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The oral fungal microflora was studied in 67 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and in people without cancer. In the patients with oropharyngeal tumors, Candida was shown to be encountered on the oral mucosa more frequently and in greater quantities than in the persons without cancer. Chemoradiotherapy causes a statistically significant increase in the Candida colonization index and changes in the qualitative composition of the oral fungal microflora. The coadministration of Candida solution and immunal can normalize the microbial landscape.

About the authors

L. I. Egorova

Nizhni Novgorod State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia

A. V. Maslennikova

Nizhni Novgorod State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia

Email: maslennikova.anna@gmail.com
д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. онкологии 603005, Нижний Новгород, пл. Минина, 10/1


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