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The Study has investigated the prognostic significance of argyrophilic protein quantification in nucleolar organizer region (AgNOR) of renal tumor cell during renal-cell carcinoma. Surgical specimens of 82 patients with renal cell carcinoma were material for the investigation. The mean age was 57,4 ± 1,1 years. There were 37 males (45.1%) and 45 women (54.9%). Correlation relationship was revealed between AgNORs tumor cells and clinical stage (r = 0,71; p = 0,0001), the size of the tumor node (r = 0,60; p = 0,0001), the presence of regional and distant metastases (r = 0, 68; p = 0,0001), tumor grading Fuhrman (r = 0,66; p = 0,0001) and postoperative survival in patients (r = - 0,61; p = 0,0001). There was no relationship of AgNORs with sex (r = 0,006; p = 0,56), age (r = 0,09; p = 0,45) and patients with histological types of tumors (r = 0,19; p = 0,09 ). Counting of AgNORs in tumor cells can be considered as a criterion of posible metastases. High levels of AgNORs in tumor cells - an unfavorable factor in predicting survival.

About the authors

I. P Bobrov

The Altay state of medical university

канд. мед. наук, ассистент каф. патологической анатомии 656038, Barnaul, Russian Federation

T. M Cherdantseva

The Altay state of medical university

656038, Barnaul, Russian Federation

V. M Bryukhanov

The Altay state of medical university

656038, Barnaul, Russian Federation

V. V Klimachev

The Altay state of medical university

656038, Barnaul, Russian Federation

A. M Avdalyan

Altay branch of N.N.Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

656049, Barnaul, Russian Federation

A. Yu Dolgatov

The Altay state of medical university

656038, Barnaul, Russian Federation

A. V Kazartsev


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