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The issues of diagnosis, clinical course, the results of surgical treatment, immunotherapy and combined methods of treatment of patients with metastatic skin melanoma are considered. An attempt has been made to personalize the therapy. Received a complete response to treatment, improving the quality of life while maintaining robustness in a young patient. Methods. Patient B., 30 years old, who was diagnosed with melanoma of the skin of the back in GBUKKOD№1, was operated on in the surgery department of tumors of the skin and soft tissues. After identifying the progression of the disease, the patient was operated on with subsequent adjuvant immunotherapy and radiation therapy. After the progression of the disease was detected, the patient was prescribed a combination of targeted therapy with a full response. When a sustained full response was obtained, the patient was transferred to treatment with PD-1 inhibitors, against the background of which the progression of the disease was revealed, which required a return to the combination targeted therapy, as a result of which a full response was obtained again. Results. Personalized therapy was performed on a patient with progressive MK. The resulting increase in overall duration and quality of life. A full response to the combined targeted therapy with vemurafenib and cobimetinib was obtained twice after surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy (interferon-α) and treatment with control point inhibitors (nivolumab).

About the authors

Sergei A. Yargunin

Krasnodar cancer center #1

MD, PhD, the Head of the Department of Surgery for Skin of the Clinical Oncology Dispensary No.1, 350040, Krasnodar, Russian Federation 350040, Krasnodar, Russian Federation

A. F Lazarev

Altay State Medical University

656038, Barnaul, Russian Federation


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