Results of locally advanced laryngopharyngeal and cervical part of esophagus cancers treatment

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Issues of locally advanced cancers which involve into the pathological process laryngopharynx and cervical part of esophagus remain to be actual till the present time. Unsatisfactory long-term results lead to the absence of common approaches and clear guidelines on the methods of the treatment choice (radiotherapy, chemoradiation therapy, surgery). Many researchers suppose that the foremost decision is to include surgical component into the treatment schemes of such patients. Main surgical method of the treatment is laryngopharyngectomy or laryngopharyngoesophagectomy. It depends on the extension of cancer. Different kinds of grafts (gastric, jejunal and colon) are used for esophageal reconstrution. The high frequency of complications after surgery, low survival rates are main motives for the search of effective methods of treatment.

About the authors

Andrey N. Rudyk

Tatarstan Cancer Center

MD, PhD, oncologist of the Oncological Department № 5 (Head and Neck Cancer) Kazan, 420029, Russian Federation

E. I Sigal

Tatarstan Cancer Center

Kazan, 420029, Russian Federation

M. V Burmistrov

Tatarstan Cancer Center

Kazan, 420029, Russian Federation


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