Association between the morphological characteristics of growth and the clinical course of oral cancer

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Clinical-morphological study based on the clinical data of 122 patients with malignant neoplasms of tongue and oral mucosa was conducted aimed at establishing an association between the morphological characteristics of malignant tumors and symptomatic progression of the tumor process conducted after treatment. It was demonstrated that all tumors with epithelial genesis, 107 represented a keratinizing squamous carcinoma, and the degree of differentiation prevailed moderately differentiated tumors (113 cases). Retrospective evaluation of the malignancy degree of tongue and oral mucosa tumors, according to recommendations in literature, conducted before treatment, showed a prevalence in all groups studied tumors grade III compared to II and a small number of tumors with I degree of malignancy. When comparing the degree of malignancy of squamous cell carcinoma in each studied group of patients with clinical diagnosis of tumor progression: the time of relapse and regional metastases after treatment established an association between these indicators. The most aggressive growth characterized by squamous cell carcinoma grade III, despite the pronounced signs of keratinization in most tumors. The most effective was the complex treatment of patients with combined effects of CRT + CD and microwave hyperthermia. Reported patterns give rise to speak about the possibility of using morphological grade squamous cell carcinoma of tongue and oral mucosa, as a predictive clinical and morphological parameters of the flow of the tumor process.

About the authors

V. H Samedov

P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

аспирант каф. онкологии 04112, Kiev, Ukraine

L. A Naleskina

R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of NAS of Ukraine

03022, Kiev, Ukraine

V. D Zakharychev

P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

04112, Kiev, Ukraine


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