State of oncological care for the rural population of the Tomsk region




There was shown the urgency of the study of the problem of malignant tumors (MT) in the Tomsk region. There was performed an analysis of the major cancer oncoepidemiological indices (morbidity rate, mortality rate, neglect, one-year mortality rate), characterizing the state of the organization of anti-cancer activities among the urban and rural population. Indices of the state of cancer care in the districts of the region are worse than in cities. Neglect (p = 0.004) and one-year mortality rate (p = 0.0003), including as a result of MT of exterior locations, in the rural population are higher than that of the urban population. There was evaluated the the activitiy offeldsher-midwife stations (FMS) and examination rooms of district hospitals of the region in terms of organization of measures for the early detection ofMT of visual locations in the rural population. Most of them (221,523 people) of the rural population is assigned to the examination room of district hospitals, to FMS there are attached 82 877people of the adult population. In FMS with the aim of detection of cancer pathology there was examined only 10.8% of the population attached. Coverage of men by preventive examinations amounted to 9% (29.2% were to be inspected), women - 13% (50% were to be inspected). During the year, the FMS specialists identified 571 disease, out of which 70% - chronic processes, 24% - precancerous lesions and 6% - MT. Coverage ofpreventive check-ups of the female population was 35.5%, of males - 8.5%. In total in examination rooms there were identified 12,624 cases of the disease (19.6% of examined cases), out of them chronic diseases - 71.7%, precancerous states - 27.1%, MT - 1.1%. In order to optimize the early detection ofMT of visual localizations in the rural population of the Tomsk region there was suggested to perform a complex of measures


Lidiya Pikalova

Tomsk Regional Oncology Center

MD, Deputy сhief doctor of the organizational and methodical work Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation

O. Ananina

Tomsk Cancer Oncology Institute

Tomsk, 634009, Russian Federation

L. Zhuikova

Tomsk Cancer Oncology Institute

Tomsk, 634009, Russian Federation

I. Odintsova

Tomsk Cancer Oncology Institute; Siberian State Medical University

Tomsk, 634009, Russian Federation

L. Kudyakov

Tomsk Regional Oncology Center

Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation


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