The first experience of radial artery approach for uterine fibroid embolization

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The authors have used for the first time transradial approach for uterine fibroid embolization. We represent a comparable analysis of transradial and transfemoral approach for uterine fibroid embolization. The major advantages of transradial approach are described.

About the authors

Evgeniy R. Khayrutdinov

S.P. Botkin City Clinical Hospital; Emergency Hospital №1

MD, PhD Moscow, Russian Federation

Yu. T Ignatiev

Omsk State Medical Academy

Omsk, Russian Federation

I. M Vorontsov

Emergency Hospital №1

Omsk, Russian Federation

E. N Kravchenko

Omsk State Medical Academy

Omsk, Russian Federation

O. Yu Tsygankova

Omsk State Medical Academy

Omsk, Russian Federation

S. P Popov

Omsk State Medical Academy

Omsk, Russian Federation

O. V Leonov

Clinical Oncology Dispensary

Omsk, Russian Federation


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