Gestational trophoblastic disease: classification and prognostic factors (part II)

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Study of factors affecting the prognosis of malignant trophoblastic tumors, allow adequate treatment plan. Histological form trophoblastic tumor has important prognostic value. Chorionic carcionoma and epithelioid tumors are characterized by a worse prognosis, it is difficult to predict the prognosis for placental trophoblastic tumor and the most favorable prognosis is expected in the invasive and metastatic hydatidiform mole. Important prognostic factors are the age of the patient, the outcome of the previous pregnancy disease, length of history, the initial level of beta-human chorionic gonadotropin tumor size, location, size and number of metastases. Inadequate chemotherapy prior to standard treatment, contributes to the emergence of drug resistance of tumors and significantly worsens the prognosis. Modern FIGO classification 2000, includes clinical staging scale and prognostic factors based on which you plan to standard chemotherapy trophoblastic tumors.

About the authors

D. A Bistritskaya

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center under the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

аспирант отд-ния онкогинекологии 115478, г. Москва, Каширское шоссе, д. 23

M. N Tikhonovskaya

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center under the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

115478, Moscow, Russian Federation

L. A Mescheryakova

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center under the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

115478, Moscow, Russian Federation

V. V Kuznetsov

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center under the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

115478, Moscow, Russian Federation

I. Yu Davidova

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center under the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

115478, Moscow, Russian Federation


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