号 2 (2019)

Acoustic Methods

Lamb Wave Ultrasonic Detection of Barely Visible Impact Damages of CFRP

Burkov M., Lyubutin P., Byakov A.


Results of applying a Lamb-wave-based ultrasonic technique to detect impact damages to a CFRP honeycomb panel are presented. The technique is based on analyzing changes in wave propagation due to defects and makes use of a network of piezoelectric transducers adhesively bonded to the panel surface. Preliminary experiments and tests have been carried out in which defect simulators (metal discs attached at various points of the CFRP panel) and low energy impact damages inflicted by drop-weight operation were detected. Results of defect location (calculated coordinates) are considered, as well as a damage index. A detailed analysis of the results has made it possible to identify the specific features and shortcomings of the technique. Possible ways are proposed for eliminating these shortcomings and upgrading the methodology of ultrasonic data processing in general.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2019;55(2):89-101
pages 89-101 views

Modeling Magnetic, Electric, and Acoustic Fields of a Pass-Through Transducer When Testing Cylindrical Objects

Petrov K., Murav’eva O., Myshkin Y., Basharova A.


We present results of numerically modeling the magnetic, electric, and acoustic fields of a pass-through EMA transducer of longitudinal waves by the finite element method in the COMSOL Multiphysics software environment. The main approaches used in the modeling are described. The influence of structural gaps between the EMA transducer and the test object on the magnitude and distribution of eddy current density, as well as the main and interfering components of a bias field have been investigated. The influence of operating frequency on acoustic field parameters has been analyzed. Recommendations are given on the choice of transducer’s operating frequency and probing-pulse quality factor needed to shape the required diagram of displacements relative to the object diameter and to assess the sensitivity to surface and internal defects located at different depths.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2019;55(2):102-110
pages 102-110 views

Assessment of Scattered Damage in Structural Materials

Romanishin R., Romanishin I.


Methods for assessing scattered damage to materials are considered. Ultrasonic methods based on recording backscattered ultrasonic signals are among the most practically feasible methods for assessing scattered damage to materials at the mesolevel (the size of the probing wavelength). We describe methods for determining scattered damage in the volume of a material based on scanning the object surface with a normal double-crystal piezoelectric transducer, recording and statistically processing the backscattered signal in the form of an A-scan, constructing the spatial distribution of backscattering cross section in the form of a B-scan or tomographic image, and assessing damage in the material volume based on the relative change in the backscattering cross section or the “disorder” of its spatial image.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2019;55(2):111-121
pages 111-121 views

Ultrasonic Quality Control of Hydroacoustic Antennas

Fedorov A., Bychenok V., Kormil’tseva M., Sergeev D., Tkacheva N., Batanov K., Garinkov A.


We consider the problem of nondestructive quality control of complex structured articles, in particular, hydroacoustic antennas. Those features in the structure of these products are determined that affect the choice of methods and means of such control. The possibility of using ultrasonic methods (in particular, the pulse echo method with immersion technique of acoustic contact) and means for monitoring the quality of hydroacoustic antennas have been investigated; means have been proposed to ensure the automation of control.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2019;55(2):122-128
pages 122-128 views

Discussion of the Definition for Acoustic Emission Event in the Time Series of Concrete Damage Process

Wang Y., Ge L., Zhang T., Zhou L.


Acoustic emission signals from concrete compression damage process are non-stationary and their arrival time is unknown. Therefore, the definition on the acoustic emission event in the time series is not clear. In this paper, the acoustic emission signals associated with concrete specimen under uniaxial compression are acquired by full-digital acoustic emission system. The overlapping phenomenon of acoustic emission signal is presented and discussed by the analysis of time interval between adjacent hits. Acoustic emission signals are classified into three categories according to their waveform characteristics. And the result shows that as the loading process continues, more and more amount of continuous type of acoustic emission signals appeared, indicating the acoustic emission signal does not carry the features of burst type, which will introduce obvious errors in the calculation of acoustic emission event. In contrast, the average signal level used in the analysis of continuous type of acoustic emission signal shows a good regularity with the damage process of concrete.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2019;55(2):129-135
pages 129-135 views

Radiation Methods

Numerical Modeling of Radiographic Images as the Basis for Correctly Designing Digital Radiography Systems of Large-Sized Objects

Osipov S., Chakhlov S., Kairalapov D., Sirot’yan E.


A mathematical model has been developed for digital radiographic imaging of large-sized objects. The model takes account of scanning time, the parameters of source and recorder of bremsstrahlung due to the test object, and geometrical scanning scheme. A high-performance algorithm is proposed for the numerical modeling of digital radiographic images. The algorithm has allowed producing realistic images of large-sized stepped and wedge-shaped test objects and test objects typical of pipeline transport. The rationale for selecting the scanning time and the digit capacity of an analog-to-digital converter is demonstrated. Numerical simulation of radiographic images is shown to provide a basis for the correct choice of the parameters of digital radiography systems as applied to testing large objects.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2019;55(2):136-149
pages 136-149 views

Developing Metrological Assurance for Measurements of Optical Density of X-Ray Images in a Range of 0.2 to 6.3

Koldashov A., Marchenko S., Kapustin V.


We present results of developing metrological assurance for the measurements of the optical density of an X-ray image based on a set of optical density measures in the range of 0.2 to 6.3. The set has been designed to render one unit of diffuse optical density for densitometers used to measure optical density and estimate the size of defects on X-ray images when inspecting nuclear power facilities, oil and gas enterprises, railway transport, metallurgical and mechanical-engineering plants, etc. Results of calibrating the set of optical density measures with the GET 206-2016 State Primary Standard of the unit of optical density, developed and in operation at VNIIOFI, are presented.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2019;55(2):150-154
pages 150-154 views

Segmentation of Weld Defects Using Multiphase Level Set by the Piecewise-Smooth Mumford-Shah Model

Ramou N.


This paper deals with the problem of the X-ray image segmentation used to detect weld defects for a non-destructive testing task. In this work we have implemented a multiphase method using the Mumford and Shah piecewise smooth model to extract the size and the texture information of defect and its region. Using this model which is more robust to the noise and less sensitive to the position of the initial curve, we have obtained a maximum of information for several regions in the X-ray image (the geometry of weld beads and defects). Our results show that the model developed can do at the same time the image segmentation and restoration.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2019;55(2):155-161
pages 155-161 views

Surface Methods

Determining Yield Strength of Metals by Microindentation with a Spherical Tip

Rudnitsky V., Kren A., Lantsman G.


A method of nondestructive testing of the yield strength of steels is considered that is based on processing the diagram of dynamic spherical-tip indentation into the material being tested. The distinctive feature of the method is that it uses a part of the impact indentation diagram that covers two stages of deformation: purely elastic and elastoplastic. The range of strains in which the plastic flow of material starts developing under impact microindentation is theoretically justified. The possibility is shown for recording processes occurring at the initial stage of microplastic deformation with the equipment already available. Experiments have been carried out on deforming low- and medium-carbon steels, as well as pipe steels. As a result of comparing the average contact pressure under dynamic indentation with the static yield strength determined in sample stretching, a linear relationship has been revealed between the two. It is shown that the developed method allows one to determine the yield strength of steels with sufficient accuracy, viz., the measurement error does not exceed 60 MPa, or 13%, in the considered range from 230 to 1400 MPa.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2019;55(2):162-168
pages 162-168 views