Evaluation of the internalization of AFP-containing noncovalent complexes AIMPILA in the rat model of the isolated segment of rat small intestine




Research is devoted to the study of the ability of the labeled complex «AIMPILA-ACRIDIN» and the test compound «AFP-ACRIDIN» in concentration of 1.0 mkg/ml to internalize in a small intestine. For this purpose there was used the modified technique of the isolated inverted small intestinal sac method in rats with the aid of by ourselves delivered technique with the use of a conjugate of the studied complex with luminescent ACRIDIN in the incubatory environment. The nonspecific luminescence of the incubatory environment without label was shown to be extremely low: the level of a luminescence of 30-39 RLU is the minimum basic signal and can t significantly influence on results of testing. The starting level of a luminescence in the incubatory environment after supplementation of conjugates of AIMPILA-ACRIDIN or AFP-ACRIDIN is rather high and accounts of 1073714 RLU and 1602017, respectively. In a gleam of the «inverted» pieces of a small intestine the level of a luminescence accounted of 548 and 997 RLU and 425-829 RLU. The obtained data allow to consider the complex AIMPILA in rather low concentration is capable to absorb in a small intestine of rat over the physiologically adequate time that similar to AFP labeled by ACRIDIN.


N. Andronova

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center

Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation

J. Tcherkassova

Ltd Pharmaceutical Research Center «FarmAksess»

Moscow, 127322, Russian Federation

S. Tsurkan

Ltd Pharmaceutical Research Center «FarmAksess»

Moscow, 127322, Russian Federation

G. Smirnova

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center

Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation

Helena Treshalina

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center

Email: treshalina@yandex.ru
MD, PhD, DSc, Prof., Head of the Laboratory of Combination Therapy of Tumors of the Research Institute of Experimental Diagnostics and Therapy of Tumors Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation


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