


Objective. To study the relapse-free overall survival in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) patients after the targeted therapy and to develop optimal approach to the treatment shedule. Material and methods. The research included 88 mRCC patients of mean age of 55.5 + 9.6 years, 63 (71.6%) men and 25 (28.4%) women. 42.0% patients had a favorable prognosis, 52.3% - intermediate one and 5.7% of the cases had poor prognosis. First line targeted therapy was carried out in 88 patients, the second line - in 26 patients, and the third line - in 7 patients. Results. The one or several lines of targeted therapy allowed to achieve 20 months of a median in survival without progression of the disease. Several lines of treatment increased a median of general survival up to 42 months in comparison with the patients who were involved in the one line of treatment (a median = 30 months), p = 0.001. Side effects of targeted therapy were reversible. In the first line targeted therapy the preference was given to sunitinib, in the second line - to sorafenib. Sorafenib had an advantage in case of not light-cellular forms of renal carcinoma. In cases with favorable prognosis factors, metastases into organ parenchyma, targeted therapy with bevacizumab was carried out.


Galina Alekseeva

Vladivostok Clinic Hospital No 2

MD, PhD, Urologist, Vladivostok Clinic Hospital No 2, Vladivostok, 690105, Russian Federation Vladivostok, 690105, Russian Federation

L. Gurina

Primorsky Regional Oncology Dispensary

Vladivostok, 690105, Russian Federation

M. Volkov

Primorsky Regional Oncology Dispensary

Vladivostok, 690105, Russian Federation

E. Evtuchenko

Primorsky Regional Oncology Dispensary

Vladivostok, 690105, Russian Federation


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