卷 15, 编号 2 (2010)


Videoendolaringeal'naya khirurgiya i fotodinamicheskaya terapiya s ispol'zovaniem gibkoy endoskopicheskoy tekhniki pri predrake i rannem rake gortani

Sokolov V., Telegina L., Gladyshev A., Reshetov I., Ol'shanskiy V., Golubtsov A.


The authors have developed and used a number of endolaryngeal surgical procedures for the treatment of patients with laryngeal precancer and cancer (LC), by using flexible video-assisted endoscopic technology, Nd:YAG laser thermoablation, argon plasma coagulation, electric resection, and photodynamic therapy. In 1987 to 2008, endolaryngeal surgery was performed in 129 patients, including 23 with dyskeratosis with laryngeal dysplasia, 36 with virus-associated recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis, 37 with early cancer of the midlarynx (Tis - T1N0M0), 17 with residual tumor, and 16 with local recurrent cancer of the midlarynx (T1-2N0M0) after teleradiotherapy. The therapy resulted in complete regression (CR) of dyskeratosis and first-to-third degree dysplasia in 22 (95%) of the 23 patients. CR was achieved in 27 (75%) of the 36 patients in the recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis group. Persistent remission and human papillomavirus eradication were brought about in 70% of cases. CR was obtained in 34 (92%) of the 37 patients in the primary LC group. Recurrent LC was found in 3 (9%) of the 34 patients. Complete recovery of vocal cord function recovery was noted in all cases. CR could be achieved in 27 (82%) in the residual and recurrent laryngeal tumor groups (n = 33). Recurrent LC was detected in 3 patients 1-5 years after treatment completion.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(2):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Videoassistirovannye operatsii pri opukholyakh shchitovidnoy zhelezy s biopsiey storozhevogo limfaticheskogo uzla

Chissov V., Reshetov I., Golubtsov A., Sevryukov F., Krekhno O.


The paper describes the procedure for mini-invasive lateral-access video-assisted resection of the thyroid in its tumors, which has been tested in cadaver experiments. The length of skin incision varied between 2.0 and 3.0 cm, depending on the length and thickness of the neck. There were no problems in imaging the recurrent laryngeal nerve and in exposing the superior and inferior thyroid arteries. The parathyroids were difficult to visualize in some cases. With lateral access, the distance to cervical structures averaged 3.0 and 3.0 cm to the superior and inferior thyroid arteries, respectively; it did 3.5 cm to the recurrent laryngeal nerve. The pretracheal and paratracheal fats, the nearest regional metastasizing areas, could be adequately revised in all cases. Video-assisted resection of the thyroid was clinically used in 135 patients in the treatment of benign and low-grade malignant thyroid tumors (T1-2NxM0). Surgery was performed in 120 women and 15 men; their age was 40.9 years. Preoperative cytological studies revealed papillary/follicular adenoma and low-grade adenocarcinoma (T1-2N0M0) in 92 and 52 patients, respectively. The surgical interventions were hemithyroidectomy with isthmusectomy and subtotal thyroid resection, sentinel lymph node biopsy was made in 18 patients. On the basis of topographic and anatomic studies, the authors have proven the principal possibility of adequate thyroid resection through the mini-invasive lateral access; the latter allows biopsy of the sentinel lymph node of thyroid cancer; hemithyroidectomy with the determination of the sentinel lymph node through a mini-invasive lateral approach reduces operative time and blood loss and does not increase the frequency of postoperative complications, decreases postoperative hospital bed/days to 2-3 days, results in a good cosmetic scar, and does not impair cervical organ function. The indications for mini-invasive lateral-access hemithyroidectomy are adenoma of the thyroid and its low-grade cancer (T1NxM0); the relative indications are female gender and under 60 years of age.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(2):10-16
pages 10-16 views

Videotorakoskopicheskie i videoassistirovannye operatsii pri metastazakh v legkikh

Pikin O., Kolbanov K., Glushko V., Vursol D., Amiraliev A., Mironenko D.


The paper presents experience with video-assisted thoracoscopic and video-assisted surgery in 42 patients with lung metastases. A solitary metastasis was diagnosed in 30 patients (a study group), single and multiple metastases being present in 10 and 2 patients, respectively. A control group comprised 30 patients who were operated on for solitary metastasis via a thoracotomic access. Thoracoscopic atypical lung resection and video-assisted lobectomy were carried out in 28 and 2 patients, respectively. Various modes of video-assisted operations using the help hand procedure were performed in 12 patients with single and multiple metastases, including bilateral ones. There were no serious postoperative complications or deaths. The overall and relapse-free 5-year survival rates did not differ in the study and control groups.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(2):16-21
pages 16-21 views

Issledovanie diagnosticheskoy chuvstvitel'nosti novykh opukholeassotsiirovannykh koprologicheskikh markerov pri kolorektal'nom rake

Sergeeva N., Chissov V., Vorob'ev G., Shelygin Y., Marshutina N., Parilova N., Chernyshov S., Solokhina M., Zenkina E., Bogdanova N., Vashakmadze L., Khomyakov V., Sidorov D., Kogoniya L.


The authors studied the sensitivity and specificity of 3 new tests detecting human hemoglobin (hHb), the hemoglobin-haptoglobin (hHb/Hp) complex, and tumor pyruvate kinase (fTu M2-PK) in feces to diagnose colorectal cancer (CRC). The investigation included patients with CRC (n = 78), ulcerative colitis (UC) (n = 21), enteric polyps (n = 12), and apparently healthy donors (n = 47). The sensitivity of the hHb test system was highest (88.5%) in diagnosing CRC while the hHB/Hp and fTu M2-PK tests were slightly lower (76.9 and 77.9%, respectively). These tests revealed UC with a slightly lower sensitivity in the same order: 76.2, 57.1, and 66.7%, respectively. The feces from the patients with enteric polyps were marker positive in some cases. In donors, the specificity of the hHb and hHb/Hp tests was high (93.6 and 100%, respectively) and that of the fTu M2-PK test system was slightly lower (81.1%).
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(2):21-24
pages 21-24 views

Flyuorestsentnaya diagnostika predraka i nachal'nogo raka endometriya

Novikova E., Chulkova O., Filonenko E., Putintseva L., Bulgakova N.


The results of fluorescence diagnosis using Alasens (3% solution, 10 ml into the uterine cavity) in 120 patients were analyzed. Group 1 consisted of 80 women admitted for primary examination for the diagnosis to be morphologically verified. Group 2 included 40 reproductive age patients previously diagnosed as having atypical endometrial hyperplasia and early cancer of the corpus uteri, in whom fluorescence diagnosis was made as monitoring of individual hormone therapy. Alasens exposure lasted 2 hours. By comparing the data of spectral fluorescence and morphological studies, in Group 1 the authors diagnosed atypical endometrial hyperplasia in 19 (23.8%) women, early cancer of the corpus uteri (cr in situ, stage Ia) in 46 (57.5%), and a benign process (glandular endometrial hyperplasia, polyps of the corpus uteri) in 15 (18.8%). In Group 2, disease recurrence was found in 6 (15%) women after hormonal therapy.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(2):25-28
pages 25-28 views

Opredelenie pervichnoy lokalizatsii opukholevogo protsessa pri immunotsitokhimicheskom issledovanii ekssudata iz seroznykh polostey

Volchenko N., Borisova O.


The authors show it possible to define the site of a tumorous process in difficult diagnostic cases by an immunocytochemical (ICC) study of serous exudates. The ICC profile of tumor cells in the exudates was detectable at various sites of a primary tumorous process. Based on the study performed it may be concluded that in most cases the tumor cells in the exudates preserve the ICC profile that is inherent in primary tumor. Relying on the ICC reactions, the site of a tumorous process may be supposed in serous tunic metastasizing lesions without a detected primary focus.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(2):28-32
pages 28-32 views

Kliniko-geneticheskoe issledovanie papillyarnogo i follikulyarnogo raka shchitovidnoy zhelezy

Kazubskaya T.


Hereditary predisposition to thyroid cancer (TC) was studied in 40 patients with this condition, out of whom 74% were observed to have papillary cancer; papillary-follicular and follicular cancers were found in 23 and 3%, respectively; and their 912 first-degree relatives. For the convenience of analysis, these histological forms were integrated into nonmedullar TC (NMTC). The risk of NMTC was ascertained to be higher in women than that in men (the male/female ratio was 1:5). The age at disease diagnosis averaged 47.7% years; however, in 78% of the patients the first signs of the disease occurred an average of 6-7 years earlier. There was a significant trend for various organs to be involved; the rate of primary-multiple malignant neoplasms were 5.4%, by exceeding the similar rate in the population manifold (0.003%). Analysis of the relatives' diseases revealed that 4% of them were affected by various neoplasias and 3.2% were by various benign thyroid tumor and nontumor diseases. NMTC was found to have a family component. The age at the manifestation of familial papillary TC (32.1% years) was much less than that in the total sample of patients with NMTC, indicating a severer phenotype. The detected familial cases of papillary TC were referred to as familial papillary TC, in which only thyroid tissue is involved. Papillary and follicular TC may be a component of hereditary syndromes. It was suggested that there were general regularities in tissue lesions of the thyroid, kidney, breast, skin (melanoma), nervous system, and large bowel in the family of patients with NMTC. Recommendations are proposed for the management of hereditary TC forms.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(2):32-38
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Algoritm meropriyatiy dlya profilaktiki i lecheniya gnoynykh oslozhneniy ran u onkoginekologicheskikh bol'nykh

Ismailova L., Krikunova L., Berdov B., Efendiev V.


The risk factors of pyoinflammatory complications of postoperative wounds during elective surgery were studied in gynecological and gynecological cancer patients. An algorithm was developed and described for measures to prevent infectious postoperative wound complications and their treatment. The above algorithm makes it possible to reduce the frequency of infectious complications, wound and abdominal abscesses, peritonitis by 2.5-fold and the length of stay in bed. The results of magnetic laser therapy used to prevent pyoinflammatory complications of wounds are given.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(2):39-44
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Pervyy opyt ekstrakorporal'nogo oplodotvoreniya posle konservativnogo lecheniya raka endometriya

Novikova E., Chulkova O., Andreeva Y., Kurtser M., Gergert E., Khil'kevich L.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(2):45-45
pages 45-45 views

Dobrokachestvennaya metastaziruyushchaya leyomioma matki s porazheniem legkikh

Pikin O., Frank G., Vursol D., Efremov G., Astakhov D.


Benign metastasizing leiomyoma is an extrauterine metastasizing leiomyomatous lesion of distant organs and systems, without histological and immunohistochemical signs of malignization. At present, there are about 80 such clinical cases in the literature. This paper describes the authors' rare clinical case that shows a problem in the diagnosis of benign uterine leiomyoma metastasizing to the lung and how to choose adequate treatment policy for these patients.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(2):45-47
pages 45-47 views

Protivoopukholevye vaktsiny na osnove dendritom

Nikitin K., Rubtsova M., Utyashev I., Baryshnikov A.


Immunotherapy is an oncology area that studies how to treat malignancies, by activating and/or potentiating an antitumor immune response in the patient. Much attention is given to the use of dendritic cells and their based agents (vaccines). Pilot clinical trials have demonstrated that dendritic cells loaded with tumor antigens induce an immune response that is specific to tumor-associated antigens. Dendritic/tumor cell fusion is one of the most original and very promising methods for enhancing the efficacy of dendritic cell vaccines. The present overview presents information on the dendritoma obtaining procedure, discusses the specific features of the biology of hybrid cells, and the results of their experimental study. Particular emphasis is laid on the data of clinical studies of dendritomas in patients with malignancies.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(2):48-53
pages 48-53 views

Sovremennyy vzglyad na markernyy retsidiv raka yaichnikov

Korneeva I., Novikova E., Sergeeva N.


The authors give the current data available in the Russian and foreign literature on marker recurrence in ovarian cancer. Special criteria for unifying the assessment of a treatment response and for determining the progression of solid tumors (Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors - RECIST) and criteria for determining marker recurrences, by measuring the level of CA125 (Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup - GCIG), are considered. The results of the studies comparing the standard RECIST criteria with the GCIG classification are analyzed.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(2):54-57
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Vladimir Zakharovich Agranat (k 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya)

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Russian Journal of Oncology. 2010;15(2):57-57
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