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The purpose of the study - to determine the degree of endothelial dysfunction in the dynamics of the perioperative period in patients with cancer of the pancreatic head in relation to the development and course of systemic inflammatory response syndrome. A total of 42 patients with cancer of the pancreatic head, underwent radical surgery. The parameters of the vascular endothelium: the number of circulating endothelial cells, the content of NO metabolites in blood and excretion, the content of von Willebrand factor in the blood, the level of endothelium-dependent vasodilation, the development of systemic inflammatory response syndrome have been determined. It has been revealed that the presence of endothelial dysfunction signs before surgical intervention corresponds to an increase risk of systemic inflammatory response after surgery was significantly correlated with its constituent symptoms.

About the authors

A. F Lazarev

Altay branch of N.N.Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Zh. A Doskaliev

Almaty regional oncological clinic

S. T Olzhaev

Almaty regional oncological clinic

Email: olzhayev@mail.ru
канд. мед. наук, дир.


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