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The results of different methods of radical and palliative treatment in 26 patients with intrathoracic localization of nehromafinnoy paraganglioma, 24 tumors were located in the front, one - in the posterior mediastinum, and one - in the pericardial cavity. Malignant paragangioma was confirmed morphologically in 25 observed patients. Surgical intervention is undertaken in 17 patients, of whom 12 had surgery as an integral stage of complex or combined treatment, in 3 - self-treatment and 2 - exeprimental thoracotomy. Combined treatment including preoperative radiotherapy (RT) followed by surgery was undertaken by 6 patients. Comprehensive treatment including neoadjuvant chemotherapy (CT) was received by 6 patients and in combination with radiotherapy by 3 patients. In 5 of these patients the technique of regional intra-arterial administration of anticancer chemotherapy was used. Patients with the presence of distant metastases performed palliative treatment: 4 - LT, 5 - HT. Conclusion: for the radical treatment of malignant paraganglioma method of choice should be a comprehensive treatment with neoadjuvant intra-arterial regional chemotherapy.

About the authors

V. D Zakharychev

P.L.Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

д-р мед. наук, проф., проф. каф. онкологии 04112, Kiev, Ukraine

M. S Krotevitch

National Cancer Institute

03022, Kiev, Ukraine


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