Ex vivo comparative study of probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy and light microscopy in diagnostics of lung cancer




This study is an ex-vivo comparison of images obtained by probe-based confocal endomicroscopy (pCLE) examination of lung cancer samples and light microscopy specimens prepared from the same samples. This first ex-vivo study revealed endomicroscopic characteristics of different types of lung carcinoma.


Olesya Danilevskaya

Federal Research Clinical Center of Special Medical Care and Technologies

Email: danless@mail.ru
MD, PhD 115682, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. Sorokina

Federal Research Clinical Center of Special Medical Care and Technologies

115682, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. Averyanov

Federal Research Clinical Center of Special Medical Care and Technologies

115682, Moscow, Russian Federation

F. Zabozlaev

Federal Research Clinical Center of Special Medical Care and Technologies

115682, Moscow, Russian Federation

N. Urazovsky

Federal Research Clinical Center of Special Medical Care and Technologies

115682, Moscow, Russian Federation

D. Sazonov

Federal Research Clinical Center of Special Medical Care and Technologies

115682, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. Sotnikova

Federal Research Clinical Center of Special Medical Care and Technologies

115682, Moscow, Russian Federation


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