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We examined 324 patients with various oncological diseases (157 patients with prostate cancer, 54 - with lung cancer, 47 - with uterine cancer, 42 - with cervical cancer and 24 patients - with breast cancer) and 391 relatively healthy donors. We investigated the frequency of key polymorphisms of folate metabolism genes (MTHFR: 677 C>T (Ala222Val); MTHFR: 1298 A>C (Glu429Ala); MTR: 2756 A>G (Asp919Glu); MTRR: 66 A>G (Ile22Met)). Analysis revealed no differences in the frequency of all examined gene polymorphisms and alleles between patients with oncological diseases and relatively healthy donors. All investigated genotypes and alleles of key folate cycle genes were not associated with the risk for the development of oncological diseases.

About the authors

A. N Shilova

Academician E.N. Meshalkin Siberian Federal Biomedical Research Center

Novosibirsk, 630055, Russian Federation

Olga S. Shkoda

Academician E.N. Meshalkin Siberian Federal Biomedical Research Center

MD, Physician of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Laboratory of Clinical Immunology, Academician E.N. Meshalkin Siberian Federal Biomedical Research Center; Novosibirsk, 630055, Russian Federation Novosibirsk, 630055, Russian Federation

V. V Lomivorotov

Academician E.N. Meshalkin Siberian Federal Biomedical Research Center

Novosibirsk, 630055, Russian Federation

J. N Shilova

Altai State Medical University

Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation


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