


The problem of modern oncology is not the correspondence between the achievements of medical science and technology and the understanding of general practitioners to conduct a survey and the ability to apply them and to detect cancer at a stage when the cure rate can be of 80-100%. It is necessary to train doctors who do not know so much, how much can determine the optimal diagnostic tactics. The semiotics of the cancer of individual localizations in the educational literature is usually described at the stage of the clinical phase, without having a specific system. The goal is to systemize the manifestation of heart failure in the form of signal (pathogenetic) supporting symptoms, taking into account the phase of tumor development and using digital technologies to conduct objective testing of knowledge to improve cancer literacy and efficiency of screening. The proposed signal system of basic symptoms of development of malignant neoplasms (MN) and described in the textbook and training manual [Сherenkov V.G., 2017], allow the student or general practitioner to remember them «not on their fingers», but from the position of the visual system. The examination of patients is directed, first of all, to the exclusion of direct and indirect signs of «reference symptom number 1», factors and reasons for the possible development of MN. The application of the Russian system «Votum» with a set of consoles, software developed by ourselves for «Oncology» test control with visualization elements in the application «presentation» - shortens the time for the survey and increases it to learn practical skills. The interactive system allows you to solve tactical tasks, conduct lessons more vividly with the visual perception, and carry out instantly objective and transparent control of knowledge for participants, present them in the form of graphs and time spent on answers. Preliminary experience of combining traditional forms of education and modern digital technologies testifies to the effectiveness of the increase of the oncological literacy and alertness of students and general practitioners.


Vyacheslav Cherenkov

Institute of Medical Education, Yaroslav Mudry Novgorod State University

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor of the course of Oncology Department of hospital surgery; Veliky Novgorod, 173016, Russian Federation Veliky Novgorod, 173020, Russian Federation

A. Petrov

Institute of Medical Education, Yaroslav Mudry Novgorod State University

Veliky Novgorod, 173020, Russian Federation


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  2. Черенков В.Г. Онкология: учебник. 4-е издание. М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа; 2017.
  3. Черенков В.Г. Онкология. Тесты с элементами визуализации: учебное пособие. М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа; 2017.

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