Luminal breast cancer heterogeneity among women of different reproductive state

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The conducted research included 850 patients with breast cancer, treated in the FSBD «RNIOI» Ministry of Health RF in the period 2010-2013. Among them 649 had luminal tumors. According to our results their nature depend on menstrual state. The proprtion of the hormone-positive tumors prevails in all groups (p<0,05). In general, 76,4% against 23,6%. This is particularly evident in the group of menstruating women (79,8% against 20,2%). Luminal B subtype is the most common regardless menstrual state (59,9%). It’s also most expressed in the group of menstruating women, too (67,5%). However, the high level incidence of luminal B subtype in this group, unlike in perimenopausal women, is supported by higher level of Her2-neu overexpression or amplification associated with positive receptors (48,6% against 35,7%). In perimenopause, the level of luminal B is slightly lower than luminal A (55,9%). And in postmenopause it becomes higher again (58,1%), but due to the higher proliferative activity of tumors.

About the authors

O. I Kit

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

344037, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Yuliana S. Shatova

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

MD, Phd 344037, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

S. S Todorov

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

344037, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

A. Je Lisutin

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

344037, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

T. N Gudtskova

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

344037, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Je. Je Kechedzhieva

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

344037, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation


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