The relationship of osteoporosis with severity of pain dirung the treatment of breast cancer patients of childbearing age

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Aim. The analysis of the relationship of osteoporosis with severity of pain and the improvement of the diagnosis of osteoporosis in breast cancer (BC) patients of the reproductive age. Methods. There were examined 60 women, including 30 BC patients at the age from 30 to 50 years and 30 women of similar age as comparison group. The examination included a blood test for osteocalcin, calcitonin, alkaline phosphatase, parathyroid hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, calcium and phosphorus. The degree ofpain in BC patients was evaluated according to the McGill Pain Questionnaire and classification of pain. Osteodensitometry was made in all BC patients and cases from the comparison group. These 30 BC patients were examined prior to the appointment of specific treatment and a half year after the performed treatment Results. In the analysis of 30 breast cancer patients of childbearing age in 26 patients the onset of artificial menopause occurred. Pain syndrome prior to the treatment of the underlying disease was determined in 20% of cases. 6 months after treatment of BC pain breast cancer was detected in 70% of patients. Artificial menopause is associated with the delivery of chemotherapy and shutdown of ovarian function. Hormone therapy with tamoxifen was prescribed to 16 BC patients, 5 of them were transferred to second-line hormone therapy due to side effects of antiestrogens. At that the menopause is the basic condition for the appointment of aromatase inhibitors. In the examination of the whole group ofpatients in 63,3% of cases were revealed to have osteopenia and osteoporosis. Conclusion The prevalence rate of osteoporosis in BC patients of reproductive age is directly related to the performed specific treatment when the appointment of the therapy of osteoporosis it is necessary in complex treatment of cancer patients for the its prevention

About the authors

Nataliya. Yu Tretyakova

Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy

MD, postgraduate student of the Department of oncology Khanty-Mansiysk, 628011, Russian Federation

E. V Kotljarov

Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy

Khanty-Mansiysk, 628011, Russian Federation


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