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Volume 20, Nº 2 (2017)


Invariant integral: The earliest works and most recent application

Cherepanov G.


The present paper embraces mainly the three-year period of 1966 to 1968 when the invariant integral of fracture mechanics appeared and became popular, and the last two years of 2015 to 2016 when the neoclassic cosmology based on the invariant integral came up. A mention is given to the previous works of Euler, Cauchy, Maxwell, Nother, Gunther and Eshelby who dealt with invariant integrals in mathematics, hydrodynamics, electrodynamics, and the theory of dislocations. A brief review is given of the creation of the invariant integral of fracture mechanics under static and dynamic conditions for a solid continuum including elastic, plastic and viscoelastic materials, as well as of some of its most important applications, ramifications and generalizations for other physical fields. The initial phase of the expansion and revolution of the large-scale universe is studied in the framework of the neoclassic approach, including the Big Bang and the Dark Energy; it is shown that the spheroidal shape of the universe assumed at the Big Bang retains its eccentricity constant in the initial phase. The assumption of a superphoton as a primordial universe was analyzed.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):115-124
pages 115-124 views

Scientific basis for cold brittleness of structural BCC steels and their structural degradation at below zero temperatures

Panin V., Derevyagina L., Lebedev M., Syromyatnikova A., Surikova N., Pochivalov Y., Ovechkin B.


The paper considers the physics of cold brittleness of structural bcc steels and methods of reducing the ductile-brittle fracture temperature. A complex study was performed to examine the degradation of structural phase state of pipe steel 09Mn2Si from the main gas pipeline of Yakutia after long-term (over 3 0 years) operation. Important regularities of degradation of pearlite colonies with carbide precipitation on ferrite grain boundaries were revealed. This phenomenon is associated with brittle fracture of gas pipelines. It is shown that the low-temperature kinetic processes in main pipelines which define the degradation of their structure and properties are related to interstitial athermal structural states in the zones of local crystal structure curvature. This is a fundamentally new, as yet unknown, mechanism. Pipe steels in warm rolling acquire a longitudinal textured band structure with alternating bands of initial ferrite grains and bands of fine grains with carbide precipitates formed during lamellar pearlite degradation. This type of structure allows for a shift of ductile-brittle transition temperature down to -80°C and ductility δ = 22% at this temperature. The production of high-curvature vortex structure in pipe steel surface layers results in a 3.5-fold increase in their service life.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):125-133
pages 125-133 views

On the possibility of soft matter nanostructure formation based on mesoporous aluminum hydroxide. Prospects for biomedical applications

Lozhkomoev A., Lerner M., Tsukanov A., Kazantsev S., Bakina O., Psakhie S.


The effect of the nonequilibrium structure of 2D aluminum hydroxide-based objects on the macroscopic response (adsorption properties) is studied in the physical mesomechanics framework. Molecular dynamics simulation is performed to examine the nature of selective adsorption of the considered low-dimensional structures. The role of defects and structural elements, such as polar functional groups, is analyzed. Model ions and endotoxin are used to illustrate the selective character of adsorption. Prospects for biomedical applications of the obtained results are discussed.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):134-141
pages 134-141 views

Mode II brittle fracture assessment using an energy based criterion

Rashidi Moghaddam M., Ayatollahi M., Razavi S., Berto F.


In this paper the minimum strain energy density criterion is modified to predict the values of mode II fracture toughness reported in the literature for several brittle and quasi-brittle materials. The experimental results are all related to mode II fracture tests performed on the semicircular bend specimen. The modified mode II fracture criterion takes into account the effect of T-stress (in addition to the singular terms of stresses/strains) when calculating the strain energy density factor at a very small critical distance from the crack tip. It is shown that the proposed criterion provides significantly better predictions for mode II fracture toughness compared with the classical minimum strain energy density criterion.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):142-148
pages 142-148 views

Mixed mode I/II fracture investigation of Perspex based on the averaged strain energy density criterion

Aliha M., Berto F., Bahmani A., Gallo P.


In this work, some recent mixed mode I/II fracture toughness results obtained from Perspex (or polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)) with four simple cracked specimens subjected to the conventional three-point bend loading are reanalysed based on local energy concept. Although all the mentioned samples have been tested under the same and similar mode mixities, different fracture toughness envelopes were obtained for mixed mode I/II fracture of PMMA. The averaged strain energy density (SED) criterion has been applied in the past for different types of notched specimens (including U, V, O and keyhole notches). It is shown that the mixed mode tensile-in plane shear fracture toughness data obtained from the semicircular and triangular crack type specimens are successfully predicted for sharp cracked PMMA samples using the SED criterion.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):149-156
pages 149-156 views

Damage and fracture: Classical continuum theories

Volegov P., Gribov D., Trusov P.


This paper reports the research results on the continuum theory of damage which goes back to the works of Kachanov, Gurson, and Rabotnov. In these models, internal variables that generally have different mathematical structure are explicitly introduced to constitutive relations. The internal variables describe a non-oriented (using scalar damage parameters) or oriented (using different-order tensors) damage distribution in the material. Then, a fracture criterion is introduced based on mechanical or thermodynamic considerations. Models of this type are still most frequently used in the structural analysis of strength of some materials (e.g., composites). Since damage nucleation and growth are closely related to strain localization, consideration is given to formulations and methods for analyzing the stability of inelastic deformation processes. Much attention is given to the effect of the finite element mesh on simulation results, to solution algorithms for such problems, and to the possibilities of using non-local constitutive models. The studies that use gradient models are also included, because damage formation is associated with sharp spatial variations of kinematic and/or dynamic characteristics which must be described by non-classical constitutive relations (gradient, non-local, micromorphic continuum).

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):157-173
pages 157-173 views

Damage and fracture: Crystal plasticity models

Volegov P., Gribov D., Trusov P.


This paper completes the review of recent (last 15 years) publications on experimental and theoretical methods and approaches for studying damage accumulation and fracture in crystalline solids. It summarizes the works that describe damage and fracture using an approach based on crystal plasticity. These works study the propagation of trans- and intergranular cracks, microvoid nucleation and evolution in two-phase steel specimens, crack growth in low- and high-cycle fatigue, and analyze the deformation behavior of various materials under high radiation that strongly affects mechanical properties. Much attention is given to the papers on the numerical implementation of crystal plasticity models, particularly, modifications of finite element models used in application packages for damage and fracture description.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):174-184
pages 174-184 views

Study of crack resistance of TiAlN coatings by scratch testing

Shugurov A., Akulinkin A., Panin A., Sergeev V., Kalashnikov M., Voronov A., Cheng C.


Scratch tests were performed to study failure mechanisms in TiAlN coatings deposited on substrates from steel 12Cr18Ni9Ti. It is shown that coating failure begins with crack generation at the apices of pile-ups formed along the scratch due to plastic ploughing of the substrate material. With further increase in indentation load the failure process is governed by the competition between tensile stresses behind the indenter arising due to friction force and stresses at the contact area periphery due to coating bending under normal load. Substrate pretreatment by Ti ion beams is shown to simultaneously increase the hardness and crack resistance of TiAlN coatings.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):185-192
pages 185-192 views

Experimental study of different modes of block sliding along interface. Part 2. Field experiments and phenomenological model of the phenomenon

Kocharyan G., Ostapchuk A., Pavlov D., Ruzhich V., Batukhtin I., Vinogradov E., Kamai A., Markov V.


The paper reports the results of field experiments on studying different modes of gravitational sliding of a block on the natural fault surface. Various materials were used as interface filler to model the whole range of deformation events that can be arbitrarily divided into three groups: accelerated creep, slow slip, and dynamic slip. The experiments show that the type of modeled deformation events is defined by both structural parameters of contact between blocks and material composition of the contact filler.

Foundations for a new geomechanical model of occurrence of different-type dynamic events were developed. The model is based on the idea that “contact spots” form subnormally to the crack edges during shear deformation; the “spots” are clusters of force mesostructures whose evolution governs the deformation mode. The spatial configuration of “contact spots” remains unchanged during the entire “loading-slip” cycle but changes after the dynamic event occurrence. The destroyed force mesostructures can be replaced by similar structures under intergranular interaction forces when the external influence is fully compensated. Unless “contact spots” are incompletely destroyed, the deformation process dynamics is defined by their rheology. The migration of “contact spots” during deformation of a crack filled with heterogeneous material causes changes in deformation parameters and transformation of the mode itself due to changing rheology of local contact areas between blocks.

It is found by fractal analysis that in order for dynamic slip to occur, spatially structured “contact spots” characterized by low fractal dimension must be formed; slow slip events can exist only in a certain parametric domain called the “dome of slow events”. It is found that the probability of slow slip occurrence is higher on fault regions characterized by maximum fractal dimension values: fault tips, fault branching and fault intersection zones.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):193-202
pages 193-202 views

Experimental study of different modes of block sliding along interface. Part 3. Numerical modeling

Budkov A., Kocharyan G.


This paper completes a series of studies on the patterns of block sliding along interface. It has been shown that in order to model the whole range of crustal block movements, the empirical rate and state friction law must be supplemented with a term that accounts for the appearance of additional shear resistance associated with the dynamic viscosity of the contact between blocks. With this term, the experimentally observed slow slip events can be modeled with good accuracy. A generalization of results of the entire series of studies published in several issues of the journal suggests that both the dynamic and quasi-static modes of sliding along faults are components of a single deformation process. The parameter that governs the formation and evolution of a fault sliding mode is the ratio between the effective values of the fault zone stiffness and rock mass stiffness. Their variation determines the occurrence of a particular sliding mode.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):203-208
pages 203-208 views

Slow motions as inelastic strain autowaves in ductile and brittle media

Makarov P., Peryshkin A.


Here we provide a review of research on slow motions and strain waves in the Earth and propose a substantiated hypothesis that all stress-strain perturbations in the form of slow waves propagating in solids and geomedia, including plastic waves in metals and waves in faults of different scales, are of common physical nature. Loaded solids and geomedia are active hierarchically organized multiscale systems that display nonlinear dynamics and lose their stability when disturbed by any dynamic processes at block boundaries, e.g., displacements in fault zones. Such a medium cooperatively responds to parametric excitation by generating slow strain waves (autowaves) as a way of its self-organization. In support of the proposed concept, a consistent mathematical model is suggested for describing the evolution of stress-strain states and slow strain autowaves in an unstable elastoplastic medium, and examples of simulations are presented for strain autowaves in ductile materials under tension and quasi-brittle materials and geomedia with a fault zone under compression.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):209-221
pages 209-221 views

Quasi-brittle fracture as failure of hierarchical structure

Fedotov S.


The paper proposes a quasi-brittle fracture model based on the kinetic approach and empirical regularities such as the concentration criterion and Zhurkov’s formula for a material in the form of a nested self-similar hierarchical structure. The concentration criterion is reformulated as a failure probability condition for structural levels. The hierarchy scheme takes into account critical values of the concentration parameter. The failure probabilities of hierarchy levels are calculated as functions of time, temperature, material parameters, and loading condition. Knowing the failure probabilities of hierarchy levels allows one to evaluate the stress dynamics in a material, average failure volume, elastic energy and inelastic strain release, etc. Experimental and calculated dependences are compared.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):222-228
pages 222-228 views

Turbulent vortex wake: Classification principles, gauge equivalence, examples, and applications

Mukhamedov A.


The paper proposes a system of second-order ordinary differential equations with solutions interpreted as trajectories of a turbulent vortex wake. The trajectories are modeled by complexes of geodesic lines in non-Euclidean geometries and are analyzed to select a proper geometry by choosing a particular gauge for modeling the whole class of turbulent vortex wake trajectories. Examples are given of geodesic and partially geodesic gauges to model a particular complex of linear vortex wake trajectories, and possible ways are suggested to apply the theory to turbulence mesodynamics in cosmic plasma.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):229-235
pages 229-235 views

Gauge model of a crack

Avdeenko A.


The paper proposes a model of a crack system as local symmetry breaking for a group of 3D rotations compensated by fictitious fields that make Lagrangian equations of elastic energy density covariant in the effective Riemannian space. Equilibrium equations are solved using the perturbation theory with the number of notches being a small parameter, and exact expressions are derived for stress and gauge fields in a 2D problem by applying Hilbert transform to orthogonal Chebyshev polynomials. The model is generalized to nonlinear elasticity (deformation theory of plasticity) and statistical mesomechanics models. Also presented is a solution for stress concentration in a system of arbitrarily oriented cracks which takes into account their mutual influence at any order of the perturbation theory and reduces to a system of linear equations with explicit exact solutions.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(2):236-240
pages 236-240 views

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