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On a database of the population cancer register of the Kaliningrad region of Russian Federation for the period 15.11.2006-15.11.2012 for the first time were investigated an observed and an adjusted three-year survival of 14774 patients with 23 localizations ofmalignant tumor (MT). Comparatively were estimated the survival of the patients with these diagnoses before inclusion (in 07.2009) of the regional oncology clinic into the structure of Kaliningrad regional clinical hospital (group “BEFORE”), and after this (group “AFTER”). The Determination of Government KO №284 05.2009y was realized during second half 2009y. Observed and adjusted three-year survival in group “BEFORE” was shorter than in group “AFTER” at all 23 MT localizations. These distinctions were statistically significant (from p<0.05 up to p<0.001) for 18 localizations of the MT, including the visually accessible localizations of the MT - skin (p<0.001), melanoma (p<0.001), mammary (p<0.001), rectum (p<0.001), cervix (p<0.001) and vulvae (p<0.05). The exception (p>0.05) were made by five rare MT - soft tissues, bones, retroperitoneal tumors, thyroid gland, and Hodgkin s lymphomas. Data of statistics is indicating that the improvement of survival of the patients with MT was caused by the involving of the material resources, personnel and organizational resources of Kaliningrad regional clinical hospital for the oncological service of region population.

About the authors

A. B Kutlumuratov

ГБУЗ «Калининградская областная клиническая больница»

д-р мед. наук, проф., врач-методист онкологической службы 236016, г. Калининград, ул. Клиническая, 74

K. I Polyakov

ГБУЗ «Калининградская областная клиническая больница»

I. Z. Vaysbeyn

ГБУЗ «Калининградская областная клиническая больница»

M. S Popov

ГБУЗ «Калининградская областная клиническая больница»


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