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The aim of the study was to decrease or to eliminate upper limb lymphostasis with the use of comprehensive physical antiedematous therapy (CPhAT) in patients after the radical treatment of breast cancer. Material and methods. The work was based on data about 30 patients. There are presented the CPhAT technique, the results of the treatment and ways to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. To evaluate the results of the treatment, we used the technique developed by ourselves, consisting in immersing first the healthy upper limb, then the affected upper limb in a vessel with a disinfectant. The degree of edema (lymphostasis) and the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment were determined according to the difference of the displaced fluid (patent for invention No. 2169358). The method is ultra-precise in comparison with a centimeter tape. Results. The developed comprehensive treatment of the upper limb lymphostasis allows achieving the complete regression of stage I-II edema, and volume decrease of III-IV stage edema in 83% patients. Using the developed complex treatment of edema of the upper limb prevents its recurrence in the next three years in 90% patients.

About the authors

G. K Kurbatov

Altay branch of the National Medical Research Center of Oncology

Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation

Alexander F. Lazarev

Altay branch of the National Medical Research Center of Oncology

Doctor of Medical Sciences; 656049, Barnaul, Nikitina st. 77 Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation

A. P Bochkarev

Altay State Medical University

Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation


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