卷 16, 编号 2 (2011)


Intraoperative fluorescence diagnosis and photodynamic therapy in patients with brain metastatic involvement

Chissov V., Filonenko E., Reshetov I., Zaytsev A., Loshakov V., Kurzhupov M., Shelesko A., Yanikova A., Loshchenov V., Frank G., Bobrov A., Chissov V., Filonenko E., Reshetov I., Zaitsev A., Loshakov V., Kurzhupov M., Shelesko A., Yanikova A., Loshchenov V., Frank G., Bobrov A.


With advances in neurosurgery, stereotactic radiosurgery, fluorescence diagnosis (FD), and photodynamic therapy (PDT), there have been changes in treatment policy and an increase in survival among patients with brain metastatic involvement. The paper gives the results of treatment for brain metastastic involvement, by using the procedures of intraoperative FD and PDT with Alasens.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Intraoperative fluorescence diagnosis of breast cancer metastases into the regional lymph nodes

Pak D., Filonenko E., Frank G., Barsamyan G., Efremov G., Pak D., Filonenko E., Frank G., Barsamyan G., Efremov G.


Intraoperative fluorescence diagnosis (FD) of breast cancer (BC) metastases into the regional lymph nodes was made in 51 patients who were divided into 2 groups: 1) 43 patients who had undergone surgical treatment in the first stage; 2) 8 who had received 2 to 4 courses of neoadjuant chemotherapy in the first stage and had been operated on in the second stage. Intraoperative FD was made using Alasens. Alasens-induced protoporphyrin IX fluorescence was assessed, by applying the methods of visual fluorescence determination and local fluorescence spectroscopy. The investigators examined a total of 384 lymph nodes, including 312 and 72 nodes in Groups 1 and 2, respectively. In Group 1, the sensitivity and specificity of the method were 84.8 and 84%, respectively; in Group 2, these were 69.4 and 78%. The first experience in using intraoperative FD of metastatic involvement in the regional lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer showed the high efficiency of and promise for this method.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):7-9
pages 7-9 views

Therapeutic pathomorphism in patients with non-small cell lung cancer during multimodality treatment

Dobrodeev A., Vasil'ev N., Zav'yalov A., Tuzikov S., Miller S., Vorob'ev A., Dobrodeev A., Vasilyev N., Zavyalov A., Tuzikov S., Miller S., Vorobyev A.


Therapeutic pathomorphism was studied in 69 patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer during multimodality treatment with neoadjuvant chemotherapy with paclixel/carboplatin. Complete regression of the tumor was achieved in 5.8±2.8% of cases with fourth-degree pathomorphism, in 37.5±5.8% of those with its third-degree, in 44.9±5.9% of those with second-degree, and in 11.6±3.8% with first-degree. High-grade carcinomas (G3) were found to be most susceptible to chemotherapy; second-third-degree therapeutic pathomorphism developed in 38.6% of patients with squamous cell lung cancer and in 65.2% of those with adenocarcinomas. In moderate-grade carcinomas (G2), second-third pathomorphism was observed in 29.5 and 21.7%, respectively (p < 0.05). There was a direct relationship between the long-term results (time to disease progression) and the short-term overall chemotherapy response and the degree of the pathomorphism.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):10-12
pages 10-12 views

Results of surgical treatment in patients with stenotic colorectal carcinoma complicated by tumor perforation, diastatic colonic rupture, and abdominal sepsis

Aliev S., Aliyev S.


The paper provides a comparative analysis of the results of surgical treatment in 46 patients aged 24 to 85 years with stenotic colorectal carcinoma (CRC) complicated by colonic obstruction and perforation and peritonitis. All the patients had decompensated obstruction, the clinical picture of which manifested with colonic perforation both in the area of tumor involvement in 33 (71.7%) patients and above the site of obstruction in 13 (28.3%). The clinical and laboratory criteria for systemic inflammatory response syndrome and abdominal sepsis were found in 37 (80.4%) of the 46 patients. The author attempted to provide evidence whether the intestinal form of abdominal sepsis should be identified in patients with CRC complicated by colonic obstruction and perforation on the basis of whether the patients had symptoms of systemic inflammatory response syndrome. The choice of a surgical method was differentially determined by to the site of the tumor, the specific features of malignant growth, the type of colonic perforation, the extent of peritonitis, and the patients' medical condition and age. Forty-four of the 46 patients were operated on. Radical surgery was performed in 34 patients (38.2% death) and palliative surgery was made in 10 (80% death). Postoperative mortality was 47.7%. Two unoperated patients died. Overall mortality was 50%. The mortality rates for perforated colonic tumors and diastatic perforations were 41.9 and 61.5%, respectively. Comparative analysis of the results of surgical treatment for concomitant complications of CRC showed the efficiency of primary radical operations irrespective of cancer localization, type of perforation, and patient age. The obstructed modes of radical operations are considered to be the method of choice for the surgical treatment of left colonic involvement. In the past 10 years, the applied surgical tactic allowed the author to make postoperative and overall mortality rates stable in the above group patients at levels of 47.2-47.7 and 50%, respectively.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):13-18
pages 13-18 views

Morphological signs of colorectal cancer metastases to the liver

Manikhas G., Ershov V., Ryllo A., Osipov V., Manikhas G., Ershov V., Ryllo A., Osipov V.


The paper analyzes the results of a morphological study of liver metastases from colorectal cancer for their treatment. The sizes, quantity, and localization of nodules cannot be used as diagnostically significant criteria for colorectal cancer metastasis to the liver. The combination of the degree of differentiation and histological structure of the secondary tumor parenchyma with the prevailing number of papillary cell units in the cytological specimens may serve as a diagnostically significant morphological sign of colorectal cancer liver metastasis. High-prismatic and cylindric tumor cells preserving their secretory activity can serve as cytological criteria for colorectal cancer metastases to the liver. Colorectal cancer liver metastatic cells preserved cytokeratin 20 expression inherent in primary cancer cells in 90.9% of cases and carcinoembryonic antigen expression in 54.5%.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):18-21
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Her-2/neu oncogene in gastric cancer: a clinical and laboratory study

Skoropad V., Gorban' N., Mikhaylova G., Sevan'kaev A., Khudyakova T., Tsepenko V., Berdov B., Skoropad V., Gorban N., Mikhailova G., Sevankayev A., Khudyakova T., Tsepenko V., Berdov B.


The study was based on the examination of tumors in 31 patients radically operated on for locally advanced gastric cancer at the Medical Radiology Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, in 2000-2007. The pilot study indicated rather high rates of Her-2/neu hyperexpression and amplification. It was shown that immunohistochemical and FISH assays used in breast cancer might be successfully used in gastric cancer. Analysis demonstrated that Her-2/neu hyperexpression/amplification in patients with gastric cancer was an important factor of poor prognosis. The authors suggested for the first time that Her-2/neu might be considered as one of the determinants of the mechanisms of metastasis in patients with gastric cancer.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):22-25
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In vitro investigation of the photo-induced activity of positively charged phthalocyanines

Plyutinskaya A., Yakubovskaya R., Luk\"yanets E., Negrimovskiy V., Chissov V., Plyutinskaya A., Yakubovskaya R., Lukyanets E., Negrimovsky V., Chissov V.


The photo-induced antitumor activity of water-soluble derivatives of metal-free phthalocyanine and its metallic complexes (Zn, Al), which contained positively charged ionogenic groups as substituents, was investigated. Cationic photosensitizers were shown to rapidly penetrate into tumor cells and to effectively accumulate in them; their phototoxicity depended on the structure of side substituents, the nature of the central atom, the incubation time of photosensitizers to radiation, and the type of tumor cells. The highest activity was found in the choline derivative of zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPcCho18): the 50 inhibitory concentration was 0.30±0.08 μM for HEp2 cell cultures, 0.48±0.09 μM for A549, 1.07±0.12 μM, for T24, and 2±0.13 μM for HT29.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):25-27
pages 25-27 views

Use of a combination of docetaxel (Tautax and Taxotere) and etoposide plus prednisolone versus docetaxel monotherapy in the treatment of patients with hormone-resistant prostate cancer

Gritskevich A., Medvedev V., Rusakov I., Bystrov S., Gritskevich A., Medvedev V., Rusakov I., Bystrov S.


The efficacy and safety of a combination of docetaxel and etoposide plus prednisolone versus docetaxel monotherapy were studied in patients with hormone-resistant prostate cancer. The patients were divided into 2 groups: 1) 24 patients received docetaxel 75 mg/m2 once every 3 weeks + prednisolone 10 mg/day; 2) 21 patients used docetaxel 75 mg/m2 once every 3 weeks + prednisolone 10 mg/day + intravenous etoposide 100 mg/m2 on days 1 to 5. The patients' age ranged from 45 to 81 years (mean age 64.9 years). The study has shown that docetaxel monotherapy has benefits in terms of treatment response duration, overall survival, and satisfactory therapy tolerability.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):28-32
pages 28-32 views

Radiotherapy in the palliative treatment of patienrs with solitary metastases from skin melanoma to the viscera and bones

Zakurdyaeva I., Kudryavtseva G., Kaplan M., Dement'ev A., Zakurdyaeva I., Kudzhryavtseva G., Kaplan M., Dementyev A.


The paper presents the results of multimodality treatment comprising drug, radiation, and photodynamic therapies for solitary metastasis to the lung, bones, and liver in 10, 4, and 1 patients, respectively; these have rather convincingly shown that it is highly expedient to incorporate, if indicated, different methods of local radiation exposure into a palliative treatment regimen. Varying resorption of metastases in response to radiation exposure was noted in the majority of patients, moreover, the remission remained for a rather long time; and metastatic masses completely disappeared in individual patients. Radiotherapy is effective in the treatment algorithm for this group of patients and increases survival and quality of life.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):32-35
pages 32-35 views

Lymphorrhea after radical mastectomies

Ermoshchenkova M., Pak D., Ermoshchenkova M., Pak D.


The duration and amount of lymphorrhea were studied in 274 patients operated on for breast cancer. The risk factors contributing to abundant and prolonged lymphorrhea were identified.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):35-40
pages 35-40 views

Modernization of pathology laboratories in the context of the risk control theory

Mal'kov P., Malkov P.


The paper gives theoretical considerations and practical materials concerning the concept of technical reequipment and technological modernization of pathomorphological service, which may be useful for health specialists and administrators when they take decisions to improve the activity of pathology laboratories.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):40-42
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New approaches to organ-sparing treatment for borderline ovarian tumors

Shevchuk A., Novikova E., Shevchuk A., Novikova E.


The authors describe an interesting case of Stage 1C borderline ovarian tumor in a 19-year-old patient. After 4 courses of polychemotherapy with consideration of the stage of the disease, the patient has been followed for more than 3 years, who has neither signs of disease progression nor menstrual dysfunction; pregnancy is being planned. The authors give the data available in the literature on the results of treatment for these tumors and provide a comprehensive rationale for chosen management tactic.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):43-44
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The diagnosis and treatment of malignant paraganglioma in the ilioinguinal region

Sedykh S., Teplyakov V., Epifanova S., Bondarev A., Karpenko V., Sedykh S., Teplyakov V., Epifanova S., Bondarev A., Karpenko V.


The paper describes a rare case of extraadrenal malignant paraganglioma in the ilioinguinal region. It shows the capabilities of diagnosis in estimating the extent of tumor involvement, as well as methods and the evaluation of therapeutic efficiency.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):44-47
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A case of disseminated sigmoid cancer during combination treatment

Bolotina L., Kornietskaya A., Bolotina L., Kornietskaya A.


The paper describes a case of disseminated sigmoid cancer with metastatic involvement of the lung, liver, and retroperitoneal lymph nodes. The patient received courses of chemotherapy with target drugs, which could achieve a complete resorption of metastatic foci in the lung, substantially reduce their sizes in the liver and retroperitoneal lymph nodes, and perform a cytoreducing operation. The patient has survived for 49 months.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):47-49
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Principles of the design and use of medical vaccines in oncology

Moiseenko V., Baldueva I., Moiseyenko V., Balduyeva I.


The paper substantiates the principles of the design and use of antitumor vaccines. Tumor-associated antigens that are of interest in terms of the potential object of active specific immunotherapy are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of the existing vaccine therapy options are defined and their prospects are formulated.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):49-53
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Hormone replacement therapy and a risk for breast cancer in postmenopausal women: analysis of some epidemiological studies

Konovalova V., Smetnik V., Konovalova V., Smetnik V.


The paper provides an epidemiological update on a risk for breast cancer during menopausal hormone replacement therapy. It gives the results of large observational and randomized clinical trials, as well as the point of view of the International Menopause Society in the context of evidence-based medicine.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(2):53-56
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