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The paper is dedicated to several problems of study of infection caused with hepatitis C virus directly connected with modern theoretical and clinical oncology and professionally interesting from point of view of oncologists, hematologists and specialists in field of medical radiology. The author summarizes data which demonstrated the real existence of at the least main five oncological aspects of the infection. They present material reflected important significance some of these aspects for physician working in oncological units and researchers working in other fields of medicine. First oncological aspect of the infection is based on direct connection of these infection chronic forms with development of hepatocellular cancer of liver. It is interesting that hepatitis C virus today is not considered as a carcinogenic virus and its participation in hepatocarcinogenesis connected with some special mechanisms. Second oncological aspect of the infection is demonstrated with widely spreading this infection among oncological and especially among oncohematological patients staying in profile departments. Existence of this aspect has mainly epidemiologic significance and connected with prevention this infection in oncological units. Third oncological aspect of the infection is that spreading of HCV-infection at oncological patients has important clinical significance. This connected with ability of infection negatively influence to course and prognosis some type of cancer. Besides the infection can play a role of factor limiting possibilities of treatment of cancer patients. Fourth oncological aspect of this infection is that participation of this infection chronic form in some type of non-Hodgkin lymphomas development. Mechanisms of connection this infection with named lymphomas development is not identified. Finally, fifth oncological aspect of the infection consists the modern data demonstrated the statistic connection between the infection and in development of some widely spread non-hepatic malignant tumor. These data have important significance for modern oncology. The authors suggest that further systematic investigation of above mentioned aspects of above mentioned infection may positive influence to development of medical science in general.

About the authors

Murad Kiyas oglu Mamedov

National centre of oncology

MD, PhD, DSc, professor, Deputy Director, National Center of Oncology, Baku, Azerbaijan Baku, Azerbaijan

T. N Mamedova

National centre of oncology

Baku, Azerbaijan

Yu. A. Akhmedov

National centre of oncology

Baku, Azerbaijan


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