卷 15, 编号 4 (2010)


Organosokhranyayushchee lechenie bol'nykh rakom pochki

Teplov A., Rusakov I., Smirnova S., Zakharova M., Andreeva Y., Sidorov D.


The authors analyze the results of treatment in 124 patients with renal cancer who have undergone 127 kidney resections. Follow-ups lasted 1 to 97 months (mean 14.6 months). Early postoperative complications were recorded in 27 (21.3%) cases. Mortality was 0.8%. A recurrent tumor was found at the site of kidney resection in 3 (2.4%) patients with renal cancer T1aN0M0, grade 2-3, at 14 to 23 months, among them there was one (0.8%) patient after horseshoe kidney resection. Open renal resection has demonstrated good oncological and functional results and is the operation of choice for patients with renal cancer, but it requires a preoperative careful diagnosis comprising contrast 3D computed tomography and/ or magnetic resonance imaging, as well as angiography in order to define the anatomic relationships between the renal structures and a tumor.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Neoad\"yuvantnaya prolongirovannaya khimioluchevaya terapiya s posleduyushchey gastrektomiey D2 u bol'nykh mestno-rasprostranennym rakom zheludka

Skoropad V., Berdov B., Titova L., Mardynskiy Y., Evdokimov L., Silant'eva N., Agababyan T., Neborak Y., Agafonov V.


The authors report the preliminary results of Phase II clinical trial of the new method of multimodal treatment for locally advanced gastric cancer - preoperative neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. The procedure for the latter is well tolerated by patients and causes moderate, treatable reactions. Preoperative exposure does not complicate surgical intervention. There were no postoperative complications or deaths. The clinical and morphological evaluation of tumor responses showed that most patients had significant regression of both a primary tumor and regional metastases. Long-term neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy followed by D2 gastrectomy in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer is a warranted and promising treatment calling for further clinical studies.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):10-15
pages 10-15 views

Nekotorye aspekty organosokhranyayushchego lecheniya pogranichnykh opukholey yaichnikov

Novikova E., Shevchuk A., Zavalishina L.


The paper analyzes worldwide experience in using saving operations in patients with bilateral borderline ovarian tumors, the goals of which are to remove a tumor-altered ovarian portion and to preserve visually unchanged ovarian tissue. It comparatively characterizes the rates of recurrences, survival, and fertility after applying this approach. The authors' results of such interventions in 17 patients are given. The findings suggest that saving organ-sparing operations may be performed in patients with bilateral lesions and borderline tumors of the single ovary to maintain reproductive function; however, there is a high risk for recurrent tumors in these situations. Further accumulation of material is needed to obtain objective results and to study the molecular biological characteristics of borderline tumors that may provide a substantial aid in defining the prognosis of the disease and treatment policy in this category of patients.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):15-20
pages 15-20 views

Vnutriplevral'naya immunoterapiya interleykinom-2 bol'nykh s metastaticheskim plevritom

Titov K., Demidov L., Kiselevskiy M., Shubina I., Mikhaylova I., Rodionova L., Topol' K., Sinel'nikov I., Gritsay A.


The paper gives the results of a study of the clinical efficiency of intrapleural immunotherapy with low-dose recombinant interleukin-2 (roncoleukin®) in patients with metastatic exudative pleurisy in breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer, etc. It has been shown that this treatment modality is highly effective (an objective response was 84%), increases longevity and quality of life in patients, rarely causes recurrences, and it is easy-to-use and well tolerated. Intrapleural immunotherapy for malignant pleural effusion may be successfully used in drug-unresponsive patients and it is one of the stages of multimodality therapy for a disseminated tumor process.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):20-24
pages 20-24 views

Kombinirovannoe i luchevoe lechenie zlokachestvennykh novoobrazovaniy okoloushnoy slyunnoy zhelezy

Choynzonov E., Musabaeva L., Avdeenko M., Gribova O.


The paper presents the results of treatment in 77 patients with parotid malignancies. It considers the functionally sparing treatment preserving the facial nerve trunk and branches at surgery and the possibilities of neutron therapy in the combination and radiation treatment of this pathology. The findings suggest that functionally sparing operations may be made, without worsening the long-term results. There is evidence that incorporation of neutron therapy into the radiation component of the treatment deteriorates its long-term results.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):25-28
pages 25-28 views

Opyt posledovatel'noy khimioluchevoy terapii bol'nykh mestno-rasprostranennym rakom glotki

Maslennikova A., Lazareva V., Gerasimova A.


The authors give their experience with sequential chemoradiotherapy in 72 patients with locally advanced cancer of the throat. Fifty-four patients completed treatment according to the plan. The minimum period of a follow-up was 18 months; its median was 42 months. Overall one- and three-year survival rates were 87.9 and 49.2%, respectively. In a group of patients with more than 50% tumor regression after a course of polychemotherapy (PCT), these were 96.5 and 66.8%, respectively. Among the patients, in whom neoplasms responded to induction chemotherapy weakly, one- and three-year survival rates were 72.7 and 22.7%, respectively. The group differences were statistically significant (p = 0.02). Sequential chemoradiotherapy in the proposed regimen could yield satisfactory survival rates in the presence of moderate toxicity of treatment. The effect of one course of PCT allows judgment about the prognosis of the disease with a high degree of accuracy.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):28-33
pages 28-33 views

Intermittiruyushchaya gormonal'naya terapiya pri rake predstatel'noy zhelezy s posledovatel'nym naznacheniem lyuteiniziruyushchego gormona-rilizing-gormona i antiandrogenov

Rusakov I., Sokov D.


The authors analyze the results of palliative treatment in 51 patients with prostate cancer (PC) who received various regimens of hormone therapy. The follow-up time was 15.5 months. A control group consisted of 25 patients with generalized (n = 14) and locally advanced (n = 11) PC. Of them, 14 patients took luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists in a continuous regimen and 11 patients underwent bilateral orchiectomy after sensitivity evaluation via presumptive therapy with LHRH agonists within 2 months. In a study group, 14 patients received a LHRH agonist (zoladex) as a subcutaneous injection at a 28-day interval for 3 months. Then the therapy was discontinued and the oncomarker was monitored every month. The therapy was individually resumed if there was a considerable rise in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) or there were clinical symptoms. Twelve patients had monotherapy with bicalutamide (casodex) 150 mg after an initial course of LHRH agonists (3 months). When the minimal PSA level was achieved, the drug was discontinued. When the PSA level was increased by more than 4 ng/ml, bicalutamide was given in a dose of 150 mg. The study has demonstrated that intermittent hormone therapy considerably and significantly improves the quality of life in patients with PC versus those with continuous androgenic deprivation (a control group).
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):33-37
pages 33-37 views

Neoad\"yuvantnaya khimioterapiya pri lechenii zlokachestvennykh novoobrazovaniy pryamoy kishki

Dvornichenko V., Shevchuk A., Shelekhov A., Ponomarenko D., Snetkov E.


The authors propose a rectal cancer treatment program that includes preoperative chemotherapy in 14 men and 6 women.. Nonadjuvant chemotherapy was performed in combination with radiotherapy in the preoperative specialized treatment stage. Stage 1 treatment comprised classical fractionation gamma-teletherapy once used on the first day of RIFL chemotherapy was made. Surgery was performed 3 or 4 weeks after chemoradiotherapy. Pathomorphological study of intraoperative specimens showed grades I-II and III-IV pathomorphism in 4 and 16 patients, respectively. The efficiency of the treatment permits a combination of preoperative chemotherapy and classical fractionation radiotherapy use in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):37-39
pages 37-39 views

Zabolevaemost' zlokachestvennymi gliomami golovnogo mozga v Volgogradskoy oblasti

Bel'skiy K., Gurov D., Kolesnikov A.


The paper presents data on the incidence of malignant brain gliomas (MBG) at the populational level in the Volgograd Region in 2001-2006. The quantitative and qualitative parameters of morbidity are analyzed by gender and age in detail. The higher incidence of MBG in the Volgograd Region is due to its rise in the able-bodied male contingents and in the female population in the age group older than the able-bodied age. Further study of the organization of specialized care to patients to MBG is possible only when information available in the population-based cancer registers of the subjects of the Russian Federation as a constituent of the State Cancer register is collected and analyzed.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):39-42
pages 39-42 views

Dlitel'nyy bezretsidivnyy period u bol'nogo s metastazom raka legkogo v golovnom mozge posle kombinirovannogo lecheniya

Reshetov I., Zaytsev A., Kurzhupov M.


In patients with intracerebral metastases on combination therapy, median survival is now not more than 14 months, as shown by the data available in the literature. The authors describe a rare case of a long relapse-free interval in a patient with lung cancer spreading to the brain after combination therapy. The case given demonstrates the efficiency of the combination treatment for intracerebral metastases, which involves metastasectomy, followed by radiotherapy for the removed tumor bed.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):43-44
pages 43-44 views

Fotodinamicheskaya terapiya v neyroonkologii

Kurzhupov M., Filonenko E., Loshakov V., Zaytsev A.


Brain malignancies are diseases with a poor prognosis. Despite the use of currently available techniques, such as microsurgical removal, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, survival in these patients remains low due to continued tumor growth. A search is under way for treatment options that can prolong a relapse-free period and survival in these patients. The paper analyzes the data available in the literature on a new treatment technique for this group of patients, namely, photodynamic therapy.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):45-48
pages 45-48 views

Bisfosfonaty - novye grani aktivnosti

Bolotina L.


The paper shows that bisphosphonates are now an integral part in the complex treatment of bone metastases. Their use reduces a risk for development of fractures, including those with spinal cord compression and hypercalcemia. The additional property of bisphosphonates is their ability to prevent bone mineral density loss during hormonal therapy with tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors. There has been more and more information on the antitumor activity of bisphosphonates, as demonstrated by the ABCSG-12 study of zoledronate used in 1800 patients with early breast cancer. This property of bisphosphonate is also confirmed by the AZURE study in which addition of bisphosphonates to the standard neoadjuvant chemotherapy could increase the frequency of beneficial effects. Addition of bisphosphonates to chemotherapy or hormonal therapy improves the results of treatment and quality of life in cancer patients.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):49-51
pages 49-51 views

Endokrinnye opukholi zheludka

Belous T.


In recent years there has been an increasing interest in endocrine tumors (ET) of the gastrointestinal tract is due to a rise in their morbidity rates and to the disputable and unsolved aspects of their terminology, clinical and morphological classification, and prognostic factors, which largely hampers the development of common approaches to evaluating these neoplasms and that of reasonable variants of their treatment. There is a need for further studies of the morphogenesis and clinical morphology of ET of the gastrointestinal tract, by applying the currently morphological and genetic methods.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):51-55
pages 51-55 views

Valeriy Vladimirovich Starinskiy (k 70-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya)

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Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(4):56-56
pages 56-56 views
