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Volume 21, Nº 1 (2018)


Note on the History of Contact Mechanics and Friction: Interplay of Electrostatics, Theory of Gravitation and Elasticity from Coulomb to Johnson-Kendall-Roberts Theory of Adhesion

Popova E., Popov V.


Great discoveries are often perceived by subsequent generations as sudden insights of genius scientists. Historical studies show, however, that the real mechanism of creation of new theories and paradigms is often a transfer of knowledge from one subject area to the other. Such transfers made the military engineer Coulomb the founder of the theory of electricity, they made the professor for celestial mechanics Poisson the founder of the electrostatics, and the pioneer in electrodynamics Hertz also became the founder of contact mechanics. Transfer of knowledge can be traced as a very effective way of development of science in many other cases. It often leads to breakthrough and rapid development of the whole branches of science. In the present paper we trace such transfers of knowledge in the history of elasticity and contact mechanics on one side and electrostatics on the other side. The participants of this historical process are Coulomb, Poisson, Hertz, Inglis, Griffith and finally the authors of the theory of adhesive contacts Johnson, Kendall and Roberts. Interestingly, the same principle of "exaptation" (use of a property for a function for which it was not originally created) is currently accepted theory of how major innovations happen also in biological evolution.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(1):1-5
pages 1-5 views

Modelling Deep Tonometry of Lymphedematous Tissue

Nowak J., Kaczmarek M.


Indentation testing, also refereed to as tonometry in medical diagnostics, is one of the most frequently used methods for studying the properties of soft biological tissues. In the case of lymphedematous tissues, characterized by abnormal accumulation of excess interstitial fluid, the indentation method constitutes an objective alternative for the standard manual palpation test, that is used for evaluation of elastic modulus and time dependent tissue response related to finding parameters of effective compression therapy. This paper focuses on the numerical modelling of a deep indentation test for which the flat cylindrical tip with a surface area of 1 cm2 penetrates the tissue at a constant rate until 1 cm depth is reached. The indentation generates large deformations of skin and subcutaneous tissue and squeezing of part of the interstitial fluid from the compressed region. The skin is modelled as an isotropic neo-Hookean solid and subcutaneous tissue is modelled as a fluid saturated porous matrix. The effective stress law, isotropic neo-Hookean elastic matrix and the Darcy's type of interaction force between phases are adopted for the subcutaneous tissue. The finite element simulations deliver results for time dependent indentation force and pore pressure under the indenter for different and relevant to real tissues properties. The role of the properties and the presence of skin are analysed. The values of maximum reaction force and relaxation time are compared and evaluated as descriptors of mechanical properties of tissues.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(1):6-14
pages 6-14 views

Corotational Finite Element Formulation for Virtual-Reality Based Surgery Simulators

Marinković D., Zehn M.


Surgical simulation provides a means for trainees to develop surgical competence that encompasses requisite knowledge, technical and cognitive skills and decision-making ability. Considering virtual-reality based surgery simulators, the key requirement is sufficiently accurate and numerically efficient computation of deformation behavior of soft tissues, which is highly nonlinear. The paper offers a simplified geometrically nonlinear corotational finite element formulation to meet the imposed requirements. The approach is used in combination with a rather simple type of finite element and an appropriate solver is chosen for fast computation of dynamical behavior. The finite element formulation is enriched with a coupled-mesh technique to enable modelling of complex geometries by relatively simple computational models. A few examples of models of internal organs are provided to discuss the aspects of the developed tools.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(1):15-23
pages 15-23 views

Multimode Active Control of Friction, Dynamic Ratchets and Actuators

Popov M., Li Q.


Active control of friction by ultrasonic vibration is a well-known effect with numerous technical applications ranging from press forming to micromechanical actuators. Reduction of friction is observed with vibration applied in any of the three possible directions (normal to the contact plane, in the direction of motion and in-plane transverse). In this work, we consider the multi-mode active control of sliding friction, where phase-shifted oscillations in two or more directions act at the same time. Our analysis is based on a macroscopic contact-mechanical model that was recently shown to be well-suited for describing dynamic frictional processes. For simplicity, we limit our analysis to a constant, load-independent normal and tangential stiffness and two superimposed phase-shifted harmonic oscillations, one of them being normal to the plane and the other in the direction of motion. As in previous works utilizing the present model, we assume a constant local coefficient of friction, with reduction of the observed force of friction arising entirely from the macroscopic dynamics of the system. Our numerical simulations show that the resulting law of friction is determined by just three dimensionless parameters. Depending on the values of these parameters, three qualitatively different types of behavior are observed: (a) symmetric velocity-dependence of the coefficient of friction (same for positive and negative velocities), (b) asymmetric dependence with respect to the sign of the velocity, but with zero force at zero velocity, and (c) asymmetric dependence with nonzero force at zero velocity. The latter two cases can be interpreted as a "dynamic ratchet" (b) and an actuator (c).

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(1):24-31
pages 24-31 views

Strain Localization in Titanium with a Modified Surface Layer

Balokhonov R., Romanova V., Panin A., Kazachenok M., Martynov S.


Plastic flow localization in commercially pure titanium (VT1-0 according to the Russian classification) with the surface modified by low-energy high current electron beams has been numerically studied. The structure and mechanical properties of the modified surface layer and titanium substrate correspond to the experimentally observed ones and are taken into account explicitly as initial data of a dynamic boundary value problem. The tension of titanium structures with a modified surface layer is simulated by the finite difference method in a plane strain formulation. The dependence of the plastic strain localization parameters on the mechanical properties of structural elements in the titanium substrate has been determined.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(1):32-42
pages 32-42 views

Numerical Study of Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticles of β-Type Ti-Nb Alloy under Conditions Identical to Laser Sintering. Multilevel Approach

Nikonov A., Zharmukhambetova A., Ponomareva A., Dmitriev A.


A multilevel approach is used to numerically investigate physical and mechanical properties of titanium-based bcc alloys and their behavior under conditions identical to selective laser sintering. Plastic properties of P-Ti-Nb alloy are calculated within the first principles approach. An algorithm is proposed and tested to optimize the calculations and reduce their number by more than 5 times. A molecular dynamics method is employed to study structural changes of titanium and niobium powder particles during sintering and to calculate adhesion characteristics of nanoparticles of the produced alloy depending on the external action. The simulation results are in good agreement with the known experimental data and can be used as input data both for numerical models of a higher spatial scale and for the optimization of production parameters of titanium alloys by additive technologies.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(1):43-51
pages 43-51 views

On the Tensor of Tangential Stiffness in Contact Problems

Li Q.


In a nonsliding tangential contact, vectors of tangential force and tangential displacement are related by the tensor of tangential stiffness. Using the boundary element method, we calculate the principal values of the tensor of tangential stiffness for a number of contact shapes. Of special interest for applications is that the anisotropy of the tensor of tangential stiffness is generally relatively small, even for extremely anisotropic contact shapes.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(1):52-58
pages 52-58 views

On the Sensitivity of Adhesion between Rough Surfaces to Asperity Height Distribution

Ciavarella M., Papangelo A.


There has been a long debate about the validity of asperity models in the contact between rough surfaces, much of it concentrated on relatively minor aspects of the solution for the special case of Gaussian random processes for roughness, like the exact value of the area-load slope or the extent of the linear regime. It is shown here that in the case of adhesion, the behavior is extremely sensitive to the shape of the height distribution. We show for example results for Weibull distributions, which has been suggested in a number of practical cases from macroscopic to nanoscopic roughness. Pull-off force is found to vary by several orders of magnitude both lower and higher than in the Gaussian case, whereas the "stickiness" criterion on the adhesion parameter changes by an order of magnitude. Additionally, in some operations like chemical-mechanical polishing, tails are almost completely removed and a sharp peak develops instead of a tail: modeling this with contact on the bounded side of the Weibull distribution, stickiness seems to occur for any level of roughness. Pome qualitative comparison with recent numerical experiments is attempted.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(1):59-66
pages 59-66 views

A Generalized Johnson Parameter for Pull-Off Decay in the Adhesion of Rough Surfaces

Ciavarella M., Papangelo A.


There is no simple theory at present to predict accurately the decay of pull-off in the adhesion of randomly rough surfaces. The asperity model of Fuller and Tabor has shown significant error in recent numerical investigations by Pastewka and Robbins of self-affine random roughness from micrometer to atomic scale which corresponds to low values of Tabor parameter. For sinusoidal contact, the Johnson parameter, originally introduced for the JKR regime (from Johnson-Kendall-Roberts) is the dominant parameter ruling the pull-off at intermediate Tabor values. Hence, we define a generalized Johnson parameter as the ratio between the adhesive energy to the elastic strain energy to flatten the surface in the case of multiscale roughness and find that it correlates very well with the data of Pastewka and Robbins spanning almost five orders of magnitude of reduction from theoretical strength, improving significantly with respect to other possible single parameter criteria. For the most important case in practice, that of low fractal dimensions, this suggests the product of amplitude and slope of the largest wavelength components of roughness dominate pull-off decay, and not small scales features like slopes and curvatures, as suggested by Pastewka and Robbins.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(1):67-75
pages 67-75 views

Contact Properties and Adhesion of Incompressible Power-Law Gradient Media with High Gradients

Popov V.


We discuss contact stiffness and adhesion of flat-ended cylindrical indenters with a graded material the elastic coefficient of which is a power-function of the depth with an exponent 1 < k < 3. So far, only graded materials with k < 1 have been considered in the literature as the stiffness of the medium becomes zero when k is approaching 1. However, it is known that the case of incompressible media is an exception. We argue that in this case the final stiffness can be defined up to values of k < 3. The interval 1 < k < 3, which has not been considered earlier occurs to be of special interest, since for k > 1 the adhesive properties of contacts change qualitatively from "brittle" to very tough even in the case of a purely elastic material.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(1):76-79
pages 76-79 views

Mapping of Two-Dimensional Contact Problems on a Problem with a One-Dimensional Parametrization

Popov V.


We discuss a possible generalization of the ideas of the method of dimensionality reduction (MDR) for the mapping of two-dimensional contact problems (line contacts). The conventional formulation of the MDR is based on the existence and uniqueness of a relation between indentation depth and contact radius. In two-dimensional contact problems, the indentation depth is not defined unambiguously, thus another parametrization is needed. We show here that the Mossakovskii-Jäger procedure of representing a contact as a series of incremental indentations by flat-ended indenters can be carried out in two-dimensions as well. The only available parameter of this process is, however, the normal load (instead of indentation depth as in the case of threedimensional contacts). Using this idea, a complete solution is obtained for arbitrary symmetric two-dimensional contacts with a compact contact area. The solution includes both the relations of force and half-width of the contact and the stress distribution in the contact area. The procedure is generalized for adhesive contacts and is illustrated by solutions of a series of contact problems.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(1):80-84
pages 80-84 views

Influence of Stress Dependence of Lubricant Shear Modulus on Self-Similar Behavior of Stress Time Series

Manko N., Lyashenko I.


Here we consider melting of an ultrathin lubricant layer between two atomically smooth solid surfaces taking into account the stress dependence of the lubricant shear modulus and its decrease with increasing stress (strain). In the adiabatic approximation with the stress relaxation time far longer than strain and temperature relaxation times, a Langevin equation is written and its respective Fokker-Planck equation is derived using the Stratonovich calculus. Phase diagrams for the steady case are presented illustrating the effect of the system parameters on the lubricant behavior. A joint numerical and analytical analysis demonstrates a very close match between probability distributions at different parameters. It is shown that in a limited stress range, a self-similar mode of dry friction is established showing up in self-similar behavior of stress time series.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(1):85-93
pages 85-93 views

On the Possibility of Frictional Damping with Reduced Wear: A Note on the Applicability of Archard's Law of Adhesive Wear under Conditions of Fretting

Li Q., Popov V.


Based on the recent proof of the existence of a critical length scale controlling mechanisms of adhesive wear, we discuss conditions under which the energy dissipation rate and the wear rate in oscillating contacts may become uncoupled. This potentially opens up a possibility of using frictional damping with low wear rate.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(1):94-98
pages 94-98 views

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