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Том 45, № 4 (2016)

Mechanics of Machines

Analysis of kinematic screws that determine the topology of singular zones of parallel-structure robots

Aleshin A., Glazunov V., Rashoyan G., Shai O.


The kinematic screws that determine the topology of singular zones of parallel-structure robots are studied. It has been established that the kinematic screws depend on the actuator mount points.

Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016;45(4):291-296
pages 291-296 views

On the description of strongly nonlinear vibroconducting and vibrogenerating media

Krupenin V.


A quite general class of problems is considered, the analysis of which makes it possible to describe the mechanism of for the generation and propagation of broadband vibration in machine structures. Mathematical models based on the theory of strongly nonlinear continuous media with a complex structure are presented. Different types of models of a “linear carrier medium plus attached equipment containing impact pairs” class are presented. It is assumed that the impact is Newtonian. The necessary defining relations are given. An example of vibroconductor analysis with internal breaks is given.

Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016;45(4):297-306
pages 297-306 views

Improving the ecological indices of a hydrogen diesel engine with direct gaseous hydrogen injection

Kavtaradze R.


A detailed survey of the operating process and formation of nitrogen oxides in the combustion chamber of a hydrogenous diesel has been carried out in three-dimensional space using a mathematical model verified by experimental data. The specific features of the thermophysical processes in the combustion chamber of the hydrogen diesel engine have been specified, providing the applicable ecological and efficient indices of a stationary hydrogen diesel engine.

Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016;45(4):307-315
pages 307-315 views

Realibility, Strength, and Wear Resistance of Machines and Structures

Increasing the lifetime of gas-turbine engine nozzle blades using a new monocrystalline alloy

Semenov S., Getsov L., Semenov A., Petrushin N., Ospennikova O., Zhivushkin A.


The article presents the results of experiments to study the creep of an intermetallic monocrystalline alloy used to manufacture nozzle blades. The results serve as a basis for calculating the creep-rupture strength and thermal fatigue of gas-turbine engine blades.

Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016;45(4):316-323
pages 316-323 views

Mathematical models for increasing the reliability level of a technical system taking into account control actions in the form of probabilities and imposed constraints

Trukhanov V.


Mathematical models for increasing the reliability of a technical system up to the desired level are developed taking into account control actions when the rate and acceleration of design, technological, and operational parameter changes are controlled. Mathematical models are also created to increase reliability while constraints are imposed on the parameters.

Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016;45(4):324-327
pages 324-327 views

Comparative analysis of the results of finite element calculations based on an ellipsoidal shell

Klochkov Y., Nikolaev A., Kiseleva T., Marchenko S.


In the curvilinear coordinate system, we describe an algorithm for generating the stiffness matrix of the quadrilateral element of the middle surface of a thin shell based on Kirchhoff’s hypothesis with nodal unknowns in the form of displacements and their derivatives using a vector approximation of the displacement fields. The developed finite element is verified by calculating the shell with the middle surface in the form of a triaxial ellipsoid in the two-dimensional formulation. The results are compared with the calculation results obtained using ANSYS software. The efficiency of the vector approximation of the displacement fields for the calculation of arbitrary thin shells in the moment stress state is shown.

Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016;45(4):328-336
pages 328-336 views

Numerical simulation of elastohydrodynamic lubrication for an elliptical contact

Panovko M.


An elastohydrodynamic problem on elliptical contact is formulated and numerically solved. The mathematical model is described by a system of integro-differential equations and inequalities with boundary conditions. The direction of the rolling velocity vector with respect to the axes of the ellipse has a marked influence on the distribution of pressure and the lubricating film thickness in the contact area. The elastohydrodynamic contact parameters are determined depending on the compression force applied thereto. These results are useful for analyzing processes occurring in lubricated concentrated contacts.

Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016;45(4):337-347
pages 337-347 views

Concentration effect of antifrictional additives on local elastic characteristics of randomly reinforced polymer composites

Kolesnikov V., Bardushkin V., Kolesnikov I., Sychev A., Yakovlev V.


The problem of numerical simulation is solved for operators (tensors) of the stress and strain concentrations, which are related material-average stresses and strains with their local values in epoxyphenolic composites reinforced randomly by short polyimide fibers with antifrictional dispersed additives of polytetrafluoroethylene. Simulation is based on the generalized singular approximation of random field theory. The dependences of mentioned operators on the percentage of isotropic components are investigated. It is shown that an increase in the antifrictional additive concentration with a fixed fiber concentration does not result in a substantial decrease in the local elastic characteristics of the composite.

Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016;45(4):348-353
pages 348-353 views

Periodic variational Rayleigh problem of the gas-film lubrication theory

Boldyrev Y.


A solution to the variational problem for a plain bearing (slider) on gas-film lubricant with periodicity conditions is considered. Using the calculus of variations, the shape of the lubricating layer providing maximum levitation force is determined. Along with the compressibility number, the parameters in the problem are the ceiling value of the profile function, and its limiting value corresponds to the results obtained by Rayleigh. Characteristics are presented for the optimum bearing in the case of different compressibility numbers.

Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016;45(4):354-361
pages 354-361 views

New Technologies in Mechanical Engineering

Impact of waves on porous media and increase in oil recovery of beds

Ganiev O., Ganiev R., Ukrainskii L., Ustenko I.


The results of studying wave impact on a productive bed for extraction of capillary hydrocarbons are presented. The studies were conducted on experimental equipment that which simulates filtration processes in a system of hydrodynamically related wells. Impact waves are considered that propagated from a processed well inside a bed via a system of fractures and faults with higher permeability. It is shown that impact pressure pulses intensify filtration due to the involvement of capillary hydrocarbons and to the increase in permeability of the porous medium.

Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016;45(4):362-368
pages 362-368 views

Experimental Mechanics, Diagnostics, and Testing

Education and research mechatronic complex for studying vibration devices and processes

Andrievskii B., Blekhman I., Blekhman L., Boikov V., Vasil’kov V., Fradkov A.


We describe a new study and research mechatronic complex, which consists of a vibration stand with electric drives of unbalanced rotors, a personal computer for controlling the stand and processing the experiment results, a system of sensors, coupling devices, and an amplifying and transforming unit. We give the results of stand experiments displaying the Sommerfeld effect and suggest ways of applying the complex to create new technologies in the processing industry and in the study process.

Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016;45(4):369-374
pages 369-374 views

Experimental study of residual stresses and interference of locomotive wheels by the acoustoelasticity method

Murav’ev V., Volkova L.


ltrasound method to evaluate residual stresses in locomotive wheels using the electromagnetic–acoustic excitation and reception of elastic waves is described. The results of residual stress distribution throughout the wheel thickness before and after fitting of wheel centers are presented. A method for controlling the interference of locomotive wheels by the measured values of residual stresses using the acoustoelasticity method is proposed.

Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016;45(4):375-380
pages 375-380 views

Safety of Machines and Structures

Reliability of an overground oil and gas pipeline with initial bending

Kucheryavyi V., Mil’kov S.


For a beam sector of an oil and gas pipeline with initial axial bending, a mathematical model is developed that simulates the probability of nondestruction when the pressure, diameter, wall thickness, load, span length, maximum deflection, elastic modulus, and Poisson ratio are normally distributed. The parameters that decrease the number of emergency failures are established.

Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016;45(4):381-385
pages 381-385 views

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