Comparative assessment of the short-term outcomes of robotassisted and laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer

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Aim of the study. a comparative assessment of perioperative parameters and short-term outcomes of robotic and laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer (CRC). Material and methods. The results of surgical treatment of 101 patients with colorectal cancer underwent robotic (I group, n = 30) and laparoscopic (II group, n = 71) radical operations were analyzed. Results. Surgery duration in I group ranged from 140 to 420 minutes (on average 260,9 ± 80,1 min.), in II group - 120-465 minutes (on average - 243,3 ± 72,9 min.; P = 0,314). Blood loss in I group averaged on 100 ± 29,4 ml (50,0-150,0 ml) compared to 141,7 ± 76 ml in II group (the difference is statistically significant, P = 0,006). Conversion rate, complications, duration of the postoperative period did not have a statistically significant difference between the groups. The study of circular resection margins after robotic surgeries confirmed the radical intervention (R0-resection) in all cases. Differences in the number of lymph nodes (12-22) between the groups were not observed. Conclusion. Safety and efficacy of robotic colorectal surgery is comparable to laparoscopic surgery. Long-term results require further study.

About the authors

M. V Kazantseva

Clinical Oncology Dispensary №1

Krasnodar, 350040, Russian Federation

Roman. A. Murashko

Clinical Oncology Dispensary №1

MD, PhD, Deputy Director for Surgery Krasnodar, 350040, Russian Federation

I. B Uvarov

Clinical Oncology Dispensary №1

Krasnodar, 350040, Russian Federation

V. B Kaushansky

Clinical Oncology Dispensary №1

Krasnodar, 350040, Russian Federation


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