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The goal is to assess the effectiveness of the use of nutritional support in children with medulloblastoma after surgical treatment and standard radiotherapy. Material and methods. We examined and treated 80 children with cerebellar medulloblastoma, aged of from 6 to 16 years. The treatment was complete surgical removal of the tumor with subsequent chemoradiation therapy (40 children) and nutritional support in the form of isocaloric mixture Nutricomp Standard Liquid (40 children). Hematological and biochemical indices were evaluated before and after treatment for 60 days. Results. There were revealed anemia, thrombocytopenia, lymphocytopenia and monocytopenia. There was diagnosed the partial functional liver failure. As a result of liver failure and catabolic orientation of biochemical processes there was revealed the accumulation of oxidized products of carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism. Nutrients were found to contribute to less secondary alteration and faster tissue repair, normalize the intensity of processes of free-radical oxidation, detoxification processes and haematopoiesis, synthesis and catabolism, the intensity of metabolic reactions. Conclusion. The introduction of nutrients in the complex chemotherapy of children with cerebral medulloblastoma contributes to normal metabolism of macro- and micronutrients, as well as to processes directly linked and dependent on their concentration, less secondary alteration and faster tissue repair, normalize the intensity of processes of free-radical oxidation, detoxification processes and haematopoiesis, synthesis and catabolism, the intensity of metabolic reactions

About the authors

Ya. A Korchagina

Omsk State Medical University; Clinical Oncology Dispensary

Omsk, 644099, Russian Federation; Omsk, 644013, Russian Federation

V. T Dolgikh

Omsk State Medical University

Omsk, 644099, Russian Federation

O. V Leonov

Clinical Oncology Dispensary

д-р мед. наук, заместитель главного врача по научно-практической работе; 644013, г. Омск, ул. Завертяева, д. 9/1 Omsk, 644013, Russian Federation

A. V Erschov

Omsk State Medical University

Omsk, 644099, Russian Federation


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