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Radical prostatvesiculectomy is the main method of treating patients with localized prostate cancer. Restoration of fascial small pelvis formations after surgical intervention leads to the early continency. In vivo morphological analysis of the pelvic fascial structures in 10 men of different ages and body types has been conducted: endopelvic fascia, Denonville fascia, visceral fascia of the bladder. It was established that the basis of the organization of all studied fascias is a dense fibrous structure, connective tissue, between parallel wavy bundles identified by layers of loose unformed connective tissue, the storage of fibroblasts, fibrocytes, small and large vessels. Around the fascias there were clusters of adipose tissue and loose unformed connective tissue, including bundles of collagen and elastic fibers of various thickness, connected with them. Analysis of morphological characteristics revealed tissue homogeneity of the studied tissues. As a result, the maximum possible removal of adipose tissue and the approximation of the dense fibrous connective tissue crosslinkable executed after prostatectomy formed stable and continuous rumen, ensures sturdy fusion crosslinkable fascial anatomical structures to form a rear suspension urethrovesical anastomosis conserved fascial structures pelvic patients after retropubic prostatectomy.

About the authors

I. A Sikhvardt

Omsk Clinical Oncological Dispensary

Omsk, 644013, Russian Federation

B. Ya Alekseev

Hertzen Moscow Oncology Research Institute - branch of the National Medical Research Center of Radiology, Ministry of Health of Russia

125284, Moscow Russian Federation 125284, Москва

Oleg V. Leonov

Omsk Clinical Oncological Dispensary

MD, PhD, DSc, Omsk Clinical Oncological Dispensary, Omsk, 644013, Russian Federation Omsk, 644013, Russian Federation

E. I Kopyltsov

Omsk Clinical Oncological Dispensary

Omsk, 644013, Russian Federation

S. S Stepanov

Omsk State Medical University

Omsk, 644099, Russian Federation

S. A Koroleva

Omsk Clinical Oncological Dispensary

Omsk, 644013, Russian Federation

M. S Mazhbich

Omsk Clinical Oncological Dispensary

Omsk, 644013, Russian Federation

V. A Vodolazskiy

Omsk Clinical Oncological Dispensary

Omsk, 644013, Russian Federation


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