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Vol 52, No 12 (2016)

Acoustic Methods

Excitation of a circular-aperture transducer with an echo pulse reflected from a spherical surface

Perov D.V., Nemytova O.V., Rinkevich A.B.


A theoretical model is suggested that allows one to explain peculiarities of the frequency response of echo signals at the output of a receiving transducer versus geometrical parameters of reflecting surfaces. It is shown that the way the instantaneous frequency of signals at the output of the receiving transducer changes depends on the curvature radius of reflected wavefront at the receivingtransducer aperture. It has been established that the frequency modulation of the pulsed echo signal is due to nonuniformity of the distribution of the phase of acoustic signal at the receiving-transducer aperture; this can be characterized by the radii of Fresnel zones that correspond to the reflected wavefront in relationship to the aperture radius of the circular transducer. Data on the frequency modulation of pulsed echo signals expressed in terms of dimensionless parameters (normalized frequency deviations) that were obtained experimentally and calculated by the suggested theoretical model demonstrate fair qualitative and quantitative agreement.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016;52(12):673-684
pages 673-684 views

Experimental research into possibilities and peculiarities of ultrasonic testing of additive manufactured parts

Aleshin N.P., Murashov V.V., Shchipakov N.A., Krasnov I.S., Lozhkova D.S.


Possibilities and peculiarities of ultrasonic testing of parts manufactured by selective laser melting are considered. Special features of revealing solidity violation flaws with ultrasonic echo-pulse method are demonstrated.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016;52(12):685-690
pages 685-690 views

Assessing the results of ultrasonic testing of additive manufactured parts with alternative methods

Aleshin N.P., Grigor’ev M.V., Murashov V.V., Krasnov I.S., Krupnina O.A., Smorodinskii Y.G.


Results of ultrasonic testing of parts that are fabricated by selective laser melting are assessed using radiography and X-ray computed tomography. Peculiarities of revealing incompletefusion flaws with the above methods are considered.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016;52(12):691-696
pages 691-696 views

Magnetostriction electromagnetic–acoustic excitation of ultrasonic waves without a bias field

Gobov Y.L., Mikhailov A.V., Smorodinskii Y.G.


A high-performance technique is suggested for generating ultrasonic waves by the magnetic–acoustic method without using a bias field. The technique is based on the frequency doubling of emitted ultrasonic wave as compared to the frequency of the field coil of electromagnetic transducer due to the evenness of magnetostriction. The efficiency of excitation and reception of ultrasonic waves at the doubled frequency without a bias field is compared with that at the base frequency with a bias field.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016;52(12):697-702
pages 697-702 views

Effect of processing and microstructure on ultrasonic response of aerospace alloys: An overview

Dwivedi A., Gupta R.K., Varma R.K., Narayanan K.S.


Ultrasonic testing is the primary nondestructive testing technique employed for examination of internal soundness in bulk materials. It also indicates materials condition and microstructure, and is influenced by these factors. Correlations among these shall help in establishing better understanding towards selection and application of materials for aerospace systems. This paper reviews the correlations between ultrasonic response and microstructure of different aerospace materials. It also includes the changes in ultrasonic response due to change in processing condition of material. It is noted that ultrasonic wave velocity and attenuation are modified by change in thermomechanical processing through change in microstructure.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016;52(12):703-709
pages 703-709 views

Magnetic Methods

Evaluating the level of residual stresses in anisotropic electric steel

Korzunin G.S., Lobanov M.L., Lobanova L.V.


The level of residual stresses (RS) in anisotropic electric steel (AES) is its most important functional characteristic that is responsible for losses of electric power in magnetic circuits of transformers during their service life. Reasons are given for the emergence of RS in AES and the known estimation methods are provided, the main shortcoming of the latter being the lack of quantitative estimates of RS. A simple and practically feasible method is suggested for estimating RS based on measurement of the anisotropy of magnetic properties of AES.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016;52(12):710-715
pages 710-715 views

Magnetic testing of hardness of cast railcar steel 32Х06Л after quenching and high-temperature tempering

Kostin V.N., Nichipuruk A.P., Nikolaeva L.A., Sokolova S.V., Smorodinskii Y.G., Vasilenko O.N.


The structure and strength and the magnetic properties of 32Х06Л steel subjected to quenching and tempering at different temperatures are studied. Based on statistical-modeling and experimental results, it has been established that coercive-return induction is a suitable parameter for controlling hardness. Another parameter, coercive force, can be used for estimating the phase composition of material. Local measurements of suggested testing parameters are possible with portable magnetic-measurement hardware–software systems of the SIMTEST-2 type.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016;52(12):716-721
pages 716-721 views

Measuring saturation magnetization in a local sample area

Gobov Y.L., Zhakov S.V., Mikhailov A.V.


The problem of determining saturation magnetization in a local area of a bulky ferromagnet is considered. A mockup of the device is presented. Experimental data are provided for local measurements of the saturation magnetization of a ferromagnetic sample, based on the stray field at the boundary of the magnetized area.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016;52(12):722-726
pages 722-726 views

Magnetic flux distribution in a locally magnetized ferromagnetic object

Gorkunov E.S., Nosov P.A., Povolotskaya A.M., Zadvorkin S.M., Dimitrov R.


A model experiment has been carried out on studying the type of changes in the magnetic induction in a homogeneous isotropic sample that is locally magnetized with attached U-type electromagnets of different geometrical dimensions. The study was aimed at finding out magnetic flux distribution at different locations within the sample and determining the effect that the geometry of attached electromagnets has on this distribution.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016;52(12):727-738
pages 727-738 views

Solving the inverse problem of magnetostatics on determining the radius and permeability of an infinite cylinder

Dyakin V.V., Kaibicheva S.L.


A problem has been solved on determining the coordinates of the center of a circle that is a section of an infinite cylinder, its radius, and the constant permeability, based on experimental data with no contact with the cylinder.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016;52(12):739-744
pages 739-744 views

Effect of transitions of domain boundaries in plastically deformed steels on their residual magnetization

Kuleev V.G., Tsar’kova T.P., Sazhina E.Y.


The values of internal stresses σi that determine the maximum of the dependence of differential permeability μd (H) have been obtained as well as the limiting value of the angle between highand low-angle grain boundaries. When analyzing 90-degree transitions, singular points have been discovered that separate domains with different values of critical magnetization-reversal fields. This has made it possible to calculate the values of all magnetizations, including easy-plane (EP), residual, and “reverse” ones (in the area of positive magnetic-field values). The results open up possibilities for conscious choice of the field ranges for excitation of irreversible 90-degree transitions with known values of σi. The latter can serve as the basis for developing new techniques of nondestructive testing.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016;52(12):745-752
pages 745-752 views

Thermal Methods

Estimating the humidity of wood by terahertz infrared thermography

Chulkov A.O., Pradere C., Puiggali J.R., Batsale J.C., Vavilov V.P.


The usage of terahertz infrared thermography for assessing the humidity of wooden samples is described. Terahertz radiation transmitted through a sample is imaged by means of a tera-thermoconverter. The temperature field of the converter is analyzed with an infrared imager. The possibility of using the technique for testing the nonuniformity of drying of timber is illustrated.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016;52(12):753-757
pages 753-757 views

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