The indicators of the tumour proliferative activity and therapeutic responsiveness in adenocarcinoma in anal canal after complex treatment

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Carcinoma of the anal canal is infrequent pathology. The morbidity registers in 5,2% among men and 4,8% among women. The purpose of this study was investigated the correlation among morphological characteristics of the tumors. Tumor regression grade and index Ki 67 are morphological indicators of the effectiveness of the complex treatment. In the 47,5% (n = 19) of both groups was exposed I-II tumour regression grade, IV tumour regression in grade 3,3 % (n = 2). Tumor regression grade positively correlated with the degree of the tumor invasion (coeff.corr. = +0,47) (p > 0.05).

About the authors

Tat’yana V. Zenukova

Blokhin Research Center Russian Cancer of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

МD 115478 Moscow, Russian Federation

A. G Perevoschikov

Blokhin Research Center Russian Cancer of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

115478 Moscow, Russian Federation

D. V Kuzmichev

Blokhin Research Center Russian Cancer of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

115478 Moscow, Russian Federation

Yu. A Barsukov

Blokhin Research Center Russian Cancer of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

115478 Moscow, Russian Federation


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