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Research objective - definition of immunotherapy influence on quality of life in patients with cervical cancer in comparison with traditional antineoplastic therapy. 117 patients with cervical cancer, exposed to antineoplastic therapy by means of questionnaire SF-36 are surveyed. Patients were exposed to the complex therapy including specific and adoptive immunotherapy. Relative improvement of quality of life has been reached in group of immunotherapy application, statistically significant according to a number of SF-36 scales.

About the authors

Z. A Manambaeva

Государственный медицинский университет г. Семей

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. онкологии 071400, Республика Казахстан, г. Семей, ул. Абая, 103

A. F Lazarev

КГБУЗ «Алтайский краевой онкологический диспансер»

D. K Kenbaeva

Городской онкологический диспансер г. Астана

R. K Medeubaev

AO «Медицинский университет Астана»

B. K Mustafina

Городской онкологический диспансер г. Астана

E. N Matyzina

Городская больница № 2 г. Семей


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