Research of the survey patients about psychosocial aspects of outpatient cancer care in Moscow (Russian Federation)

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Objective. The aim of the study is the evaluation ofpsychosocial and medico-social aspects of outpatient cancer care by patients in Russian Federation for the time present. Material and Methods. There was executed a sociological survey of consecutively included oncological patients who received chemotherapy or hormonal therapy at two medical institutions in Russia from May 2009 to May 2011. Results. A total of 350 oncological patients participated in the study. The majority of participants (79.7%) were females, the age of the majority of patients ((79.7%)) varied between 50 and 79 years. The most common primary lesion type was breast cancer (51.1%). 17.3% of patients reported that they felt fear, and this number increased to 37.5% in the aged group of from 40 to 49 years. A substantial number of patients (24.0%) felt uncertainty over outcome of their disease and 5.0% reported a feeling of hopelessness. A part of surveyed patients (21.7%) would like to get an understandable instructions in the form of the booklet as on the organization of everyday living as about their disease. 10.9% of patients noted that they had insufficient information about their disease and 18.8% of cases would like to know more about their diagnosis. Approximately the one-third ofparticipants reported about the improvement of the attitude of their spouses (31.7%) and children (32.0%) after the establishment of the oncological diagnosis. Conclusions. Diagnosis of the oncological disease was frequently associated with feelings of discomfort andfear that it might negatively impact on the quality of life in patients and their families. These feelings and the impact may be reduced by virtue of more effective communication and provision of information concerning the disease. Results of the performed two-center survey indicate to the need for elevation of the efficacy of communication between the patient and physician.

About the authors

L. M Kogoniya

Moscow regional Research Clinical Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky

Moscow, 129110, Russian Federation

M. Yu Byakhov

Moscow Clinical Scientific Center

Moscow, 111123, Russian Federation

A. Yu Fedotov


Moscow, 125130, Russian Federation

M. Orlando

Company «Eli Lilly»

Buenos Aires, 4890, Argentine

A. A Minasyan

«Lilly Pharma»

Moscow, 123317, Russian Federation

Evgeniya A. Sholokhova

«Lilly Pharma»

MD, Medical Advisor in Lilly Pharma Ltd Moscow, 123317, Russian Federation


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